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Hey, Answerman! [2008-10-31]

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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:09 pm Reply with quote
definitely agreed on Gurren Lagann, i was blown away by this series. lately i've been watching Fantastic Children on ON DEMAND, and it's really good so far. it starts off confusing as hell, but eventually everything gets explained in one episode. i have yet to see an anime do that.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:32 pm Reply with quote
Do I hide my Anime fandom?

Not to my family and close friends, but I rarely mention it when I'm around them. It's just a hobby I have, one among several; they accept that, and don't make a big deal out of it.

To everyone else, I at least keep it quiet. I certainly don't go around screaming "I'm an Anime fan", nor do I let my clothes scream for me.

Being an Anime fan is rather shameful in a society that doesn't understand why an adult male would want to spend some of his free time watching "cartoons". That's why I keep my fan status low-key.
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Joined: 20 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:32 pm Reply with quote
I do not hide my anime fandom.....online! but out in the "real" world, well, let's just say I like interacting with society. In particular, normal female members of said society. So the answer would be online-no, offline-yes.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:48 pm Reply with quote
There are other things in the way, as well; the first being that there simply hasn't been much Macross to license. There were only two series produced in between Macross Plus and Macross Frontier - the first being Macross 7, which was never licensed chiefly because of the music licensing rights being a labyrinth of legal horrors (not to mention the show is uneven, goofy as hell and impossible to take seriously).

You forgot about Macross: DYRL and Flashback 2012.

Personally, I'd like to see a completely remastered Bluray edition of Macross Plus, one that includes all four episodes and the movie version. I'd buy that in a heartbeat.

If DVDEmpire is any indication, the M-Plus movie's been discontinued.

Oh right, none of that happens, because the TV series doesn't end, it just stops. Which really made the fans happy, let me tell you.

They should've realized Rumiko Takashi stopped caring about her work with Ranma. Rolling Eyes Well, ok, One Pound Gospel ain't bad, but look how long she took to finish that.

They're set to publish volume 36 in January of next year, and there are 56 volumes in total, so you're going to be waiting a while.

Though it'll still be done faster than the Ranma manga! Laughing

What do you think of series that like to skirt around the border of certain fetishes? When I say that, I don't mean mainstream fetishes like maids or schoolgirls, but more eccentric ones like crossdressers (see Minami-ke) and dolls (see Rozen Maiden).

I think a show like Minami-ke is probably for people who are curious, while Rozen Maiden is probably more about the fantasy genre than about people who get off on dolls. It's like saying that kabuki and Hina-Ningyo has sexual undertones. But then I haven't actually watched those shows myself...

Anyway, the last series I saw which seriously excited me is Area 88 TV.
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Joined: 27 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:18 am Reply with quote
I seem to be growing more picky about which series I watch. The last few that I picked up were Mushi-Shi, Twelve Kingdoms, Blood+, Code Geass, Gurren Lagann, and Higurashi, none of which (except for maybe Blood+) disappointed me in the least. I can't really tell exactly which one re-energized my love of anime since all the ones I've seen lately are so good.

It must have been a pain in the butt to choose only one for each Geass and Lagann for last week's Answerfans. I can only imagine just how many of those showed up in the inbox.

I've never really felt the need to hide my anime fandom, but I've kind of given up on trying to force it onto other people (yeah, horrible thing to do, huh). I don't really talk about it anymore except to people who already know about it or share it, but I guess that's more just because of my personality. Sometimes I still have to make the argument to the less-informed that most of anime actually isn't directed to children, but that hasn't really come up recently.
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:59 am Reply with quote
Originally I'd planned on ending the suspense by running a summary of what happens at the end of the Inuyasha manga, but based on the lengthy synopsis I saw, it was a giant load of complicated, melodramatic bullshit with more 5-syllable Japanese names than I could possibly imagine so forget it. It's a Takahashi manga so I assume the final chapter involves a wedding in which Kagome is still kind of a bitch to Inuyasha and neither one has actually said the word "love" aloud.

Whoa Zac! Either you read the last of the manga, or you're a mind reader! That's exactly what happened at the end! Laughing

No, I do not hide my anime fandom. I have never seen any reason to, and I am probably in an area where you don't get crucified for saying you are one because a majority of the people in my area I think actually enjoy watching anime in some way or another.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:24 am Reply with quote
Oh...I was cursing myself for not writing about Strike Witches, but luckily, someone else did it for me~
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:33 am Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
They're set to publish volume 36 in January of next year, and there are 56 volumes in total, so you're going to be waiting a while.

Though it'll still be done faster than the Ranma manga! Laughing

I thought the Ranma manga was finished here already? I could have sworn I saw the last one out. Confused
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Some Guy

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:47 am Reply with quote
einhorn303 wrote:
Oh...I was cursing myself for not writing about Strike Witches, but luckily, someone else did it for me~

I was kinda suprised at seeing that. Then when I actually think about it, once it got past the first few fill episodes I really starting paying attention to it. I would basically watch it on youtube as soon as it was put up there.

Do I hide my Anime fandom? No... but then again the subject doesnt come up much. If somebody asks me about my hobbies I will put Anime in there with the others, and if people cant except that and dont like me because of that, well then no skin off of my back. I have plenty to offer as a person but it's them missing out not me, because they are the ones somehow letting my hobby get in their way (yes I realize that sounds conceited).
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:22 am Reply with quote
You know those nice t-shirts that ADV used to include in their artboxes, and that Bandai still does? Yeah... I wear those to work and play. Most people don't know what they are, but every once in a while, someone recognizes one, whether it be one of my GTO shirts, or E7, or Naruto or Bleach. It's a conversation starter for those who recognize them, and a non-problem for those who don't. Win/win for me. Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:34 am Reply with quote
Crap! I completely forgot to write in about Mononoke for this week's Hey, Answerfans! Sad

At least I was pleasantly surprised to see D. Cager raving about Baccano!. She hit the nail on the head with a wrench! Who would have thought that a series with such outlandish, interwoven plot lines could actually have so much character depth to go along with the heaps of violence and comedic stylings? Of course, as Ms. Cager said, the creator (Ryohgo Narita) is the true genius behind it all, but the animators certainly outdid themselves in terms of bringing the pages of the novels to life in such a masterful fashion.

That said, I cannot wait for FUNimation's release of the series. It's one that I'll watch again and again, enjoying it all the more upon each viewing.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:58 am Reply with quote
Anyone who knows me likely knows that I'm an anime fan, but I don't go around talking about it, partially because I really do think it's a bit of a silly interest in a way, but mostly because I find people who loudly flaunt their hobbies and interests at every turn are annoying. I may have a Laughing Man symbol keychain on my laptop bag, but that's the extent of my display of anime fandom that people might see outside of my room. If you stepped in there you'd probably get the point. And even then, it's pretty muted- just one autographed poster, some gunpla, and random anime merchandise strewn about my messy room, most of which hidden under clothes or Nintendo Power magazines.

On the subject of Macross, I hope nobody's overlooked Harmony Gold's latest uncut, remastered, Japanese with subtitle-only boxset of SDF Macross, which was released last year (in fact, I sent a sample review of it to this very site). They certainly didn't bother to advertise it, which is strange, because you'd think Harmony Gold would want Macross fans to know about them actually getting it right for once. The inserts with the linear notes were a great extra.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:06 am Reply with quote
Ari-chan: In theory, it's "done", but Takahashi is supposed to have an actual ending in the works for Ranma when she finishes IY.
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Redbeard 101
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:06 am Reply with quote
Normally I wouldn't answer this week's question until next week when the actual answers Zac chooses get posted. However with my schedule as of late God knows if I'll remember to. I personally do not hide my anime fandom in the slightest. I don't hide ANY of my fandoms or hobbies at all. I take a more brash attitude about it. Basically if someone doesn't like it or approve of it they can kiss my ass and go jump off a cliff. I could care less. If I'm shopping at say Best Buy and I have a handful of titles in my hand including Welcome to the NHK (with it's more provocative covers that are honestly misleading) and someone notices and takes offense I don't care. In fact if people openly show disgust I'm more likely to put them down and pick up the first hentai title I can find with a tentacle on it just to gross them out even more. If I want to wear an anime t-shirt I simply wear one. I enjoy my hobbies and fandoms and that's what matters to me. My enjoyment of anime hurts no one and doesn't impede on anyone else's rights or liberties. So if someone doesn't agree with it I could care less. I don't watch anime for the approval of others, I do it because I enjoy it. I do try and be mindful of others (such as hiding above mentioned hentai titles when a mother with a 5 year old is walking by me) and not encroach onto their own beliefs. But I won't hide my hobbies and enjoyment of them for anyone. It's part of who I am and if someone can't understand it then they're not worth my time. I don't expect people to agree or like my fandom, just leave me to enjoy it and I'll leave them to enjoy their stamp collecting.
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Joined: 12 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 4:59 am Reply with quote
Honestly, I think there might be an inverse relationship between how much a show struggles to pander to a specific fetish and how good it is. Unless you're part of the specific audience they're catering to, those shows have very little value, and it's hard not to judge them as shallow exercises in extracting money from genre fanboys rather than legit creative works.

So I suppose while I don't have an issue with the series themselves - whatever floats your boat, right - there are way too many shows these days that are little more than an appeal to a particular fetish, and I wish they'd use that production time and money and talent making anime series of sincere quality. A guy can dream.

Yes, this sums up exactly my complaints of "fetish anime" perfectly. Generally speaking, the more they rely on the appeal of these fetishes, the less they need to appeal through sincere quality. That leaves those of us who aren't into those things kind of out in the cold though.
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