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by Theron Martin,


DVD - Season 19 Uncut Box Set (DVD)

Bleach Season 19 DVD

In Los Noches and on the surface of Hueco Mundo Ichigo diligently battles Ulquiorra in defense of Orihime, while Uryu has his own (comparatively brief) battle against Yammy. In the former case the battle pushes both combatants to previously-unrevealed limits. Meanwhile, on the floor of Los Noches, Chad, Rukia, and Renji battle against lesser but still tenacious Hollows and Arrancar foes.

Back in the world of the living, battles also proceed apace against the top three ranked Espada, each of whom undertakes his or her Resurrecion form. While Captain Hitsugaya confronts Hallibel and Soi Fon and Marechiyo battle Barragan, Shunsui and later also Jushiro confront Coyote Starrk. Aizen is not about to let things go on interminably, but the arrival of a seeming game-breaker of a reinforcement for him is matched on the other side by the unexpected (to the Soul Reapers, anyway) arrival of reinforcements of their own – very powerful ones, in fact, who have a mighty large and long-standing bone to pick with Aizen.


Wow, a whole dozen episodes of Bleach without a whiff of one-shot side stories, filler arcs, full-episode flashbacks, or training sequences! This must be a record.

Sarcasm aside, this block of episodes, which covers 268-279, is one of the rare periods in the series where it largely dispenses with all distractions and simply focuses on what the series generally does best: feature an epic battle between Ichigo and a well-established foe and a plethora of other lesser conflicts that nonetheless offer plenty of their own flash and pop. However, to say that the show moves along briskly through this period would be accurate only in relative terms; this is a long-running shonen action series, after all, so typical time-wasters a couple of minutes of recap, characters spending considerable time in the midst of battles analyzing what their opponents are doing, dramatic power releases that require lengthy power-ups, and occasional comedic tomfoolery all drag the pace down. The more recent advent of episode preview segments at the beginning, before the opener rolls, also contributes in a mild way. And naturally no battle can end quickly because that would deny one or both of the combatants the opportunity to show off the full range of their powers and abilities, sometimes in excruciating detail. Such has always been par for the course for Bleach, although here the latter point is taken to its greatest extreme, as the ultimate confrontation between Ichigo and Ulquiorra takes the bulk of six full episodes and involves stunts that smack of ass-pulling on both sides.

Unlike during much of the rest of the series, though, this block of 12 episodes offers plenty to keep fans enthusiastic enough to stay involved. Chief among those offerings are the numerous occasions in which characters on both sides of the fray use previously-unrevealed tactics and power releases. For instance, Captain Hitsugaya's Bankai form has appeared many times before, but here he uses a never-before-seen aspect of it. Captains Shunsui and Jushiro, for the first time in well more than 200 episodes of appearances, finally show at least some of the power that they are really capable of besides just manifesting dual swords. Captain Soi Fon also finally reveals her Bankai form, and it takes an unexpected angle. The top five Arrancars (Yammy also technically counts) also reveal their Resurrecion forms, and while some of them are silly – for all that the music and color schemes try to make Ulquiorra look intimidating, his ultimate form is essentially an emo Dark Angel, and Stark looks like a gay hold-over from the '70s – Barragan's is especially impressive and Hallibel's offers a distinct element of sex appeal rarely present in the series when Matsumoto is not bouncing her chest around. The achingly long-awaited arrival of the Visoreds towards the end of the block is also a big highlight, although their initial effectiveness is somehow not as visually impressive as one would expect. Even Orihime actually does something beyond heal people and be a victim (although the latter happens a lot, too). Her moments of glory are very brief, though, and she is mostly relegated to being the heart of the human combatants and Person Who Must Be Protected.

The feature battles usually bring out the best technical efforts by Noriyuki Abe and his Pierrot team (and their countless assistors), and the Ichigo/Ulquiorra fight in particular is no different. While hardly an animation marvel, it nonetheless showcases some of the TV series' highest-tier animation and does some visually striking things with color schemes and terrain effects, especially once the battle ascends to the surface of Hueco Mundo. By comparison, the battles in the more brightly-lit Los Noches desert seem dull. Nothing in the Karakura Town side of the battles matches the Ichigo/Ulquiorra fight for visual flair, either, but it has enough other visual stunts to rely on.

These episodes are also a little more active and varied than the norm in the musical score. While scenes primarily rely on typical Bleach stand-by numbers, the musical score also draws up some more ominous pieces not heard since the Bounts arc and mixes in some rarely-heard organ pieces and Spanish guitar numbers, too. Opener “change” by miwa, which is arguably one of the strongest of the series' openers, is used throughout. Closer “Stay Beautiful,” which cleverly imagines the entire cast as they might look if they lived as normal people in the real world, is used for all but the last episode, which changes over to the less involving “Echoes.”

No new role appears during this stretch, so the English dub here is all about maintaining already-established standards. None of the already-existing roles show any kind of drop-off, and most of the English voice actors capture the attitudes and styles of their characters quite well, especially Steve Kramer's deliciously laconic performance as Shunsui. The English script takes some broad liberties in rewording the dialogue, but this is nothing new and generally results in a smooth-flowing dub script.

At this time only a DVD version of this release is available. Extras on both disks are identical: clean opener and closer, a set of production art, and the six omake which correspond to the episodes on the disks. The latter are a mix of “Arrancar Encyclopedia,” “Quincy Encyclopedia,” and “Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers” parody bits that are very hit-or-miss in terms of humor value, but they go quick enough that the misses are not a pain for too long.

After dozens of episodes of filler the series is finally back to business and on a distinct uptick. The climax of the whole Aizen storyline is still a couple of dozen episodes off, but some major building blocks towards it are now in place.

Overall (dub) : B-
Overall (sub) : B-
Story : C+
Animation : B-
Art : B
Music : B

+ Climactic Ichigo/Ulquiorra battle, numerous good and bad guys show off fresh capabilities and power releases.
Still too repetitious in some aspects, wastes too much times, some elements are incongruously corny.

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Production Info:
Director: Noriyuki Abe
Series Composition:
Tsuyoshi Kida
Kento Shimoyama
Masashi Sogo
Kazuyuki Fudeyasu
Miho Imamura
Mio Imamura
Rika Nakase
Masahiro Okubo
Masao Ōkubo
Kento Shimoyama
Masashi Sogo
Natsuko Takahashi
Michiko Yokote
Genki Yoshimura
Noriyuki Abe
Masami Anno
Kōji Aritomi
Tetsuya Endō
Manabu Fukazawa
Kiyomu Fukuda
Shigeki Hatakeyama
Yasuyuki Honda
Masashi Ishihama
Satoshi Ishino
Shigenori Kageyama
Jun Kamiya
Rei Kaneko
Akio Kawamura
Masahiko Komino
Chiaki Kon
Junya Koshiba
Masashi Kudo
Hodaka Kuramoto
Toshihiko Masuda
Tadahito Matsubayashi
Hitoyuki Matsui
Yasuhiro Matsumura
Yukihiro Matsushita
Yuzuru Mitsui
Shigeyuki Miya
Kazunori Mizuno
Yūji Moriyama
Minoru Murao
Takehiro Nakayama
Yasuto Nishikata
Hiroaki Nishimura
Satoshi Nishimura
Mitsutaka Noshitani
Tetsuhito Saito
Masami Shimoda
Ogura Shirakawa
Yoshifumi Sueda
Natsuko Suzuki
Hideki Tachibana
Yuzuru Tachikawa
Jun Takada
Hiroki Takagi
Motosuke Takahashi
Takahiro Takamizawa
Shinichi Tōkairin
Sanzou Tsuyukida
Shigeru Ueda
Atsushi Wakabayashi
Shinichi Watanabe
Hideyo Yamamoto
Minoru Yamaoka
Episode Director:
Noriyuki Abe
Eitarō Ano
Kōji Aritomi
Matsuo Asami
Kiyomu Fukuda
Shigeki Hatakeyama
Tomoko Hiramuki
Tetsuo Ichimura
Akane Inoue
Yasuo Iwamoto
Akira Iwanaga
Taiji Kawanishi
Takushi Kimura
Chiaki Kon
Harume Kosaka
Junya Koshiba
Masashi Kudo
Hodaka Kuramoto
Yasuhiro Kuroda
Keizō Kusakawa
Tadahito Matsubayashi
Nobufumi Matsuda
Yasuhiro Matsumura
Yuzuru Mitsui
Ryo Miyata
Kazunori Mizuno
Geisei Morita
Eiko Nishi
Yasuto Nishikata
Hiroaki Nishimura
Kazuo Nogami
Mitsutaka Noshitani
Yoshinori Odaka
Rokō Ogiwara
Yukio Okazaki
Masaya Sasaki
Kazuma Satō
Yuji Sekimoto
Akira Shimizu
Kazunobu Shimizu
Ogura Shirakawa
Yoshifumi Sueda
Yuzuru Tachikawa
Hiroki Takagi
Takeshi Tomita
Shigeru Ueda
Takeshi Yamaguchi
Minoru Yamaoka
Mitsue Yamazaki
Unit Director:
Noriyuki Abe
Masashi Kudo
Shingo Ogiso
Yuzuru Tachikawa
Music: Shirō Sagisu
Original creator: Tite Kubo
Character Design: Masashi Kudo
Art Director:
Natsuko Suzuki
Sawako Takagi
Tsuyoshi Fukumoto
Masaya Hamaguchi
Yuki Kasahara
Hideaki Kudo
Katsusuke Okamura
Mayu Shirai
Sawako Takagi
Shinobu Takahashi
Mayu Usui
Norihiko Yokomatsu
Animation Director:
Chiaki Abe
Yoshie Anzai
Shigemi Aoyagi
Eiki Arasato
Eri Baba
Bum-Chul Chang
Manabu Fukazawa
Akihiro Fukui
Yeong-Hun Han
Daiki Handa
Kenji Hattori
Yūri Ichinose
Shin Jae Ick
Hidenori Igari
Hiroaki Imaki
Keiichi Ishida
Masashi Ishihama
Tomomi Ishikawa
Nobuyuki Iwai
Gil Soo Joo
Akio Kawamura
Toshihiro Kikuchi
Gi Nam Kim
Hyon Ok Kim
Hyun Ok Kim
Il Bae Kim
Sang-Yeob Kim
Seong Beom Kim
Yong Sik Kim
Yoon-Joung Kim
Seiji Kishimoto
Akemi Kobayashi
Ryo Kobayashi
Yukari Kobayashi
Ryou Kodama
Makoto Koga
Masahiko Komino
Atsushi Komori
Mitsuki Kosaka
Fumiaki Kouta
Tsuguyuki Kubo
Masashi Kudo
Manabu Kurihara
Shinichi Kurita
Boo Hee Lee
Sung Jin Lee
Shuji Maruyama
Ippei Masui
Tamami Miura
Shuuji Miyazaki
Kazuya Miyoshi
Joo Yeon Moon
Minoru Morita
Yūji Moriyama
Tsutomu Murakami
Keiya Nakano
Shingo Ogiso
Masaya Ōnishi
Shigetsune Ōsawa
Chang Hwan Park
Hye-Ran Park
In-Hee Park
Jong Jun Park
Tomoko Satō
Yang Kwang Seock
Sanae Shimada
Makoto Shimojima
Jae-Ik Shin
Kim-Young Sik
Sayuri Sugitou
Natsuko Suzuki
Shin'ichi Suzuki
Shinichi Suzuki
Yoko Suzuki
Hiroki Takagi
Motosuke Takahashi
Akira Takeuchi
Yukari Takeuchi
Masaya Tanaka
Seiki Tanaka
Takashi Uchida
Miyuki Ueda
Tomomi Umemura
Masaru Yamada
Asuka Yamaguchi
Keiko Yamamoto
Osamu Yamamoto
Yoshimitsu Yamashita
Naoki Yamauchi
Teruhiko Yamazaki
Takeshi Yoshioka
Director of Photography:
Toshiyuki Fukushima
Katsufumi Sato
Shunji Aoki
Ken Hagino
Kyoko Kobayashi
Mai Nagai
Yutaka Sugiyama
Jun Takibuchi
Yukio Yoshimura
Licensed by: Viz Media

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Bleach (TV)

Release information about
Bleach (DVD set 19)

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