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REVIEW: Mitsudomoe Episodes 8-13 Streaming

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Joined: 24 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 12:48 am Reply with quote
I also found it ironic of how surprisingly sweet and cute the overall twins turned out to be in the long run.

I think the greatest thing about Mitsudomoe is that it REALLY makes out the kids to be kids.
Not "mature" kids, not "genius" kids, but kids who think they know it all, kids who live impulsively, kids who are thought to be one thing and are easily misunderstood.

Personally, I think the funniest joke was spoiler[when Hitoha was sharing her love for Gacha rangers with that one sporty girl? Can't remember... Anyways, Hitoha mentions Yabe's similar interest, all the while the girl thinks it's COMPLETELY perverse].
TOO funny.

I forgot all what happened in the ninth ep, but since the whole show was just... a breath of fresh air in terms of comedy alone, I just might rewatch it.
One thing's for sure, I definitely want to check out Minami-ke. Is it funnier? Is it the same level black humor as Mitsudomoe?
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Mr. sickVisionz

Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 4:54 am Reply with quote
A B+ overall seems like 2 letters higher than what I thought this'd get based off of everyone's opinion of the show during the seasonal anime preview.

Otaking09 wrote:
One thing's for sure, I definitely want to check out Minami-ke. Is it funnier? Is it the same level black humor as Mitsudomoe?

Hmm... I like both but I give Mitsudomoe the leg up for laughs. The two shows are very similar as far as structure and tone, but the type of humor is completely different. Minami-ke is pretty tame and there's not much to get offended by.

Mitsudomoe is filled with gross out and raunchy humor where people pour piss in their eye by mistake, housewives want to be dominated by school girls and 1st graders are running around calling themselves nymphos. Minami-ke at it's most extreme for raunchiness is a level of cleanliness that Mitsudomoe exceeds by a long shot like 20 seconds into the opening.
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Joined: 06 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 5:43 am Reply with quote
Another is an extended comic set-piece sans dialogue; a brilliantly funny tribute to the silent genius of Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton and the like. The last is pure physical comedy; a bit of business involving Futaba, an icy swimming pool, and a game of human nine-pins that would have done the Three Stooges proud. Though the punchline—a superlative example of a patented Mitsudomoe malapropism—probably wouldn't have. Even the end credits, themselves a lengthy sight gag, use classical music (The Blue Danube specifically) in a way that recalls nothing so much as the Looney Tunes and Merry Melodies.

I have praised these scenes in past threads, but it is worth expressing my admiration of them once more. It shall take a spectacularly well-timed and poised comic sequence, of the sort that lies far beyond ones conception, to outshine the Piano Sonata No. 16 sequence. The visual and comedic composition complemented the music with not only a quirky charm, but also a slight hint of grace. For an anime whose primary draw is the crudeness of childhood attitudes, this was an unexpected gem.
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Joined: 06 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 5:55 am Reply with quote
Oooooh yes. The silent segment. Probably what cemented this as one of my favorite comedies.
A sketch involving Hitoha and Mitsuba locked in a PE storage shed, for instance

That one too.

Yeah a B+ is a good one for this show.
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Joined: 08 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 6:12 am Reply with quote
Otaking09 wrote:

One thing's for sure, I definitely want to check out Minami-ke. Is it funnier? Is it the same level black humor as Mitsudomoe?

Whoa you haven't watched Minami-ke yet?
I haven't seen Mitsudomoe and I'm afraid to but I assure you I thought Minami-ke was funny and the jokes were funny for the most part without being offensive or creepy. I haven't really felt that they were lost in translation though it would help to be familiar with Japanese culture.

I thought it was awesome. One of my favourite.
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Joined: 02 May 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 5:56 pm Reply with quote
I'm into questionable comedy, so this series was a hit for me Laughing
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Leon Evolon

Joined: 26 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 9:34 pm Reply with quote
Overall, I felt that Mitsudomoe kept reusing the misunderstanding setup to the point that it got a little repetitive for me, but never to the point that I wanted to drop the series. The comedy was a similar in many ways to classic American animation in terms of the style, yet less limited by the Western tradition of "anything sexual is off-limits."

I found some of the best moments in the series where when it would have a series scene that would build up emotional tension and then topple the whole thing like a giant jenga tower. For example, spoiler[when Hitoha and Mitsuba are trapped in the equipment shed, it became a tearjerker moment when Mitsuba was trying to break down the door with the bat to the point of hurting herself, only to find out that Hitoha was faking it once they're let out.]

The series showed a surprising depth of character -- more so than I would have expected from a show utilizing a bunch of quick gags -- it's quite deserving of a B+, indeed.
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