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REVIEW: Bleach Season 19 DVD

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Joined: 17 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 12:58 pm Reply with quote
For me, the Ichigo and Ulquiorra fight was one of the highlights of Bleach. So awesome. IMO, starting with this set, the series goes full steam ahead until the next filler batch.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 2:41 pm Reply with quote
I want this anime to continue sooo bad. I actually thought it sucks when it finished because it left more plotholes than any other anime series. but then I started reading the manga for the lulz and almost every missing plot gap has been filled. I was so impressed by that kind of storytelling in the current arc, that I feel bad now that I judged the series so early. It just didn't get the chance to finish.

I hope the Juha Bach arc gets animated asap. Then I might consider buying the series on dvd because its not a bad story at all. Nothing too complicated but nothing stale either.
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Nonaka Machine Gun B

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:54 pm Reply with quote
Strictly speaking of the manga, this is some of the strongest material for Ichigo. Besides the anime just... being the anime, I've heard few complaints about it.

... And by that I mean "complaints about how the anime handled manga material." Obviously, there is the one scene that changed the English-speaking fandom forever.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 8:36 pm Reply with quote
Nonaka Machine Gun B wrote:
Strictly speaking of the manga, this is some of the strongest material for Ichigo. Besides the anime just... being the anime, I've heard few complaints about it.

... And by that I mean "complaints about how the anime handled manga material." Obviously, there is the one scene that changed the English-speaking fandom forever.

Just curious from someone who's only watched the anime: what scene would that be?
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:32 am Reply with quote
Nonaka Machine Gun B wrote:
... And by that I mean "complaints about how the anime handled manga material." Obviously, there is the one scene that changed the English-speaking fandom forever.

You're not talking about the "Bite me!" scene by any chance, are you?
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Joined: 09 Feb 2014
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:37 am Reply with quote
patrick.streetfighta wrote:
I want this anime to continue sooo bad. I actually thought it sucks when it finished because it left more plotholes than any other anime series. but then I started reading the manga for the lulz and almost every missing plot gap has been filled. I was so impressed by that kind of storytelling in the current arc, that I feel bad now that I judged the series so early. It just didn't get the chance to finish.

I hope the Juha Bach arc gets animated asap. Then I might consider buying the series on dvd because its not a bad story at all. Nothing too complicated but nothing stale either.

you might consider buying bleach if they animate something coming up in the manga? this is box set 19? if you haven't bought it now, then how big of a fan can you be?

also, this is hardly a great series if you judge all of it. there were really good seasons early, but then it got crappy. there's a reason why this anime got canceled. these episodes in this set got a positive review and yet still only a B- overall. things got too repetitious and it became a waste of time to watch. so many other good shows. bleach peaked early. seasons 1-3 were fantastic and season 3 towards the end had a couple of the best shonen anime episodes i've ever seen. after that it was still good, but became diminishing returns. i gave up long before it got so bad it had to be canceled.
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Joined: 08 Feb 2014
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:39 am Reply with quote
I am not a big fan of th series. On the other hand I have to disagree with you. The series didn't get crappy to me. You might have not read my full comment yet you decided to reply to it. I said I came to the conclusion that the series sucks because I was frustrated by the amount of plotholes and unrevealed mysteries that it left. But once I read the manga I realized that it wasnt really a problem caused by the author but just by the fact that the anime didn't finish the story of the series.

Now for the reason it got cancelled. I actually looked up and it looks like it was cancelled because it had a 56 episodes filler arc before the cannon fullbring arc, which was only 40 episodes long. after that they would have to make another filler arc which would be ridiculous. the anime couldnt follow the pace of the manga for whatever reason.

I doubt it was cancelled because it sucks. Because if you look at its overall merchandise and dvd sales, its TV Tokyo's youngest anime franchise that manages to stay in the top ten.

I dont know if it will ever continue but I would like for that to happen. The true glorious scenes come later in the quincy arc (not sure what its name xD )
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:12 am Reply with quote
belvadeer wrote:
Nonaka Machine Gun B wrote:
... And by that I mean "complaints about how the anime handled manga material." Obviously, there is the one scene that changed the English-speaking fandom forever.

You're not talking about the "Bite me!" scene by any chance, are you?

I'm pretty sure that scene doesn't come in this set since it happens a lot earlier in the series. I could be wrong though, since I don't watch the dubs and only know of the (in)famous Bite me and it's alternative translation because I've heavily shipped GrimmjowxUlquiorra for a LONG time Laughing

But I too would wish to know what scene that was. The only thing that particularly bothered me about this batch is how they tamed down spoiler[Ishida's wounds in the fight (in the manga he literally lost one hand, whilst in the anime it just appeared a little burnt)]

The true glorious scenes come later in the quincy arc (not sure what its name xD )

spoiler[Thousand Year Blood War] arc
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Joined: 12 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:22 am Reply with quote
patrick.streetfighta wrote:
Now for the reason it got cancelled. I actually looked up and it looks like it was cancelled because it had a 56 episodes filler arc before the cannon fullbring arc, which was only 40 episodes long. after that they would have to make another filler arc which would be ridiculous. the anime couldnt follow the pace of the manga for whatever reason.

The show got canned because right before the end of the Arrancar arc in Japan, the ratings slowly lowered and stayed low for the rest of the show's airing even after going back to canon. They went from a 3.0-4.0% to a 1.0% or something, I didn't remember the exact numbers week-to-week, but that was more or less how they were. I guess having ratings at around 1.0% on a Tuesday evening every week wasn't cutting it.

Also that Filler arc before the Fullbring arc was only 26 episodes, not 56 (though there were half a dozen extra filler episodes prior). Although it would take some digging, I learned about this from the Japan TV animation rankings thread in the Crunchyroll forum.
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Joined: 08 Feb 2014
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:55 am Reply with quote
the bleach ratings were 1.6 - 1.8 at best but you also have to take into consideration that its dvd sales are better than those of naruto shippuden for example. Also yea I got the episode numbers wrong dunno whats up with that lol.

Of course without a doubt the low ratings were a reason for its cancelation. on the other hand fairy tails rating are worse. and by worse I mean really bad. 1.3 - 1.5 at best.

And what ? the series is returning. Just saiyin. I find that interesting actually because I wansd to see how long fairy tail will last with its return. But I'd prefer seeing bleach back
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Joined: 12 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:15 pm Reply with quote
@ patrick.streetfighta:

I only wanted to clarify why Bleach was cancelled in the first place. Whether or not it deserves to not be renewed is besides the point.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:12 pm Reply with quote
CrowLia wrote:
I'm pretty sure that scene doesn't come in this set since it happens a lot earlier in the series. I could be wrong though, since I don't watch the dubs and only know of the (in)famous Bite me and it's alternative translation because I've heavily shipped GrimmjowxUlquiorra for a LONG time Laughing

But I too would wish to know what scene that was. The only thing that particularly bothered me about this batch is how they tamed down spoiler[Ishida's wounds in the fight (in the manga he literally lost one hand, whilst in the anime it just appeared a little burnt)]

Well first of all, nobody is talking about this particular set having the infamous scene, just that there's "that one scene" Kenzichi mentioned. Second, in regards to that spoiler, the TV episodes of Bleach toned down a lot of what's considered "gruesome violence" by TVTokyo's standards, so that's not the only case of it happening.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:42 am Reply with quote
malvarez1 wrote:
For me, the Ichigo and Ulquiorra fight was one of the highlights of Bleach. So awesome. IMO, starting with this set, the series goes full steam ahead until the next filler batch.

that's an understatement. especially considering that the fight with ichigo and aizen ends up being a one way beatdown. and the regai arc aint as good as the zanpato rebellion arc. so the next time the series will be good is when the xecution arc comes around and eventually the vanderich thousand blood war arc.
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Joined: 27 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:31 am Reply with quote
I pretty much agree with most of opinions above. Bleach had a solid start then it just gradually went downhill. I think it was at it's final peak at around the end of 272. The rest of the arc and the eventual Aizen fight just really didn't do it for me.

The filler arc after this arc had potential in the first few episodes but they ended up rehashing existing characters with predictable real vs. fake fights... but the villain did have a really cool zanpakuto. The only plus with this arc was that it the first filler on the actual Bleach timeline since all of the others were assumed to be in an alternative timeline (with the exception of the Bount arc of course).

I personally liked the Fullbringer arc as I felt Ichigo kept overusing his powers and that a powerless Ichigo actually felt more interesting to read about. spoiler[Sadly we knew that wouldn't last for very long.]

As for the current final arc, I won't comment much on it since this post is already long enough as it is but I say it's still relying on Kubo's previous style of writing which will probably end terribly. I think the ending may determine whether or not if it gets adapted into a new anime or not.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 5:45 pm Reply with quote
barrelroller wrote:
I pretty much agree with most of opinions above. Bleach had a solid start then it just gradually went downhill. I think it was at it's final peak at around the end of 272. The rest of the arc and the eventual Aizen fight just really didn't do it for me.

i liked the rest of those fights. though i didn't like seeing tosen and gin getting killed off. especially gin since he's obviously a fan favorite.

barrelroller wrote:
The filler arc after this arc had potential in the first few episodes but they ended up rehashing existing characters with predictable real vs. fake fights... but the villain did have a really cool zanpakuto. The only plus with this arc was that it the first filler on the actual Bleach timeline since all of the others were assumed to be in an alternative timeline (with the exception of the Bount arc of course).

but that was the only thing going for the regai arc. at least the bount arc was more interesting to watch.

barrelroller wrote:
I personally liked the Fullbringer arc as I felt Ichigo kept overusing his powers and that a powerless Ichigo actually felt more interesting to read about. spoiler[Sadly we knew that wouldn't last for very long.]

the only thing people liked about the xceution arc was gijio and riruka as well as ichigo's fullbringer. it would have been nice if they had allowed him to keep his fullbringer and have his soul reaper powers. not to mention allowing Gijio to live.

barrelroller wrote:
As for the current final arc, I won't comment much on it since this post is already long enough as it is but I say it's still relying on Kubo's previous style of writing which will probably end terribly. I think the ending may determine whether or not if it gets adapted into a new anime or not.

Highly doubt it will end bad. this is Kubo after all. and the thousand blood war arc will get an anime release. It's just a matter of when will it happen.
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