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Ojamajo LimePie

Joined: 09 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 5:23 pm Reply with quote
Akage no Anne is fansubbed. So are several other WMT shows.
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 5:31 pm Reply with quote
The only really bloody scenes from the Kenshin manga are the Saito and Usui scene were Usui is nailed so hard that his body got ripped in half, and the flashback to Kenshin's past that deals with his time as an assassin.

The Kenshin OVAs were clearly just to make a really cheap way to hype up the live action movie instead of trying to animate the final arc which was never animated outside of two volumes.

As for an anime re-using music, most of Super Robot Wars OG: The Inspector came from the OGs video gam and had like 5 new tracks which were all just variations of the main characters theme.

I actually liked the first two Evangelion Rebuild movies but the plot of the third seems to just bring up a bunch of stuff that I didn't like from the tv series.

The new 300 movie happens at the exact same time as the previous one as it was intended to be basically a two front defense. Presumably the movie will be about glorious white men made up entirely of Spartans (despite the fact that Athens was also involved) blowing up a significant amount of the Persian navy.
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ANN Reviewer

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 6:17 pm Reply with quote
"I am ANNZac. Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me, the day I held aloft my recording microphone and said "By the Power of ANNCast! I HAVE THE POWEEEEEEEER!"

Very fun cast this week. I can relate with Zac on the Kenshin thing. Rurouni Kenshin was the first manga that I ever read, and it held a place in my heart for a while. But last year I revisited it and...yeah. I think it's better if I just sort of leave it back with most of the other stuff I liked in high school.

Definitely looking forward to Wolf Children, and I'm interested in a few shows from the spring season. Based solely on the trailer, RDG looks intriguing. As far as hollywood movies, I'm really excited for Great Gatsby, Pacific Rim, and Iron Man 3.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 6:27 pm Reply with quote
So why is Justin dieting?
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 6:39 pm Reply with quote
I can understand Zac's logic behind watching shonen tournament shows, but as someone who really enjoys them I can get past the "sameness" and enjoy them for each of their own merits. That said, I did get that Kenshin OVA via pre-order simply due to sheer curiosity, so I apologize in advance, Zac, especially since I had already seen the first episode and I know how it is. If that dub is as bad as Zac says it is, then there may be a new reason to watch the OVA, though.

Since I am getting a HD DVD player for my Xbox 360 (also cheap) due to my Honneamise purchase I was looking at titles that are exclusive to the format & not on BD, as few of those that might still be worth it. Streets of Fire did catch my interest simply due to the wacky-sounding idea behind it (80s gang movie with 50s language & style), but having an anime connection makes me all the more curious now. Also, I'm still amazed that Monty Python: The Meaning of Life is still HD DVD-exclusive; it even got a DVD re-release as part of Universal's 100th Anniversary label, yet it still didn't get a BD release. Yeah, HD DVD won't seem anywhere near worth it as laserdisc can be still (there's plenty that is still unavailable on DVD, & LD generally is better quality than VHS), but I guess it can make for a fun oddity, like Beta... Not that I'm going to buy any Betamax tapes, I'm just saying.

Oh, and The Watcher... There's got to be some wacky fun to be had in seeing Keanu Reeves play a slasher-flick villain against his will (apparently, Reeves only got involved because a friend forged his name on the contract, and it was cheaper to do the film rather than have a legal battle). As for what the last HD DVD was, Freedom 6 is likely the last "regular" release for the format, but in Germany there was a steelbook limited-edition of Bullet Proof that came later, followed by some extremely-limited HD DVD-R releases.
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 6:48 pm Reply with quote
lossthief wrote:
"I am ANNZac. Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me, the day I held aloft my recording microphone and said "By the Power of ANNCast! I HAVE THE POWEEEEEEEER!"

Very fun cast this week. I can relate with Zac on the Kenshin thing. Rurouni Kenshin was the first manga that I ever read, and it held a place in my heart for a while. But last year I revisited it and...yeah. I think it's better if I just sort of leave it back with most of the other stuff I liked in high school.

Definitely looking forward to Wolf Children, and I'm interested in a few shows from the spring season. Based solely on the trailer, RDG looks intriguing. As far as hollywood movies, I'm really excited for Great Gatsby, Pacific Rim, and Iron Man 3.

I still consider the Rurouni Kenshin manga to be excellent, in particular the Jinchuu arc which deals with Kenshin confronting the demons from his past as it really wraps up the story of how Kenshin atones for becoming an assassin and I felt like the Kyoto arc also has a lot to say about the path Japan took after the Meji revolution with Shishio Makoto vision being very similar to the actual path the Meji government took with adopting the slogan of "Fukoku kyōhei" translated as "Enrich the nation, strengthen the military" and becoming imperialistic.
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Former ANN Editor in Chief

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:08 pm Reply with quote
PseudoFiction wrote:
So why is Justin dieting?

'Cause I'm THIIIIIS close to having a 6-pack and I have a bet going with EJ at Aniplex that we can get one before Otakon. Very Happy

It's a lifestyle thing with my Crossfit gym called Whole Life Challenge. No grains, no starch, no soy, no sugar, no juice, no alcohol, no weird chemical ingredients for 8 weeks, plus you have to exercise and stretch for at least 10 min a day. But I normally eat somewhat paleo under normal circumstances and do Crossfit 5-6 days a week anyway. Between diet and exercise I lost 55 lbs last year, and now I want to go that extra mile.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:33 pm Reply with quote
I seem to recall Zac saying a few weeks ago that he had just started Black Lagoon and was maybe 2 episodes in or something like that. Did he ever finish the show or say what were his impressions?
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:51 pm Reply with quote
jsevakis wrote:
PseudoFiction wrote:
So why is Justin dieting?

'Cause I'm THIIIIIS close to having a 6-pack and I have a bet going with EJ at Aniplex that we can get one before Otakon. Very Happy

It's a lifestyle thing with my Crossfit gym called Whole Life Challenge. No grains, no starch, no soy, no sugar, no juice, no alcohol, no weird chemical ingredients for 8 weeks, plus you have to exercise and stretch for at least 10 min a day. But I normally eat somewhat paleo under normal circumstances and do Crossfit 5-6 days a week anyway. Between diet and exercise I lost 55 lbs last year, and now I want to go that extra mile.

You...you do realize that paleo dieting, and basically all dieting, it pure pseudoscience that doesn't work, right?

Justin, I would expect a man of your intelligence to not be conned by woo.
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ANN Executive Editor

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:08 pm Reply with quote
Chagen46 wrote:
jsevakis wrote:
PseudoFiction wrote:
So why is Justin dieting?

'Cause I'm THIIIIIS close to having a 6-pack and I have a bet going with EJ at Aniplex that we can get one before Otakon. Very Happy

It's a lifestyle thing with my Crossfit gym called Whole Life Challenge. No grains, no starch, no soy, no sugar, no juice, no alcohol, no weird chemical ingredients for 8 weeks, plus you have to exercise and stretch for at least 10 min a day. But I normally eat somewhat paleo under normal circumstances and do Crossfit 5-6 days a week anyway. Between diet and exercise I lost 55 lbs last year, and now I want to go that extra mile.

You...you do realize that paleo dieting, and basically all dieting, it pure pseudoscience that doesn't work, right?

Justin, I would expect a man of your intelligence to not be conned by woo.

'Basically all dieting doesn't work'? And you're insulting Justin's intelligence?

I hate the internet sometimes.
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Joined: 27 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:14 pm Reply with quote
I was COMPLIMENTING Justin, Zac. What I meant was that I view him as a well-informed and intelligent person, and as such I was surprised to hear something like that from him.

LIke, how the HELL did you get that I was insulting him from that? Jesus christ, why does EVERYONE interpret EVERYTHING I say in THE most negative way possible?
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:17 pm Reply with quote

My "now" me would like to introduce you to the "high school" me and then point out how eating nothing but shit will literally kill you.

Enjoyed this week, guys.
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ANN Executive Editor

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:18 pm Reply with quote
Chagen46 wrote:
Jesus christ, why does EVERYONE interpret EVERYTHING I say in THE most negative way possible?

Well, what's the common denominator in all of these interactions you're having?

Answer: you
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:22 pm Reply with quote
Chagen46, you may have not been trying to insult Justin. But, by saying that his dieting didn't work even after Justin said that he lost 55 pounds in one year through a combined dieting and exercise program, you were essentially inferring that Justin is a liar. That may have not your intention, but that's how it came across to me.
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Joined: 07 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:25 pm Reply with quote
jsevakis wrote:
PseudoFiction wrote:
So why is Justin dieting?

'Cause I'm THIIIIIS close to having a 6-pack and I have a bet going with EJ at Aniplex that we can get one before Otakon. Very Happy

Both of ya are trying to get a six-pack before Otakon? Best of luck!
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