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Astro Toy - Super Robot Chogokin Gaogaigar and Key Of Victory Set 1

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Generic #757858

Joined: 03 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 5:58 pm Reply with quote

Great review and man, that thing is looking so hot! I'm feeling seriously tempted to buy it, especially since GGG is a pretty solid candidate for my favorite mecha ever (definetily in the top three at least).

Miraculously, Gaogaigar can hold this huge hammer-- which, by all rights, should shift the balance of the whole thing off-- without any problems at all.

It's the power born from COURAGE!

Next, do Getter Robo!
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Joined: 06 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 8:45 pm Reply with quote
*sigh* Another giant robot... Well, as long as you are getting something that you like.
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Joined: 24 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:37 pm Reply with quote
I was sort of hoping for glowing hands with the Hell and Heaven combo, but hey. This rocks.
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Lord Geo

Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 10:13 pm Reply with quote
EnigmaticSky wrote:
*sigh* Another giant robot... Well, as long as you are getting something that you like.

Well that's certainly... Unneeded. Does that mean that when Dave looks at another figure of a female I should comment "*sigh* Another girly figure..."? Not that I would in the first place, as it's just simply rude. It adds nothing to the conversation and just comes off as whining to a small extent.

I really don't get the hatred/disinterest that giant robot figures seem to get here, anyway. Do fans of non-robot figures think they simply suck or something, no matter the actual quality of the figure? I'm just simply confused about that; they're all just figures, afterall. I tend to check out Astro Toy regardless of the figure, as Dave does a really good job reviewing them and his pictures are generally really good, too, with some nice comedy at moments... Which reminds me: Why is there no pic of GaoGaiGar mixing it up with NekoArc? I am disappointed, Dave.

Great figure, by the way. Naturally, it can't beat the MAX Factory Genesic figure... But it really is hard to beat that figure in the first place.
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Generic #757858

Joined: 03 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:33 am Reply with quote
Lord Geo wrote:
I really don't get the hatred/disinterest that giant robot figures seem to get here, anyway. Do fans of non-robot figures think they simply suck or something, no matter the actual quality of the figure?

Well, since you can't peek at their panties...

Maybe Dave should compromise and review a toy that has something for everyone next. Like TenRyuJin!
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:48 am Reply with quote
Lord Geo wrote:
Do fans of non-robot figures think they simply suck or something, no matter the actual quality of the figure?

I don't think they suck, but I don't buy them because I find them too small. I believe the preferred scale is 1:244, which puts them right about the height of a 1:8 scaled figure of a character.


I'm obviously not alone with this perception, as most figure collectors separate their robots from the rest of their stuff. It's uncanny. Scale does matter, and for people like me, who likes to bunch their stuff together, we want robots to tower over our girls, not be hidden among them.

I don't have the space to dedicate to a robots-only exclusive club, despite seeing many I'd like to own. Regardless of my shortcoming, I still like to read about them because they're still awesome looking.

That's my two cents, as off-the-rocker as it is. Wink
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 8:26 am Reply with quote
PetrifiedJello wrote:
That's my two cents, as off-the-rocker as it is. Wink

It's not off-the-rocker at all, since it at least makes sense. Granted, I can only relate so much, as my only two non-robot figures are a Dark Schneider Jugulator Ver. (from Bastard!!) that's actually bigger than some of my robots, a HoiHoi-san figure that's appropriately smaller, and a Cloth Myth Saggitarius Aioros (from Saint Seiya) that "stands" (read: leans on a box) on the side of all of my figures. I never really put scale as an important factor, though I can uderstand why others might want to maintain that.
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:11 am Reply with quote
As a woman, that is a SWEEEEEEEEEET GGG figure. Just makes me all tingly inside. I love GaoGarGar. Man I should dig up $60 just to buy it. There was one figure of the series that was released some years back that I really wish I had knew about it and had been given the time to decide if I really wanted it. That was the Kubrick version. For a Kubrick it was pretty big. Of course it became a rare find since the only version available was the GaoFaiGar.

There was a figure like this some years ago, and man it was pretty heavy. A friend of mine had one. He collected many robot figures and GGG was his favorite of them all.
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ANN Columnist

Joined: 28 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 12:47 pm Reply with quote
I have the Kubrick Gaogaigar put away in a box somewhere. It was, to the best of that one-inch figure's abilities, a combiner. As such, it was extremely finicky and impossible to keep the damn thing together.

The Max Factory GGG is the prize of my personal collection. Look at all that courage!

I don't keep to any kind of organizational scheme with my own figure shelf: Neco-Arc is right next to Kamen Rider, who's across the table from Cirno and Madoka... and Dio. I do kind of keep a "top shelf" for favorites and huge figures, but on that shelf Dizzy now towers over Gaogaigar and Dygenguard.

Also, I really think the column's pretty well spread out between different anime subgenres. I don't go by particular subgenre so much as stuff that I think will actually be fun for people to read about. That's been a bumpy road but I think we've arrived at a balance. If the schedule works out, a lot of folks are going to be happy with the next column.
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:48 pm Reply with quote
davecabrera wrote:
I have the Kubrick Gaogaigar put away in a box somewhere. It was, to the best of that one-inch figure's abilities, a combiner. As such, it was extremely finicky and impossible to keep the damn thing together.

The Max Factory GGG is the prize of my personal collection. Look at all that courage!

I don't keep to any kind of organizational scheme with my own figure shelf: Neco-Arc is right next to Kamen Rider, who's across the table from Cirno and Madoka... and Dio. I do kind of keep a "top shelf" for favorites and huge figures, but on that shelf Dizzy now towers over Gaogaigar and Dygenguard.

Also, I really think the column's pretty well spread out between different anime subgenres. I don't go by particular subgenre so much as stuff that I think will actually be fun for people to read about. That's been a bumpy road but I think we've arrived at a balance. If the schedule works out, a lot of folks are going to be happy with the next column.

Oh yes, I forgot about that. The Kubrick could combine. I thought that was really cool. I was surprised they went that far to design it that way.

Hahaha!! That's some DAMN GUTSY COURAGE. I had lost track, didn't get a chance to check on it. But MAN that's a mean Genesic figure. Thanks for sharing that. Surprised

Oh, why can't someone release the OVAs already. Laughing
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Joined: 21 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 8:39 pm Reply with quote
As a big time robo fan, I NEEDED to pick up this blazing emblem of courage. I just need to patiently wait for the Choryujin and Volfogg Chogokins coming out next year, and maybe the Hyo/En combo and Big Volfogg as well. And then I can finally get a Dygengaur/Aussenseiter combo too....man I love these Chogokins!
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Joined: 05 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:30 am Reply with quote
honestly the figure looks great and for that price I'd consider buying it, now if they did gaofighgar with the same quality for the same price I would consider that one as well, but if they did genesic gaogaigar with slightly higher quality and with the transformation gimmick for maybe a little over double the price then I'd shit a brick
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