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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:19 pm
Still not as shocking as that Watchmen ruling.
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Joined: 15 Jun 2008
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Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:20 pm
Haha I had no idea this was going on. Its sad really. Upper Deck is just a bunch of greedy mongrels. They can't even respect konami's request.
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Joined: 10 May 2005
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Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:53 pm
GeneralArrow wrote: | Haha I had no idea this was going on. Its sad really. Upper Deck is just a bunch of greedy mongrels. They can't even respect konami's request. |
I don't know everything that's going on here with it, but konami gave upper deck the rights to release the card game. if konami is just trying to gank the rights back even tho upper deck's contracts for the rights is still in effect it reflects badly on konami, not upper deck.
to end the contract early would require negotiations and probably konami paying upper deck some fee to cover the early termination of the contract. if there's a court ruling going on then they probably haven't done that or were stingy in the negotiations.
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Joined: 15 Jun 2008
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Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:14 pm
Weazul-chan wrote: |
GeneralArrow wrote: | Haha I had no idea this was going on. Its sad really. Upper Deck is just a bunch of greedy mongrels. They can't even respect konami's request. |
I don't know everything that's going on here with it, but konami gave upper deck the rights to release the card game. if konami is just trying to gank the rights back even tho upper deck's contracts for the rights is still in effect it reflects badly on konami, not upper deck.
to end the contract early would require negotiations and probably konami paying upper deck some fee to cover the early termination of the contract. if there's a court ruling going on then they probably haven't done that or were stingy in the negotiations. |
Well if you put it that way you do have a point.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:17 pm
On the surface it sounds like Konami wants in on the action. They probably didn't expect the success to be so great, now they are trying to leverage themselves for more of the pie. The risk was Upper Deck's, so should be the rewards.
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Joined: 05 Nov 2007
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Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:36 pm
TarsTarkas wrote: | On the surface it sounds like Konami wants in on the action. They probably didn't expect the success to be so great, now they are trying to leverage themselves for more of the pie. The risk was Upper Deck's, so should be the rewards. |
that seems pretty logical but dosen't konami get most of the income from the yugioh portable and console games?
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Joined: 27 Aug 2005
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Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:36 pm
This puts Konami in an awkward position, after that initial press release and all.
I can't imagine the relations between the two companies will be very good going forward. =/
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Who Is This Guy!?
Joined: 07 Aug 2008
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Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:37 pm
GATSU wrote: | Still not as shocking as that Watchmen ruling. |
I guess I should clarify. That Watchmen ruling doesn't affect the movie in the least bit.
All Fox gets are distribution rights. In short, instead of WB making a crapload of money, it'll be Fox instead.
Won't affect the movie's quality, release, or anything else.
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Monster in a box
Joined: 05 Sep 2005
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Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:56 am
So Konami is what, 2-2 now? Or 3-2?
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Who Is This Guy!?
Joined: 07 Aug 2008
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Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:35 am
Monster in a box wrote: | So Konami is what, 2-2 now? Or 3-2? |
They got about 1500 Life Points left.
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Unit 03.5-ish
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Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 3:19 am
What if they activate Upper Deck's trap card?
But seriously, yay, we can get even MORE children's card games now...anyone else feel hollow inside?
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Joined: 22 Jun 2004
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Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:40 pm
The bottom line here is that Konami can't localize its way out of a wet paper bag, except of course where Metal Gear is involved.
It's worth noting that Konami is the reason Yu-Gi-Oh! is a "children's card game": they basically handed the franchise to 4Kids because of their involvement in the Pokemon franchise. From a marketing standpoint, it's genius: competing with the Pokemon TCG was a much safer bet than competing with Magic: The Gathering. From every other standpoint, it's reprehensible and a throwback to the bad old days of import censorship (which would be behind us entirely if not for 4Kids Entertainment). Another annoying glitch that can only be attributed to Konami is their insistence that all names be trademarkable: can't have Elf Swordsman because Tolkien might sue, can't have Gaia the Dark Knight because DC might sue, can't have Thunder Bolt, Cyclone or Hurricane because they can't sue anybody else over the use...and their paranoiac definition of political correctness resulted, in the early days at least, in every instance of the word "Black" being excised or abbreviated for fear that people would cry racism over Red-Eyes Black Dragons or Black Magicians or even Black Holes. (And just try using the chat feature in Yu-Gi-Oh! Online without having something censored. You'll fail.)
UDE has always had just enough control to keep the stupidity in check, though they (and we) have paid for it on occasion: I am 100% certain the entire Pharaonic Guardian set was taken out of UDE's hands (resulting in such lovely monstrosities as "Fushioh Richie", "Trap Dustshoot" and "Buster Rancher" - these people are the friggin' Anti-Atlus!). UDE is the unsung hero of the franchise, providing the common (and aesthetic) sense that Konami seems to have had surgically removed.
I'll give you a shining example. The Yu-Gi-Oh! R spinoff manga featured a villain, Yakou Tenma, who wielded yet another set of three God Cards: the Devils. The Devil's Avatar, The Devil's Dread-Root and The Devil's Eraser. Now, if you're familiar at all with the magical world of children's card games ruled over by Konami, you'll know these names obviously were gonna get changed in the U.S., right? Well, in World Championship Tournament 2007, they proved their brickheadedness by naming them "Dark Avatar", "Dark Dreadroute(sic)" and "Dark Eraser". Way to butcher the names, Konami. Then, of course, the actual promo cards came out in English, and praise UDE: they're "The Wicked Avatar", "The Wicked Dreadroot" and "The Wicked Eraser". Not Devils, but really not bad: they roll off the tongue the same way, and when you consider that the Japanese-language cards all use "Jashin" ("Wicked God"), it's a much more tasteful compromise.
I repeat: this can only be treated as good news. And if you still don't believe me, I suggest you compare Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles with the original PS1 version of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I'll take "hammy" over "painful", any day. -_-;
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Joined: 01 Mar 2006
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Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:37 pm
Konami is lazy with translations for Yu-Gi-Oh! games, I remember all the ones I own have spelling mistakes. Or lack voice acting (the one for PSP, despite have CG scenes with models with flaps moving, it's annoying).
I have this one Yu-Gi-Oh! game for the DS, it was a GX one, and at the end of the day the game would create a message saying "Time to go dorm!". Yes, it is indeed "time to go dorm". The thing is, that line is repeated like over 100 times in the game as it is stated at the end of every school day. That is really lazy.
Me and my friends used to abuse Buster Rancher (honestly, while I don't know what a Buster Rancher is, it sounds pretty cool), but I take its name is Buster Launcher? Busted Launcher? Buster Lance? Busted Launcher? Or Busted Lance or something?
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Teriyaki Terrier
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Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:37 am
Upper Deck is a pretty large company and they had a valid case. Konami still has the rights to the video games, so its not like a complete loss for them.
Also, Konami has also Metal Gear. It's a good thing Upper Deck won, maybe now the card game will last longer for the new generation of card collectors.
Primus: At first I thought the game said "time to go doom", which made me laugh. But in all seriousness, that isn't even proper grammer. "Time to go to the dorm" would sound much better, despite hearing it time and time again.
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H.A. Senidal
Joined: 30 May 2007
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Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:48 pm
Hmmm...from what I can tell, some posters on YGO TCG boards want Konami to take over. As for me, doesn't really matter who distributes the game here as long as the cards keep coming. Even if Konami eventually takes control, I expect no miracles.
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