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REVIEW: Naruto Shippuden DVD Box Set 13

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Joined: 04 Jul 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:00 am Reply with quote
id like to mention this:
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Joined: 17 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 8:24 am Reply with quote
Sasukeuzi wrote:
id like to mention this:

Um, that scene is in the next boxset.

Anyway, while I did enjoy this batch, I will admit that it takes awhile for Naruto to actually arrive. But to be fair, that is a Shonen staple. Dragon Ball Z, Bleach, etc. Many of those anime have the main character come in just in time to save the day, after many comrades have been picked off.
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Joined: 20 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:08 pm Reply with quote
*puts on nit-picking glasses*

"Collateral Damage" is damage that is done in addition to whatever was intended. So, if I intended to blow up a truck, and took out a gas station that the truck happened to be next to at the time, then the gas station would be collateral damage and the truck would not.

Pain *intended* to destroy Leaf Village, so none of the damage he inflicted could be called "collateral".

Also, regarding the earlier pics (which occur in the next release, not this one): yes, it's easy to take one pic and then comment on it. But, you know, this is *animation* and the pictures aren't supposed to be viewed statically like that. The guys who made that episode *intended* the images to be distorted... they were trying to convey a certain style in order to create a certain effect. You may not *like* that style, but that would be a matter of taste and not technical failing creating distorted frames.

*takes off nit-picking glasses*

Naruto's fight with Pain is one of my favorite fights in the series, and even ranks pretty highly overall for me.

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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 4:07 pm Reply with quote
Tuor_of_Gondolin wrote:
Also, regarding the earlier pics (which occur in the next release, not this one): yes, it's easy to take one pic and then comment on it. But, you know, this is *animation* and the pictures aren't supposed to be viewed statically like that. The guys who made that episode *intended* the images to be distorted... they were trying to convey a certain style in order to create a certain effect. You may not *like* that style, but that would be a matter of taste and not technical failing creating distorted frames.

I doubt most people who complain about this kind of stuff know a thing about animation. They'll take an in-between frame and nitpick it to death when that's generally how animation has been done since the old theatrical Looney Tunes days. The thing is it looks much better in motion than under the scrutiny of frame advancing.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 4:51 pm Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:
Tuor_of_Gondolin wrote:
Also, regarding the earlier pics (which occur in the next release, not this one): yes, it's easy to take one pic and then comment on it. But, you know, this is *animation* and the pictures aren't supposed to be viewed statically like that. The guys who made that episode *intended* the images to be distorted... they were trying to convey a certain style in order to create a certain effect. You may not *like* that style, but that would be a matter of taste and not technical failing creating distorted frames.

I doubt most people who complain about this kind of stuff know a thing about animation. They'll take an in-between frame and nitpick it to death when that's generally how animation has been done since the old theatrical Looney Tunes days. The thing is it looks much better in motion than under the scrutiny of frame advancing.

Except in Naruto it looks about 1000X worse. Add to the fact Naruto is limited animation and Looney Tunes is not, yeah.
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Joined: 04 Jul 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:14 pm Reply with quote
didn't say i really had a complaint. the animation was really well done in the fight, but u hav to admit it gets funny to the point where it reaches the animation style of FLCL
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Joined: 12 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:00 pm Reply with quote
What you guys are talking about is smearing which is basically one way of doing slow-in and slow-out for animation.

However I don't want to talk about the mechanics of these kind of things. I've learned that doesn't really matter as much as what you are trying to convey out of the character and if it ends up making enough sense when you see the results of it. Those Looney Tunes examples made sense because they conveyed a character zipping from one place to the next by the next cutscene. But that doesn't apply in that scene of Shippuden or even if that was the intention to have Pain swiftly punch the ground in anger, the results don't translate to what the viewers see. Between the draftsmanship and the timing, it came out looking clunky.

I can definitely find people who point out any mistake, big or small, in the animation and dwell on it in such a way that they'll even compare that mistake to the same scene in the manga as being... well, "anal". These kind of complaints and excessive jokes can often be annoying. At the same time, in cases like that cutscene, the more obvious your mistakes come out in any artwork depending on what you're trying to depict, the more easily people will point it out. That's the bottom line.

Anyway, that wasn't even in this set. I'd rather talk about what on the set particularly Hinata's moment. Naruto episodes with any kind of filler tend to have hit and misses, mostly misses. However I noticed that some of the best episodes with filler in it, whether it's a filler episode or it's what the guys from the One Piece Podcast refer to as "implied filler", they seem to explore more depth into certain characters. And Hinata's attempt to rescue Naruto was one of those instances. I felt it slightly dragged regarding the flashback, but the episode otherwise felt well-deserved for character like Hinata.Those types of episodes seem just somehow add more to the sense of various characters having depth, growth and even an influence on other characters in the course of the story which is what I honestly think sets Naruto apart from your average shonen story. It really feels like Masashi Kishimoto takes responsibility with what roles to give these characters.
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Joined: 21 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:46 pm Reply with quote
I don't get why fans are complaining about that shot since Naruto 133 was made by the same guy who included some of these style of shots.

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Joined: 26 Aug 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:10 pm Reply with quote
naruto box sets are such a joke

first they are in crappy DVD quality
and then the box numbers are all ridiculous

I just want to own the path of pain but they dont even sell it

I am fine with that 'atristic' rendition which looks a little silly
it gives it some personality
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:15 pm Reply with quote
Lol, I remember watching the fight between Naruto vs. Pain's Deva Path awhile ago. Ya, that animation was laughable but the OST was okay.

Loved the review btw~
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Joined: 14 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 8:42 pm Reply with quote
sainta wrote:
I don't get why fans are complaining about that shot since Naruto 133 was made by the same guy who included some of these style of shots.

Again, it looks amazing in motion. That's arguably my favorite fight from the anime because of that guy. He's fantastic.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:45 am Reply with quote
At least the Pain arc is the better arc for the series. Of course my two favs are the kakashi arc, and the Confessions epsiode which explains how a moe character like her ended up falling in love with that idiot.

But It definitely will sink during the spoiler[ 5 kage summit arc and the Danzo Vs Saskue arc and picks up again during the 9 tails training arc where we see his mom Kushina and of course realise that Pain is also an uzumaki clan member which means that Naruto is also a direct decendent of the sage of the six paths. ]
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