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Joined: 24 Aug 2014
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 12:38 pm Reply with quote
So even if Konami forsakes Silent Hill, we'll have to feign surprise if Del Toro surfaces with a completely unrelated survival-horror game that wears its Silent Hill influences with borderline plagiarist pride.

He better do, and possibly bring Kojima with him to make what should have been a great Silent Hill game.

Seriously, it's fine that Konami wants to focus on other venues, like pachinko, for example, but they can't just flush fans down the toilet without caring at all. And Jim Sterling's recent video already made me see that this is not something recent.
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Joined: 09 Aug 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:14 pm Reply with quote
I'm not keen on those Amiibos with games, while in Girls Mode 3 and Smash, they are optional, there are a few games that make it not enjoyable without them and it's a shame. I like them as a collectors item but as an option in games, it's almost entirely bad and uncalled for.

Currently I'm playing Bravely Second and it's quite the fun experience with the job system since for one thing grinding is easier and fun, it took forever in BD and was not fun and there's a lot of variety for mixing and matching jobs and abilities. My only issue is the recycled areas, I just wish there were more new areas to explore.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:46 pm Reply with quote
Konami: I used to like Konami for Suikoden and Ganbare Goemon (both of which got pachislot games incidentally). I'm not really sure what the company is even doing anymore, but it seems like they're hellbent on just getting out of the video game market. I wonder if anyone is thinking "Good riddance" in response to that.

Nintendo: Guess they won't be releasing Illusion of Gaia or either of the SNES Lufia games. And here I pictured the Wii U would be more of a haven for those long-treasured SNES classics that can't be found any other way, instead of the "if it's not up now, it's not coming" group.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:01 pm Reply with quote
Hoppy800 wrote:

Currently I'm playing Bravely Second and it's quite the fun experience with the job system since for one thing grinding is easier and fun, it took forever in BD and was not fun

That's good to know cause god, is grinding in the first game ever painful especially when you got enemies who love afflicting paralysis, poison, or wrecking most of your party.
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Joined: 09 Aug 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:01 pm Reply with quote
belvadeer wrote:
Konami: I used to like Konami for Suikoden and Ganbare Goemon (both of which got pachislot games incidentally). I'm not really sure what the company is even doing anymore, but it seems like they're hellbent on just getting out of the video game market. I wonder if anyone is thinking "Good riddance" in response to that.

I heard they just want to make crappy mobile games and pachislot games, especially since Pachinko games have made them a lot of money. It's sad, Konami, a company that gave me great games for over two decades reduced to making money pits and other ways to get you addicted to gambling.
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:05 pm Reply with quote
I had to laugh at that statement about "hacking". Well, I didn't expect Mighty No. 9 to be out. Hell half of the AAA titles that people are expecting aren't even going to be ready until end of 2015. Probably next year. FFXV has been in development for like what 7 years now? But I guess it's still coming. Mighty No. 9 is happening, but Last Guardian...nothing but a desolate ghost town with tumbleweeds.
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Joined: 17 Nov 2014
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:28 pm Reply with quote
In response to Style Savvy 3's alt text:

"Do a digital dancing, hey this is fun!"
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:39 pm Reply with quote
Chrno2 wrote:
but Last Guardian...nothing but a desolate ghost town with tumbleweeds.

It's almost a good thing most of the information on the game has been non existent better than people seeing all the info then complaining about the best parts being shown in the previews and trailers.
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Joined: 26 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:40 pm Reply with quote
It's a shame about Tim Schafer and his general assholeish ways. Really turned me off Broken Age. Oh well!
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H. Guderian

Joined: 29 Jan 2014
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:54 pm Reply with quote
about Broken Age and in a way, Zelda. People looked at the mechanics of old Adventure Point-and-click games the same way they tried to keep Zelda kicking.

"It has to be the puzzles!?"

i think, really, it was about exploring interesting cool fun worlds. Pushing on in the story/setting so you could hear and see more. Much like recent hits like Portal, we push on through (Portal has fun puzzles usually!). Adventure Game reboots and Zelda need to detach themselves from the idea that puzzles are required. Puzzles are great when done right. That moment you wander around and figure something out to run back to the NPC or location with your new discovery and break into places you haven't seen before - that's such a rush! Nothing kills that rush more than knowing the things you want are locked behind a set of moving goalpost puzzles.

Also, RPGs were once the Kings of Gaming because only that genre could deliver big written stories. Now nearly any genre can do that. Many genres need to keep up with the changing nature of the medium and not stay shackled to a corpse of outdated game mechanics. Puzzles aren't required!
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Joined: 08 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 10:39 am Reply with quote
It is sad but this is just what has happened with Konami since their heads seem to be so high up in their asses that they can't seem to know what is going on around them. Jim Sterling did a fantastic video showing the problems they are having. I think this generation we are going to see more companies just start to say "F it" and leave gaming since it is getting so expensive to make games. The only games that I've really played this gen is indie titles and Nintendo. This AAA game style can't keep up anymore, with making games that are costing millions of dollars.

What is also sad is that they have the Hutson games and have done zero with them. Adventure Island, Bomberman, nope we need more mobile games.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 12:09 pm Reply with quote
Hoppy800 wrote:

I heard they just want to make crappy mobile games and pachislot games, especially since Pachinko games have made them a lot of money. It's sad, Konami, a company that gave me great games for over two decades reduced to making money pits and other ways to get you addicted to gambling.

It's a little sad to think that might be the case, but I don't think I'll be too broken up about it. I feel like Metal Gear has run its course, even before MGS5, and it seems like they've had no real idea of what to do with Silent Hill for a long, long time. Beyond those, it doesn't even seem like Konami cares.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 1:11 pm Reply with quote
You guys are definitely right about that. I think Konami is more interested in the young adult to adult age range of wallets, given mobile phone games tend to be purchased by the older members of the demographic (and taking into consideration the fact that mobile games have been on the rise in Japan for quite some time now).

In addition, pachislot is definitely one of the pastimes for the older crowds, though I wonder if some adults in Japan even know half the anime or game characters they're looking at onscreen; doubt they care like a younger person would since they're at the place to gamble, not say, "Oh cool, so-and-so character from that one thing!" Maybe the Silent Hill cast will eventually meet their fate the way Goemon and his team did: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ca81J85A75w
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Joined: 14 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 3:30 pm Reply with quote
I guess if you don't know much about early man you would find the Terraformers to be racist caricatures. The author actually treats the black characters with a lot of respect and breaks them free from a lot of the usual anime stereotypes. Especially with Wolf Redfield.

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Joined: 24 Aug 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 3:56 pm Reply with quote
se37 wrote:
It is sad but this is just what has happened with Konami since their heads seem to be so high up in their asses that they can't seem to know what is going on around them. Jim Sterling did a fantastic video showing the problems they are having. I think this generation we are going to see more companies just start to say "F it" and leave gaming since it is getting so expensive to make games. The only games that I've really played this gen is indie titles and Nintendo. This AAA game style can't keep up anymore, with making games that are costing millions of dollars.

It's not that it's getting too expensive to make AAA games, it's just that the AAA games mentality is to pour as much money as possible in the best engines, best graphics and best "everything that'll make the game look pretty". And that's fine. But many developers sacrifice the overall quality of the game for the sake of "keeping up" with the AAA standards, which as a results makes the game not as popular as it should have been.

And they don't need to do that. We've sen over and over with indie games and smaller developers before that pushing the hardware to its limits is simply not necessary. And I'm not even talking about games with 8-bit graphics or something like that: there are many popular games that came out with graphics that were just "average", yet still made a killing in sales.

Paraphrasing Jim Sterling, game companies are afraid of change, and the'd rather jump off the bridge before changing how they do things, which is turning out to be exactly what Konami is doing.
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