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Anji Matono Ends 100 Ghost Stories That Will Lead to My Death Manga

posted on by Joanna Cayanan
Manga's 100th, final chapter posted on Friday

Eighth cover of 100 Ghost Stories to Die for
Image via Amazon Japan
Shogakukan's Sunday Webry manga service posted the 100th and final chapter of Anji Matono's 100 Ghost Stories That Will Lead to My Death (Boku ga Shinu dake no Hyakumonogatari) manga on Friday.

The manga announced on November 24 that it would end in 10 chapters.

Seven Seas licensed the series in English and describes the manga:

Forever Haunted A boy sits in a room. Alone. Telling tales of horror. One by one. Night by night. The shadows breed terror. Shall we begin?

One day, an elementary school child named Yuuma tries to jump out of his classroom window. His classmate Hina stops him and, in a bid to stall for time, asks him, “Do you know the round of a hundred ghost stories?” Hina tells Yuuma about a ritual where, if you tell a hundred ghost stories, you'll see ghosts afterward. Learning this gives Yuuma a new lease on life. Chapter by chapter, he shares ghost stories with the reader, slowly but surely inching his way toward one hundred..

Matono launched the manga in Shogakukan's Shōnen Sunday S magazine in December 2020. Shogakukan published the manga's ninth compiled book volume on December 12.

Source: Anji Matono's X/Twitter account

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