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Joined: 30 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:34 am Reply with quote
Like that they are going all out for this, especially with the names matching the games.
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Joined: 12 Jan 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:48 am Reply with quote
Replacing all the text in a voiceless game is one thing but creating subtitles that are inline with English version of the game for a Live-action movie is crossing the line for me. The official subs for the P4 anime completely turned me off...it doesn't look like I will be enjoying this film anytime soon.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:51 am Reply with quote
ArsenicSteel wrote:
Replacing all the text in a voiceless game is one thing but creating subtitles that are inline with English version of the game for a Live-action movie is crossing the line for me. The official subs for the P4 anime completely turned me off...it doesn't look like I will be enjoying this film anytime soon.

Pretty much. Just wait for the fansub.

Change the dub all you want, but when you really try to change subs when people can clearly hear the difference between "Naruhodo" and "Phoenix" then it's just insulting people's intelligence.
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Joined: 06 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:53 am Reply with quote
This movie looks great, and I was hoping for an Internation release. I cant wait!

I dont mind the changing of the names. I can see how it would be annoying to some but it just does not bother me.
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Joined: 15 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:28 am Reply with quote
Anime dubs are one thing (although I really dislike them personally) but do people seriously have a need for dubs of live-action things...? They just look so goofy, no matter what language they're being dubbed into or used to be :/
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:31 am Reply with quote
ArsenicSteel wrote:
Replacing all the text in a voiceless game is one thing but creating subtitles that are inline with English version of the game for a Live-action movie is crossing the line for me. The official subs for the P4 anime completely turned me off...it doesn't look like I will be enjoying this film anytime soon.

That sort of thing is pretty common with video game adaptations. I know with both Pokémon and Street Fighter II, it was officially verboten to mention the Japanese character names in any way shape or form -- the game companies want to present a unified franchise in a given territory. In some cases, this has outright prevented subtitled releases of video game anime in the US.

Not saying that's a good thing, or that I agree with it, mind you, just explaining why.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:04 am Reply with quote
I was just expressing my dismay over the decision. I already understand why such decisions get made.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:33 am Reply with quote
jsevakis wrote:
That sort of thing is pretty common with video game adaptations. I know with both Pokémon and Street Fighter II, it was officially verboten to mention the Japanese character names in any way shape or form -- the game companies want to present a unified franchise in a given territory. In some cases, this has outright prevented subtitled releases of video game anime in the US.

Not saying that's a good thing, or that I agree with it, mind you, just explaining why.

Yes, it does seem to be mainly a video game thing. Video games aren't really at the point anime is in the west where companies tend to respect the original and offer it as an option. It's still extremely rare when a game offers a Japanese language track in a game. I'm actually surprised the PS3 version of Star Ocean: The Last Hope (for the franchise) actually offered it as an option, as well as the original Japanese menus and anime portraits they removed in the 360 version.

Which makes it all the more weird when you get a game like Yakuza 4 which has no dub track at all and subs being your only option. And it's not as if Yakuza has the 'low budget so no dub' excuse going for it (I think, anyway)

Interestingly enough, Smash Bros Melee had a Japanese option, and when you switched to it, all the character names went to their Japanese names. Like "Purin" instead of "Jigglypuff" as well as the announcer saying those names. (Not sure if they kept that for Brawl since I never played it)

As for anime adaptions not allowed for subtitle release.. it makes sense in some cases.. typical 4Kids or ShoPro dubs like Pocket Monsters, the Rockman anime, and so forth, which never offer sub options anyway. But even when they didn't really change anything it's still not available, like Viewtiful Joe's dub only release. Granted, the content was edited since it aired on Kids WB, but they didn't change the names or anything (I think, anyway, I only saw like one episode of the dub) and they even kept the Japanese theme (though shortened it to 30 seconds) but the DVDs were dub only.

Though the Tekken Blood Vengeance DVD has a sub track if Amazon's page is to be believed. So I guess it's arbitrary.

And I suppose it's all moot since those involve dubs and this is more about changing the subtitles, which tends to be very rare from what I've seen.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:40 am Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:
ArsenicSteel wrote:
Replacing all the text in a voiceless game is one thing but creating subtitles that are inline with English version of the game for a Live-action movie is crossing the line for me. The official subs for the P4 anime completely turned me off...it doesn't look like I will be enjoying this film anytime soon.

Pretty much. Just wait for the fansub.

Change the dub all you want,

Like they already do with the Pokemon dub. But there's also the possibility to do 2 subtitle tracks (one with English names, the other with the original names).

championferret wrote:
Anime dubs are one thing (although I really dislike them personally) but do people seriously have a need for dubs of live-action things...? They just look so goofy, no matter what language they're being dubbed into or used to be :/

Well, they've been doing it for Hollywood movies in Japanese theaters. Laughing
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:38 am Reply with quote
enurtsol wrote:
Like they already do with the Pokemon dub. But there's also the possibility to do 2 subtitle tracks (one with English names, the other with the original names).

Well, change the dub and offer an original sub version I mean.

And yeah, 2 sub tracks would be the easy solution for stuff like this and Persona 4 (though I can't imagine someone who would want to hear the Japanese voices with the dub names, when it's usually fans who want the dub voice actors to reprise their roles who would want the English names.. logically they shouldn't want to touch the Japanese sub if they have their dub), but as jsevakis mentioned, sometimes it's not really allowed and they're pretty much mandated to not acknowledge the Japanese version exists. It's what the 'official' subs for Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds do on Hulu. They're mandated to use the English names by Konami USA even if it clearly doesn't match what the Japanese audio track is saying.

Though I suppose that Persona 4 example I mentioned might raise another problem. The script for the English version of the Gyakuten Saiban games are heavily altered, so you can't just change the Japanese names to the English ones and call it a day, since while the names would be what English fans are familiar with, everything else will not be. They'd have to change a lot more lines and character personalities and stuff as well to match (which would probably be a bit harder for living, moving actors compared to static character portraits with a few different poses of animation) but if they do change the script as well then people who can over look the names would need another track to get the original dialog. On the flip side, if they just change the names and nothing else, then fans of the English games might be put off by the movie because it doesn't 'feel' like the version of the game they played, so they might say the movie sucks based on that. Or to use a bad pun, they might say "this is Phoenix Wright in name only".

Man, there's just so many variables when it comes to these situations.
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Joined: 02 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:45 am Reply with quote
I don't mind the localization of the manga that has been getting released, because like the games after all the name and dialog changes you still get the core of what makes it interesting (even if the setting is obviously Japan and whatnot).

However subtitling for a movie is sort of different. Although I do understand why and won't complain if we get localized subtitles, I just dislike reading a character's name differently than what I hear. Even something simple like western name order in the subtitles for the name takes me away from what I'm watching for a second. A pure Japanese track and a localized dub should be the way to go here.
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Joined: 02 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:34 am Reply with quote
Following the premiere of the film, which runs 135 minutes and covers the first five court cases in the game

Not really, just Case 2 and 4. Case 5 didn't even exist in the original GBA version.
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