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Buried Treasure - The Phoenix: Karma

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Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:29 pm Reply with quote
well, back to pirate bay

or, in this case, a very obscure video store behind the dark alley

or YesAsia
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:44 pm Reply with quote
and old-timers will no doubt remember the 1980 space opera adaptation Phoenix 2772.

I wish someone (*cough* Discotek *cough*) would license-rescue that movie already. I only have the Queen-themed AMV taken down from youtube to content me until that happens. ;-;

The man is an animator gifted beyond words, but seems to have trouble focusing on telling a story; his films are frequently treats for the eye but too often those visuals are at odds with the narrative, and inevitably the narrative loses.

Surprised you didn't bring up the X movie. Anyway, since you brought him up, I guess you can add Doomed Megalopolis to the Buried Treasure pile. I still haven't gotten to my copy.
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Joined: 16 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:11 pm Reply with quote
First of all, houou 鳳凰 does not mean "karma" by a long shot. It's the word for a Chinese phoenix, a fenghuang. Go wikipedia it. I don't know who told you it means karma, but they don't know what the hell they're talking about...

Second, you've now prompted me to finally sit down and watch this. I'd downloaded a fansub of it ages ago (it had separate subtitles, you'll have to mux it or load them, so look that up if you don't know how). Fansubs are available, you just need to know where to look for them.
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Joined: 13 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:18 pm Reply with quote
A fansub exists (by [LuGa]):

Hi No Tori Trilogy: Houou Hen, Yamato Hen, Uchuu Hen

That's the title of the version I found. Definitely will watch this as soon as I have it. I'm a big Rintaro fan (yes, I actually enjoyed watching Harmageddon Smile)

P.S. Yes the subtitles are in separate files for this one. You just need the right player, one that will load them with the video.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:22 pm Reply with quote
D'oh, so those subs do exist after all! I will go correct the article. (And thanks for the hou-oh correction vashfanatic.)
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:32 pm Reply with quote
pparker wrote:
P.S. Yes the subtitles are in separate files for this one. You just need the right player, one that will load them with the video.

Media Player Classic should do the trick.

I should also give reading Phoenix another try; I think I just need to skip the first volume, which I could never stand because it's so painfully sexist. I read the old way-back-when release of "Future" volume and it was awesome, so I have hopes that "Dawn" is merely an unpleasant fluke.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:42 pm Reply with quote
vashfanatic wrote:
I should also give reading Phoenix another try; I think I just need to skip the first volume, which I could never stand because it's so painfully sexist. I read the old way-back-when release of "Future" volume and it was awesome, so I have hopes that "Dawn" is merely an unpleasant fluke.

I fully understand the discomfort at the misogyny of it all. The treatment of women as equals is unfortunately a pretty recent event in most societies, and clearly Tezuka was out to capture the mood and point of view of ancient history, warts and all. The Ho-oh story isn't kind at all to the two female characters, but I think that given their roles in the story, their importance as people is not taken lightly.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:48 pm Reply with quote
jsevakis wrote:
I fully understand the discomfort at the misogyny of it all. The treatment of women as equals is unfortunately a pretty recent event in most societies, and clearly Tezuka was out to capture the mood and point of view of ancient history, warts and all.

No, actually, it's that he takes the historical figure of Himiko, who according to records brought peace to Japan, and turns her into an insane tyrant who he compares to Hitler and Stalin - all the while making her want the Phoenix so she can be young and pretty again! Oh, and the other woman only exists to pop out babies two and three at a time for the man who betrayed her whole village. It's Tezuka's writing that was sexist, not the history. It really made me want to throttle him from beyond the grave.
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Former ANN Editor in Chief

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:52 pm Reply with quote
vashfanatic wrote:
No, actually, it's that he takes the historical figure of Himiko, who according to records brought peace to Japan, and turns her into an insane tyrant who he compares to Hitler and Stalin - all the while making her want the Phoenix so she can be young and pretty again! Oh, and the other woman only exists to pop out babies two and three at a time for the man who betrayed her whole village. It's Tezuka's writing that was sexist, not the history. It really made me want to throttle him from beyond the grave.

I was referring to the women in Ho-oh (Karma) specifically. What you describe sounds pretty bad.

Not to saint-ize Tezuka, but he did also give us Princess Knight, which was pretty progressive in Japan for its era...
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:59 pm Reply with quote
'Karma' was one of my favorite stories of the 'Phoenix' novels.
I remember clips of this film from years ago. I never knew what it was about. Other than the fact that it had a guy with boils on his nose. A common trademark to one particular recurring character in the Tezuka universe. Anyone familiar with the anime movie publication 'Animage' (which is still in print) would have seen this featured advertised.

I never saw this film though I'm sure friends of mine have it stored away somewhere on a dusty VHS tape. Chances are if I had saw it then I don't think I would have understood or appreciated it as much as I would now.
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Joined: 16 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:01 pm Reply with quote
jsevakis wrote:
Not to saint-ize Tezuka, but he did also give us Princess Knight, which was pretty progressive in Japan for its era...

Which I really look forward to reading whenever it's licensed and/or released. Smile
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Joined: 03 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:28 pm Reply with quote
That's a really interpretation of Tezuka's designs, though not surprising; the final shot in the article is definitely Rintaro's trademark.

Don't know how well Media Blasters's release of the Phoenix went, though I doubt it performed well enough to pay for these films. (A Kawajiri version of Yamato sounds rather interesting...)

vashfanatic wrote:
I should also give reading Phoenix another try; I think I just need to skip the first volume, which I could never stand because it's so painfully sexist.

Definitely give it another shot, and ASAP -- fairly certain that the fourth volume, Karma is currently OOP (though Viz may give it a new printing, as they've done so with other volumes in the past).
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Fallen Wings

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:46 pm Reply with quote
Rintaro directs what is easily the most popular story in Tezuka's life's work. Possibly the best Tezuka anime ever made, and yet nobody here knows it even exists.

I would like to argue this. I have had the ending song of this particular one for a good few months on my MP3 player, and added the ending song to ANN as well. Admitting I haven't seen it ... well watched much. But as least now I know there is some subs out there because I was searching I and never found ...

Thanks for doing this review! For someone to never see it but really wanted to, it was a starting point for me. Thanks. ^^

"You carry us on your silver wings, to the far reaches of the universe ..."

And by adding this, review Space Firebird 2772. Some of it is rather childish but it is STILL the only movie where I can say "Everybody dies". And it is rated "G".

Last edited by Fallen Wings on Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:48 pm Reply with quote
HellKorn wrote:
Definitely give it another shot, and ASAP -- fairly certain that the fourth volume, Karma is currently OOP (though Viz may give it a new printing, as they've done so with other volumes in the past).

My library has the whole set. Libraries are awesome that way.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:56 pm Reply with quote
vash: Actually, the guys usually suffer more wretched fates in Phoenix than the gals. And I think the Himiko thing was more of a back-slap to the whole Divine Right of the Emperor aspect of Shinto than anything else, since it gave the country such wonderful results during WW2, and all... Rolling Eyes As for the babies thing, well, people died earlier back then.
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