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Naruto, Mr. Osomatsu, Chibi Maruko-chan Enjoy a Night Out in Restaurant App Ads

posted on by Ken Iikura-Gross
The sextuplets each get their own version of the commercials

Japanese restaurant app Hot Pepper Gourmet launched a series of collaboration commercials with Naruto, Mr. Osomatsu, Tensai Bakabon, and Chibi Maruko-chan on Sunday. The three sets of commercials feature Naruto and Kakashi, the Matsuno sextuplets with Tensai Bakabon's Papa, and Maruko Sakura and Tomozō Sakura enjoying a night out in different restaurants. The Mr. Osomatsu/Tensai Bakabon commercial also has seven variations focusing on one of the sextuplets or Papa.

The Hot Pepper Gourmet X (formerly Twitter) account teased the commercial campaign in a series of posts on Saturday. The posts show the different restaurants with the silhouettes of the Naruto, Mr. Osomatsu, Tensai Bakabon, and Chibi Maruko-chan characters, and a caption capturing the concept of the respective commercial.

Who is the person who came to eat with the teacher…?

Is that Papa having fun with those brothers at the izakaya?

Who are those two who came to the sushi restaurant…?

Update: Naruto's dinner mate corrected. Thanks, malvarez1.

Sources: Hot Pepper Gourmet's YouTube channel (link 2, link 3, link 4, link 5, link 6 link 7, link 8, link 9), Hot Pepper Gourmet's X/Twitter account (link 2, link 3), Oricon's YouTube channel

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