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INTEREST: Sony to End Recordable Blu-ray Disc Media Production

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Joined: 23 May 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:05 pm Reply with quote
OK, in case if anybody that is scared if Blu-ray movie will no longer be made, this doesn't effect BD-ROM, and BD movie (including 4K UHD BD). I looked around on the web and this seem to applied to BD-R, and BD-RW. Which to be honest, who used recordable media like BD-R and BD-RW when we got flash drives, and portable USB hard drives to fulfill that.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:09 pm Reply with quote
mdo7 wrote:
OK, in case if anybody that is scared if Blu-ray movie will no longer be made, this doesn't effect BD-ROM, and BD movie (including 4K UHD BD). I looked around on the web and this seem to applied to BD-R, and BD-RW. Which to be honest, who used recordable media like BD-R and BD-RW when we got flash drives, and portable USB hard drives to fulfill that.

I was getting scared, honestly. Whilst I like the fact that media is available online, the disappearance of physical media is a trend I do not welcome at all.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:12 pm Reply with quote
I wonder if someone will buy out the technology for preservation like Tarantino did with Kodak.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:15 pm Reply with quote
mdo7 wrote:
OK, in case if anybody that is scared if Blu-ray movie will no longer be made, this doesn't effect BD-ROM, and BD movie (including 4K UHD BD). I looked around on the web and this seem to applied to BD-R, and BD-RW. Which to be honest, who used recordable media like BD-R and BD-RW when we got flash drives, and portable USB hard drives to fulfill that.

Yeah ANN should really clraify this as the way they wrote is very misleading.

While BD-Rom, and BD Movie will still be in production, i have no doubt they will follow soon enough in a few more years too. The real questions is if any form of successor physical media will take there place or we are going full digital from here on out.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:33 pm Reply with quote
mdo7 wrote:
OK, in case if anybody that is scared if Blu-ray movie will no longer be made, this doesn't effect BD-ROM, and BD movie (including 4K UHD BD). I looked around on the web and this seem to applied to BD-R, and BD-RW. Which to be honest, who used recordable media like BD-R and BD-RW when we got flash drives, and portable USB hard drives to fulfill that.

Thanks for the information. Not that they couldn't outsource it, but it also didn't seem to make sense to completely end blu-ray when Sony, itself, still uses it for games, movies, and anime. As you said, people's usage for their own personal recording/storage purposes already moved on to more flexible methods. It also makes more sense then to mention it in the same breath as things like data discs. Sales of those recordable formats were probably pretty low because customers had their preferred alternatives.

mdo7 wrote:

Yeah ANN should really clraify this as the way they wrote is very misleading.

While BD-Rom, and BD Movie will still be in production, i have no doubt they will follow soon enough in a few more years too. The real questions is if any form of successor physical media will take there place or we are going full digital from here on out.

I have to agree. I came across this last night as a youtube thumbnail saying "Sony is ending physical media!" which was click baity enough that I decided to wait for more credible coverage. The linked sources say right in the headlines that it is recordable blu-ray, which is far less concerning. "Blu-ray disc media" sound like "all blu-rays."
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Joined: 08 Oct 2023
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:16 pm Reply with quote
This is an incredibly misleading article that wasn't researched any further (or explained). You have a misleading headline and don't mention in the article what types of blu-rays are being discontinued. It's recordable blu-rays, not regular blu-rays. You've made the article seem like they're no longer producing blu-rays for movies, tvs, and games. This is simply not the case.

Even the articles you cite clearly state "Sony's recordable Blu-ray media production draws to a close"

Recordable blu-ray media, whereas your article makes it very much seem that they are stopping blu-ray discs altogether.

Please revise this article, or just retract it entirely. As it stands it is doing your community a disservice by providing inaccurate information.
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Joined: 06 May 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:38 pm Reply with quote
I have to agree with the people above.
When I read the headline, I thought, "is Japan going to stop selling anime on BD discs altogether?" That's how misleading the headline and the article is.
Considering ANN is anime/manga/movies/games news site, I wish to know how this production discontinuation will affect anime/movies and games.
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Joined: 23 May 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:52 pm Reply with quote
Hellsoldier wrote:
I was getting scared, honestly. Whilst I like the fact that media is available online, the disappearance of physical media is a trend I do not welcome at all.

Thespacemaster wrote:
Yeah ANN should really clraify this as the way they wrote is very misleading.

While BD-Rom, and BD Movie will still be in production, i have no doubt they will follow soon enough in a few more years too. The real questions is if any form of successor physical media will take there place or we are going full digital from here on out.

Greed1914 wrote:
I have to agree. I came across this last night as a youtube thumbnail saying "Sony is ending physical media!" which was click baity enough that I decided to wait for more credible coverage. The linked sources say right in the headlines that it is recordable blu-ray, which is far less concerning. "Blu-ray disc media" sound like "all blu-rays."

scrunchybunch wrote:
This is an incredibly misleading article that wasn't researched any further (or explained). You have a misleading headline and don't mention in the article what types of blu-rays are being discontinued. It's recordable blu-rays, not regular blu-rays. You've made the article seem like they're no longer producing blu-rays for movies, tvs, and games. This is simply not the case.

Even the articles you cite clearly state "Sony's recordable Blu-ray media production draws to a close"

Recordable blu-ray media, whereas your article makes it very much seem that they are stopping blu-ray discs altogether.

Please revise this article, or just retract it entirely. As it stands it is doing your community a disservice by providing inaccurate information.

Yeah, I fully agreed with all of you calling out ANN for putting a misleading article and scaring people thinking Blu-ray movies and BD-ROM would end permanently when it's not. I wish whoever wrote this article on ANN would've done this more carefully and not cause a false warning in the same manner that Hawaii in 2018 sent out a false missile alert/warning that caused a major panic in that states and the whole USA thinking that North Korea has declared war on us when this turned out to be not true.

ANN, are you trying to cause a panic in the anime fandom by creating a misleading article title that leans toward "fake news" territory by saying all Blu-ray including BD-ROM and Blu-ray movie??? Because that's very reckless, and you need to go back and put clarification and apologize for causing this level of panic amongst the fandom because some people in the fandom might not bother to check other sources (like I did) to make sure this is true.

Greed1914 wrote:
As you said, people's usage for their own personal recording/storage purposes already moved on to more flexible methods. It also makes more sense then to mention it in the same breath as things like data discs. Sales of those recordable formats were probably pretty low because customers had their preferred alternatives.

As I said, if they wanted to end blu-ray for movie/home video and video game, then why the heck didn't DVD get phased away many years ago when Blu-ray debuted (and yet, DVDs are still being made even to this day). So that's why I was skeptical of this ANN article saying that Sony will end blu-ray which I thought was ridiculous and it's a good thing I did my research and investigation and thank goodness so that way I can call out ANN for this. If Sony wanted to end blu-ray for movie and video game format, then why didn't the industry ended DVDs when they had many opportunities??? So that's how I knew this article didn't make any sense and just cause "fake news" styled journalism.

As I previously said, we've already have USB flash drives (some of these can go up to 4 TB!!!), and portable external hard drives (using USB of course) like this one. I mean there's no reason for anyone to buy BD-R or BD-RW given what I just said.

Oh, and I want to add something and remind all of you, physical media is not dead!!! Even streaming has it's own limitation, and I found problem with streaming, I won't repost my quote on this, but you can read my post on another thread here. I doubt that physical media like BD and DVDs will ever go away, and I've written this back in 2023 on another ANN thread. I will quote these from an article that validate my view:

Alex Weprin of The Hollywood Reporter wrote:
Yet there are also signs of hope. A significant strategic shift by major streamers, paired with the current state of play in the music industry, offers a potential way forward for physical media.

When Netflix launched its streaming business, you could find everything you wanted, from every era of film and TV, available at all times. Everyone else followed that strategy — but now things are changing again.

Warner Bros. Discovery last year began a content purge of its streaming service HBO Max (now just Max), removing thousands of hours of programming. Disney+, Hulu and Paramount+ followed suit, canceling shows and culling old titles. As the cost of content will continue to rise in a post-strike world, even Netflix or Amazon might be tempted to remove titles to save a few bucks.

That strategy shift, as jarring as it is to some creators and consumers, reinforces the value of physical media. It’s a similar state of play with digital downloads, which you might “buy” from Amazon or iTunes, but can be removed from your library at any time. Studios could pull Westworld and Good Burger from Max — but not from your bookshelf.

With titles disappearing from streaming services at a rapid clip, it might be worth opening that DVD or Blu-ray distribution window one more time: Buy it now, before it leaves your subscriptions and doesn’t come back.

Sarah Whitten & Lillian Rizzo of CNBC News wrote:
Streaming services are being strategic about what sticks around and what leaves their platforms. Major hits such as Max’s “Peacemaker” or Disney’s “The Mandalorian” are unlikely to be pulled from their respective apps.

Meanwhile, underperforming shows and films could be on the chopping block.

My main takeaway is that nothing is guaranteed to remain on streaming forever. You are paying for a convenient way to watch content, but it is not a replacement for buying a movie or TV show on home video,” Cartelli said.

Remember, streaming is not forever, and digital ownership is not 100% full customer ownership!!! So if you can buy the movie or TV series (whether live-action or animated), buy the physical media whether it's Blu-rays or DVDs if you can. I've had enough experience with streaming and I've witnessed the backlash toward Sony removing contents that ownership already bought online and assumingly you owned.

Last edited by mdo7 on Fri Jan 24, 2025 5:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 03 Mar 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 3:14 pm Reply with quote
What is really seems deliberate is that the original article specifically mentions that it is discontinue the the re-writable blu ray and yet they seem to have specifically avoided mentioning it despite the other media forms they said are ceasing they do mention recordable forms.

So call me a bit paranoid, but this stinks of them, trying to clickbait people into reading it.

''In the announcement the media giant stated it is ending production of recordable Blu-ray Disc media, recordable mini discs, MD data discs, and mini DV cassettes in February. The company also stated no successors to the above media formats are in production.''

They removed the word recordable from the phrase blu ray disc media.
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Joined: 26 Nov 2020
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 3:48 pm Reply with quote
Well since everyone's already commented on the misinformation, I'm more surprised that they bothered producing MD and Mini DV up until now.
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Joined: 26 Mar 2022
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 4:37 pm Reply with quote
tbh I keep forgetting that BD-Rs and BD-RWs exist despite burning things onto DVD-Rs
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 5:09 pm Reply with quote
mdo7 wrote:
OK, in case if anybody that is scared if Blu-ray movie will no longer be made, this doesn't effect BD-ROM, and BD movie (including 4K UHD BD). I looked around on the web and this seem to applied to BD-R, and BD-RW. Which to be honest, who used recordable media like BD-R and BD-RW when we got flash drives, and portable USB hard drives to fulfill that.
Well that is a huge relief. I thought owning games and films on BD had suddenly stopped.
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Joined: 24 May 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 6:28 pm Reply with quote
The source they used "toms' hardware" was wrong and has been updated to fix the misinformation so that where ANN got missed up here. That said this does need fixing.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 6:29 pm Reply with quote
Not that there's much of a market left for them presumably (I've owned a rewriteable BD drive for nearly a decade and never burned a single disc on it), but does Sony stopping their own production preclude a third party from continuing to manufacture them? Or did they keep all BD production exclusive to themselves?
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Joined: 23 May 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 6:31 pm Reply with quote
MarshalBanana wrote:
mdo7 wrote:
OK, in case if anybody that is scared if Blu-ray movie will no longer be made, this doesn't effect BD-ROM, and BD movie (including 4K UHD BD). I looked around on the web and this seem to applied to BD-R, and BD-RW. Which to be honest, who used recordable media like BD-R and BD-RW when we got flash drives, and portable USB hard drives to fulfill that.
Well that is a huge relief. I thought owning games and films on BD had suddenly stopped.

Well Marshal, If they wanted to permanently cease all production of all BDs including BD movie and BD-ROM, they would've done this already for DVDs a long time ago. Hell, the industry could've put a stop on vinyl disc and the revival, and yet all of these physical media discs are still being made even today. It's just outdated physical media like BD-R and BD-RW that aren't being used anymore because we already have better storage format like USB flash drives, and portable external hard drives already made and with a larger storage then BD-R/BD-RW so now I understand why those are ceasing production.
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