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Forum - View topicAstro Toy with Rob Bricken: Final Fantasy IX Play Arts
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![]() Posts: 1178 Location: Atlanta, GA |
How funny, IX is the only Final Fantasy I was able to enjoy!
![]() Just goes to show you, different strokes for different folks... (Aww, that Vivi figurine is adorable!) |
![]() Posts: 7361 |
Aww, it's a shame that these figures really are kinda suck, but that's alright, I can just make my own if I really want to. And for a lot cheaper.
Same here, actually. Well, I did enjoy 1 & 2 Dawn of Souls, so those two and 9 (which rather makes sense as 9 is sorta almost a sequel/prequel/whatever to those two), I don't understand why FF9 is ignored so much (except for Vivi, no one seems to ignore him) |
leafy sea dragon
![]() Posts: 7163 Location: Another Kingdom |
I guess 7 and 10 made such a huge splash, and people were waiting eagerly for 8 because, of course, a sequel to THE Final Fantasy VII. This leaves the ninth game left to be ignored because it didn't look like the previous two.
Charred Knight
![]() Posts: 3085 |
It's the retro feel of the series, people like Rob just didn't like the fact that the series returned to it's roots. Personally, I prefer that to over complicated messes that made no sense like Final Fantasy 8. |
John Casey
![]() Posts: 1853 Location: In My Angry Center |
Lolwut? It could just be me, and I'm imagining to what 100% of the populace consider to be fact.....but weren't the first....uh, five or so Final Fantasies about crystal hunts? You know, the ones you so love from the SNES era.... And by all counts...materia is technically the crystal theme of FFVII.....soooo....yeah.... Sensibleness argument....fails to make sense. =/ |
Posts: 15708 |
Charred: FFIX was meant to be a tribute to the older games, which is why no one else who played FF7 and 8 first "got" it.
So I guess you're ok with Kingdom Hearts, then? ![]() |
Posts: 226 |
Hm... yeah, I can't say I liked the characters much in FFIX either. Then again, I'd also say I disliked pretty much every PSX/PS2-era Final Fantasy, save Tactics and maybe XII.
![]() Posts: 7272 Location: Vancouver |
Personally, FFIX is by no means my favorite of the series but I do really love the character designs. They wouldn't work in a game like VII or X but for a more retro style fantasy they're perfect.
I must say though, I too fail to see how you can criticize IX but not the pre VII games for the same reason. I mean didn't V literally involve hunting down several crystals? I'd recommend the Trading Arts series figures (the non-SD ones) if you're looking for good high quality IX figures. They're really detailed and carefully painted. Of course there's no articulation though. |
![]() Posts: 2094 |
Okay, maybe my memory sucks, but how much of FFIX involved hunting crystals as the plot? I remember, "kidnap Garnet, get to one city before queen finds you, help out in some war, return to the queen's palace to save Garnet and Steiner, go hunt Kuja, enjoy some down-time before things get worse and you have to hunt Kuja again, be forced to help Kuja briefly, and maybe after that there was some crystal-hunting until Kuja mindscrews Zidane and goes DBZ on another world". Yeah, I forget specifics, but if someone asked me to sum up FFIX, I doubt the word "crystal" would even be mentioned. And in comparison to the recent ones before it, FFVIII made me throw down my controller in disgust. I agree with one reviewer that said the magic/summoning system in a series like FF should not be so overly-complicated that it makes one feel like learning advanced brain surgery instead, which is how I felt while playing VIII (and sci-fi setting in Final FANTASY is a no-no for me. VII pushed the limits, but ultimately stayed clear, so no problems there).
Anyway, Vivi was the one I'm mainly interested in, so I'll still pick him up. Probably Zidane too, since the Dissidia figure makes him look like a girl. Sadly, have to pass up on Garnet, every figure I've seen of her messes up her face. ![]() |
Posts: 281 |
Not to mention there's basically NOTHING about crystals in FFIX until the very friggin' end of the game. I'm not even sure what he's talking about when he says "crystal hunt" in reference to FF IX, since that has absolutely nothing to do with the game in any way, shape, or form whatsoever. FF VI and VII had waaaaaaaaaaaay more to do with crystals, only they called them magicite and materia respectively (and in both cases affected both the battle system and the main plot in numerous ways...and at some points in the game you did indeed have to actively hunt for them as plot points), and FFs I-V were all basically entirely about literally hunting for crystals that controlled the elements. FF XI also heavily featured the crystals, and XII used a variation on the crystal theme, and it seems like FF XIII does as well. In fact, VIII is probably the ONLY entry in the series that doesn't really strongly feature much of anything like the crystals (and really VIII is kind of the red-headed stepchild of the series anyway, as much as I still do have fond memories of it). Sooooooo... Also, IX probably has the most charismatic and charming cast in the entire post-SNES FF franchise (well, 5 out of 8, at least...Eiko was obnoxious, Amarant didn't really have much of a personality, and Quina was more of a lolwut than a character...still a much higher ratio than most post-VI FFs). A main protagonist who was actually confident, had charm, and was sociable?! Holy crap! And when he finally did have a crisis of identity and confidence, he snapped out of it thanks to his friends in, what, 20 minutes? As opposed to the 20 hours it took Squall. Or the....well....Cloud never did snap out of it, especially if Advent Children is to actually be considered a legit part of the story. Really kind of a lot of fail in this week's analysis. ![]() Last edited by MetatronM on Sun Nov 15, 2009 7:24 am; edited 1 time in total |
Posts: 74 |
Well your review may have been good, but I'll never know since I stopped reading after the mindless bashing of the only newer FF game true to the series roots.....
![]() Posts: 1705 Location: WA state |
IX was/is definitely my least favorite of the Final Fantasties I've played through (I own them all, but I'm still working on the backlog.) I didn't find a single character I liked- Quina was kind of funny, that's all I got. The story didn't stick with me at all; I literally do not remember what excactly it was about other than spoiler[ chicks with horns and Kuja pitching a hissy fit over being mortal.] It may have been years since I last played some of the other games, but I still remember what they were about. Well, I remember one other thing- the worst ending I've ever seen in a Final Fantasy. spoiler[ you beat the guys you've been chasing the whole game, and the endboss is some random something-or-other that hasn't been mentioned till now? Then 9/10 of the ending cutscenes aren't even CG?] I was dissapointed to say the least- to be fair, I was rushed into finishing by some classmates who apparently thought they'd drop dead if they couldn't scream game spoilers at each other during class, which almost certainly colored my judgement.
Not much accounting for my tastes though, since XII has been my absolute favorite so far, and it doesn't seem to be well recieved on the whole. (Hey, I personally adored the entire cast and fell desperately in love with the world of Ivalice- which I didn't have to save! The ONLY RPG I've ever played where I'm not saving the whole world... very, very refreshing!) |
Redbeard 101
Oscar the Grouch
Forums Superstar ![]() Posts: 16974 |
Well I actually share Rob's ire of the game. I personally did not care for the designs myself. regardless if it's a break from the style they had been using from the more recent previous games they just didn't seem as fluid to me in the game. The characters did not move as fluidly and the animation was I think a step down compared to VIII. In fact I always liked VIII more then the much fabled VII to begin with. But that's neither here nor there. I love my figures and these have horrible joints and articulation by my personal standards. Regardless of my ire for for the game these figures just look bad. Plus reading they're more expensive then the other figures from previous games makes me wonder wth were they thinking. Just gives me another reason to ignore 9 and pretend it and it's merchandise don't exist.
![]() Posts: 327 |
I feel maybe it wasn't the best idea to lead a toy review (the thing I clicked on the link to read) with a multiparagraph rant about oh god you guys I hate this game so much it's so terrible and you should hate it to because *insert really silly subjective stuff here*.
It kind of makes one just sort of gloss over the rest of the review or just not read it at all. I'm reading this article to find out if a toy is any good (and they're not for plenty of non-subjective reasons you covered) not read ranting about a video game because I don't really care about that! |
Redbeard 101
Oscar the Grouch
Forums Superstar ![]() Posts: 16974 |
Well there was plenty of actual points on the toys themselves by your own admission. So you got what you wanted in that aspect so the problem is......? Plus you could I don't know...skip the intro part and go right to the review part. There is that magical scroll option to the right of your screen where you can drag the cursor over to it, click and hold, and then drag the tab down an inch or so. Virtually all reviews everywhere start with a personal opinion/opener from the article author. Don't like then scroll down and skip it. |
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