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Lord Geo
Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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Location: North Brunswick, New Jersey
Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 1:01 pm
Quote: | Anyway, we haven't seen a Fatal Fury since 1995's Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory. |
This is really splitting hairs, because that's ignoring the Real Bout trilogy (which had the phrase "Fatal Fury" in them, with the first even being the literal & direct sequel to FF3), Mark of the Wolves (which was even given the "Fatal Fury" surname for its release on the Dreamcast in North America), & both Wild Ambition and First Contact (which both fit Jean-Karlo's pedantic definition of a "Fatal Fury" perfectly, since they both start their titles with those words). I get wanting to make a big deal out of a game being called "Fatal Fury" finally being made again, but that's no reason to ignore literal games called just that.
Regardless, while Art of Fighting likely won't be returning as its own series ever again, I'm sure we'll see some fun DLC characters for City of the Wolves, like Mr. Karate II (i.e. Ryo from Buriki One, which took place around the same time as MotW) & maybe even Robert Garcia (who was given a similarly older aged design for Neo Geo Battle Coliseum). Also, a voice that would fit Kushnood Butt/Marco Rodriguez was also heard in that teaser trailer, so he's likely also going to be a base roster character for CotW.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 1:07 pm
That fixation on the big games is probably why Square Enix's favorite phrase is, "sold below expectations."
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Joined: 08 Apr 2014
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Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 1:28 pm
A lot of my favorite games from Square Enix recently have been their mid-sized titles, so on the one hand, this news is disappointing. On the other hand, it does feel like they went through a period of releasing a lot of those close together, so I'm hopeful that, even if there's less focus on them, we'll still be getting enough of them to keep me happy. Or maybe that's wishful thinking.
I'm not even an Atelier fan, but the new game is still disappointing, just in terms of the direction the industry feels like it's going in as a whole. As a Tales fan, after all of Bamco's recent attempts and failures at mobile Tales games, I can also sympathize with Atelier fans right now. Hopefully this won't become the norm for the franchise going forward.
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Lord Geo
Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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Location: North Brunswick, New Jersey
Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 3:10 pm
anpansparking wrote: | A lot of my favorite games from Square Enix recently have been their mid-sized titles, so on the one hand, this news is disappointing. On the other hand, it does feel like they went through a period of releasing a lot of those close together, so I'm hopeful that, even if there's less focus on them, we'll still be getting enough of them to keep me happy. Or maybe that's wishful thinking. |
I honestly just hope that Akitoshi Kawazu will continue to seemingly be allowed to produce whatever he feels like, due to his seniority as (possibly) the last remaining OG Square staff member still at the company. He's already stated his intention remaster all of the mainline SaGa games, and all that remains are SaGa Frontier 2 & Unlimited SaGa. He's too close for Square-Enix to stop him now.
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Joined: 09 Jun 2015
Posts: 121
Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 3:19 pm
That square enix tweet's only source is a guy ranting about how AI will save video games. I would not put much stock in it.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2004
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Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 4:39 pm
anpansparking wrote: | A lot of my favorite games from Square Enix recently have been their mid-sized titles, so on the one hand, this news is disappointing. On the other hand, it does feel like they went through a period of releasing a lot of those close together, so I'm hopeful that, even if there's less focus on them, we'll still be getting enough of them to keep me happy. Or maybe that's wishful thinking. |
I've been pretty happy with last year's mid-sized title The DioField Chronicle, which is sating my need for an intricate political story and an elegant design style. In other words, the polar opposite of Fire Emblem Engage. The gameplay is a mixed bag and seems like an unfinished experiment, but thank goodness they had an opportunity to try. In better days, they'd be able to iterate on this in a sequel and hopefully perfect it.
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Joined: 01 Jun 2015
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Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 4:43 pm
I'm here to inform you that people with the audacity and misfortune to dislike Alolan Exeggutor can be legally eaten.
Anyways Raging Bolt is great. Much better than Walking Wake and its weird tails.
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Joined: 13 Nov 2021
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Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 4:44 pm
Quote: | That said: this is one of those cases where I'm getting a little tilted at the trailer because the subtitles are way off. Like, I get it, her lines are being changed so that they're a bit snappier and funnier, but it's wild to hear her say "¿Tienes café?" ("Got any coffee?") and see it translated as "How do you take your coffee?" (which would be "¿Cómo quieres su café?"). Like... I'm an actual native Spanish speaker, I know what this woman is saying. |
That's really interesting. I wonder if this is a case of an editor punching up a Spanish-to-English translation or if both the Spanish and the English were translated separately from a Japanese script. Tekken features so many languages that I'd be surprised if they didn't use a pivot language (if that's still the right term when applied to the source script) to keep things manageable, but it would be cool if they actually maintained a translation staff that robust.
Quote: | Also! Eltnum is back! One of the original characters French Bread created for Melty Blood, Eltnum was added as a cameo character in the original UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH. Here, she's been added to the main roster. |
Could you explain what you mean by this? I've mained Eltnum since UNIEL came to PS3, and she's been in the base roster of every console and PC release of an Under Night game. Do you mean that she'll have a more serious story role this time (as opposed to her original UNIEL plotline, which ends with her assassinating Kinoko Nasu)?
Last edited by AQuin1904 on Tue Aug 15, 2023 9:17 am; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 24 Aug 2015
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Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 6:15 pm
Christ. When you said "the bad news" and mentioned hungry_clicker I was terrified. Did they die? Did they do NFTs? Are they doing AI artwork now????
Anyway I hope they recover quickly and without issues.
re atelier, I don't play genshin but if it was more like that sort of thing with optional paid gacha it'd be like... not AS bad. but if it has stamina and is pay to win geared then...yeah... that's not cool...
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Silver Kirin
Joined: 09 Aug 2018
Posts: 1292
Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 8:35 pm
Lord Geo wrote: |
Quote: | Anyway, we haven't seen a Fatal Fury since 1995's Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory. |
This is really splitting hairs, because that's ignoring the Real Bout trilogy (which had the phrase "Fatal Fury" in them, with the first even being the literal & direct sequel to FF3), Mark of the Wolves (which was even given the "Fatal Fury" surname for its release on the Dreamcast in North America), & both Wild Ambition and First Contact (which both fit Jean-Karlo's pedantic definition of a "Fatal Fury" perfectly, since they both start their titles with those words). I get wanting to make a big deal out of a game being called "Fatal Fury" finally being made again, but that's no reason to ignore literal games called just that. |
According to some info I found online, inside the code for the original Garou: MoW there are unused graphic tiles that would have named the game Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves, so yes, the FF series ended with MoW until this new game got announced. There's some people that consider Real Bout Special and RB2 non-canon because of Geese's appearance in them. Then there's RB: Dominated Mind, but nobody talks about it.
I just hope this new Fatal Fury can stand on its own and become a popular fighting game, don't know if it can compete against Street Fighter, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Guilty Gear and SNK's own KoF, but after 24 years I want it to be something special, the trailer at least got me excited. I hope the game can diferentiate itself from KoF, which is weird because the orginal Garou played a lot more like a KoF than the previous FFs, with SNK ditching the line system. Also, I don't want SNK to focus only on old characters, I know its easier to recycle models from their modern 3D games and they'll to adapt some old characters like Hotaru into 3D, but I hope they include new characters as well, and some obscure FF characters that have never appeared in KoF, like Bob Wilson, Rick Strowd and Alfred
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Joined: 24 May 2012
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Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 2:19 am
it was called that on the dc port in the west
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Los Nido
Joined: 26 Jun 2022
Posts: 132
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 6:46 pm
anpansparking wrote: | A lot of my favorite games from Square Enix recently have been their mid-sized titles, so on the one hand, this news is disappointing. On the other hand, it does feel like they went through a period of releasing a lot of those close together, so I'm hopeful that, even if there's less focus on them, we'll still be getting enough of them to keep me happy. Or maybe that's wishful thinking. |
I'll be honest and say I forgot some of these games even existed. I didn't know Diofield Chronicle even came out. I must have missed it. Same thing with Various Daylife which I may have heard once and then completely forgot about. Assuming that rumor is true, it'll probably come down to how these games sold. I didn't hear good things about Harvestella myself, and the sales numbers in Japan seemed particularly low. Balan Wonderworld is another obvious failure. I didn't care for Bravely Default II much and felt the first game, or two rather, were better. The last ones I remember playing and enjoying were Triangle Strategy and Live a Live. Star Ocean The Devine Force was merely okay.
Ironically, I think the mid-sized games have become a bit saturated and samey. The 2D-HD style is becoming a bit overused in my opinion. I appreciated Triangle Strategy having an option to lower the screen dimming because I'm growing to dislike the aesthetic and how dark it makes a lot of the games look. The new Star Ocean 2 re-port uses it as well and it just kind of makes me miss the outright colorful graphics of the original. I wish these games didn't rely so much on bloom and moody lighting. But that's just a personal opinion, I suppose.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
Posts: 2423
Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:46 am
SciasSlash wrote: | That square enix tweet's only source is a guy ranting about how AI will save video games. I would not put much stock in it. |
Definitely a red flag, especially when said source deleted his tweets saying that. Plus what exactly would S-E turn into a AAA project? They already have FF, Kingdom Hearts, and Dragon Quest which are resource hogs. And that's before getting into FFXIV
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Silver Kirin
Joined: 09 Aug 2018
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Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:40 pm
Speaking about Square-Enix and their comments about AAA development, FFXVI's producer Naoki Yoshida said in an interview that it'd be better for developers like S-E if there was just a single console platform, now I don't know if he was only joking or if there was some mistranslation going on but I wonder if S-E is truly satisfied with XVI's sales, especially compared with something like Tears of the Kingdom, particularly in Japan where TotK is outselling XVI by a huge majority, despite FF outselling Zelda in the past there
Many said in the comments of that interview if by "one console" Yoshi was thinking about the PlayStation
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ANN Reviewer
Joined: 28 Oct 2018
Posts: 703
Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 8:34 pm
Silver Kirin wrote: | Speaking about Square-Enix and their comments about AAA development, FFXVI's producer Naoki Yoshida said in an interview that it'd be better for developers like S-E if there was just a single console platform, now I don't know if he was only joking or if there was some mistranslation going on but I wonder if S-E is truly satisfied with XVI's sales, especially compared with something like Tears of the Kingdom, particularly in Japan where TotK is outselling XVI by a huge majority, despite FF outselling Zelda in the past there
Many said in the comments of that interview if by "one console" Yoshi was thinking about the PlayStation |
This was a mistranslation and Yoshi-P was literally just shooting the breeze while drinking with buds. A lot of people have really turned on Sony in recent years and they've frankly got their asses on display. At any rate, it's a big fat nothingburger so don't expect any comment on it from me this week.
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