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I May Be a Guild Receptionist
Episode 10

by Grant Jones,

How would you rate episode 10 of
I May Be a Guild Receptionist ?
Community score: 3.8


Episode 10 of I May Be a Guild Receptionist, But I'll Solo Any Boss to Clock Out on Time offers more character exploration for our leads than any entry to date.

Alina and Jade are back in the spotlight this week in a big way. They are the leads so they're never out of the spotlight per se, but the show has spent a considerable amount of time developing Lululee and the world as of late. Now we are treated to Jade's ongoing image improvement campaign and the effects are really starting to show as Alina doesn't quite know what to do about it. She finds herself reflecting on how Jade makes her feel, normally and during this new campaign. This is partially spurred on by how other receptionists are talking about Jade, and partially how Alina is treated by other guild members (including one particularly sleazy guy). It's sweet watching her slowly stumble into a realization about herself and Jade and be caught off guard as certain truths bubble to the surface. It's certainly a relatable bit of character writing as these new feelings for someone can often catch you off guard when you least expect it - particularly that “annoying behavior” may actually be something we crave once it is gone.

There's also a lot going on beyond this. Jade is sorting out his feelings and his own strengths, as well as reflecting on Glen's path to Guild Master and the ways it mirrors and differs form his own adventuring experience. Alina and Laila get ambushed by giant stacks of paperwork, and hilariously are better able to deal with an impromptu exorcism than the backlog - two kinds of cleric-al work in one night, who could have guessed? Lastly the new villain in a skull mask causes trouble and form the looks of it reactivates some of the guild's old dungeon traps/devices, so we'll have an exciting escape lined up for next week (and beyond?).


I May Be a Guild Receptionist is currently streaming on Crunchyroll on Fridays..

Disclosure: Kadokawa World Entertainment (KWE), a wholly owned subsidiary of Kadokawa Corporation, is the majority owner of Anime News Network, LLC. One or more of the companies mentioned in this article are part of the Kadokawa Group of Companies.

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