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Joined: 29 Jul 2006
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Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 11:09 pm
OMG, what WAS that??????!!!!!!!
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Joined: 11 Nov 2005
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Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 11:11 pm
Looks like some sort of rat on steroids. Or it was an anteater like he said.
A fundraiser for Tsubasa Chronicles? Yeah, that's going to fail. I didn't like that series much either. It was too repetitive.
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Joined: 17 Feb 2005
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Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 11:16 pm
With Seven Seas releasing Catgirls, Loli, AND Yuri; they're in a category all their own. And when you're by yourself, there's money to be made.
I know I'm buying most of Seven Seas's new properties.
Viva la Loli ~
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Joined: 29 Jul 2006
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Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 11:19 pm
I feel as though I can relate to the Ranter. I too have spent vast sums on Anime (in the thousands, not saying any more), and I often wonder why I chose to do so. I have unlimited broadband after all, and yet for me there is nothing better to do than to get the final volume of a series. And nothing worse when I see said series released as a box set, half the price (or less) than I paid.....
And when am I going to find the time to watch 380+ DVDs more than once? Most will be watched, then shelved, never to bask in the glory of my DVD player again. Man, sometimes I think Anime is more addictive than nicotine, and every month I have to get my fix or else....
Edited "choose" to "chose".
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Joined: 07 Oct 2004
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Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 11:21 pm
That was quite possible the ugliest cat/rat dog I've ever seen....thanks Answerman I am officially scarred. As for Tsubasa Chronicle I can't even imagine that any amount of fans could ever bring it back. It will be like Hellsing if anything, where you need a huge demand or if the R1 dvd sale like hotcakes which I just don't think is going to happen.
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Richard J.
Joined: 11 Aug 2006
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Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 11:26 pm
Ranma824 wrote: | With Seven Seas releasing Catgirls, Loli, AND Yuri; they're in a category all their own. And when you're by yourself, there's money to be made.
I know I'm buying most of Seven Seas's new properties.
Viva la Loli ~ |
A poster after my own twisted heart. Seven Seas has a nice chunk of my wallet, assuming I ever pay my credit card bill. (I must get some cash soon or my credit card company will have to send a goon squad.)
Having run out of patience a while back waiting for Nymphet's release (it got pushed back again due to a printing problem) I checked some scanlations. It's not half as perverted as people are making it out to be. While the dialouge is quite deliciously wrong in some places, there isn't a fifth as much visual fanservice as you'd find in a Ken Akamatsu manga.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2006
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Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 11:29 pm
RE: Picture
What the hell was that...that...thing?
That was grotesque!
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Lady Multi
Joined: 11 Dec 2004
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Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 11:36 pm
Picture: That cat...I guess its a cat...needs to chose to be hairless or not. Reminds me of a horror movie I once saw. Meh...
As for Tsubasa Chronicles, I was personally sadened by the flow of the anime. The non-important episodes dragged on far too long...they created some crap/filler/episodes (you know fillers don't work, k...they kill series popularity)...and NOW they aren't going into the best parts. That's lame...and sad. I was actually highly upset with the lingering at the end of Season2 (though I'm still going to buy it....if it comes out over here). ~Season1, Disk1 w/box on the way~
If they'd have gone through like the manga, the climax arc would have started.... If they'd have ended with that section (destroyed Tokyo-world), people would possibly (if they stomached the lame parts) begged for the next season.
The anime screw with my brain. (though I say the manga is now starting to screw with my head......'s CLAMP and that's what I like about it.)
Eh...that's enough. If Season3 ever happens, I'll be happy; if not...there isn't anything I can do about it...and I'll be forced to keep with the manga.
I still say that if Madhouse would have done the would have been better. Familiarity with CLAMP anime and all........(they did most--all?--the others after all).
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Joined: 29 Jul 2006
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Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 11:38 pm
Richard J. wrote: | While the dialouge is quite deliciously wrong in some places, there isn't a fifth as much visual fanservice as you'd find in a Ken Akamatsu manga. |
I hope you are right. Nymphet scares me.Sure, I don't like its premise, but that's not the issue. It is DANGEROUS , and so we must be careful. What I do NOT want happening is some Republican candidate next year attempting to boost his poll ratings by slamming Manga and Anime, holding them up to be ungodly, un-Christian etc etc. Unlikely enough that I don't lose sleep over it, I still dread it as an inevitable scenario that will play out sometime in the future.
So, I have no problem with people watching hentai, lolicon or harem. BUT, I just hope they make sure they are BLOODY careful.
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Joined: 30 Jan 2007
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Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 11:40 pm
According to the amazing ability to right click then save as on an image to view the file name, we can all know that the picture is titled "uglycat".
On the issue of R1 DVD covers though, I'm more concerned about things like the art box for When They Cry (which screams loli), then just bad covers.
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Joined: 29 Jul 2006
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Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 11:50 pm
That is how I feel about this week's banner. Not as good as last week, Matt.
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Joined: 10 Dec 2006
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Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 11:51 pm
R1 DVD Covers: Zac is right that they change them to make it more marketable to non anime fans, but I don't see why the anime companies just make all covers reverseable where the flip side is the japanese cover.
Otaku: I consider myself an otaku but I'm not one of those obbsessed people like how the Japanese see it. Some advice though becareful how you tell Japanese people your an anime fan. While I was there I made the mistake at first of telling people I was an Otaku because I thought an Otaku was just an anime fan. Thank God they knew it was a translation error and I was able to be more careful.
Rant: I usually watch my dvd's more then twice. I will watch them in English first then the second time I watch them I'll watch it in Japanese. After that I sometimes watch them again when I haven't watched them in awhile. It is also just nice to know I have them incase I fell like watching them again or feel in the mood to watch a certain series or episode. For manga I don't usually re read it but I will use them to look up certain parts when I want to see something or do comparisons a lot once i have seen the anime. I also use quotes from the manga for my research papers, gets me an essay A too lol.
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Avatar of Justice
Joined: 20 Oct 2006
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Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 11:53 pm
One way to rewatch your collection is to introduce new friends to your favorite shows (assuming you hang around anime fans). I've got a pretty large collection, and I've managed to rewatch the bulk this past year by watching it with friends who haven't seen the particular series I own.
My reasons for buying a lot of anime boil down to wanting to own something I really like forever and having the capability to watch it whenever I please, instead of depending on Netflix or something. I'm fairly picky, only buying stuff that I thing is pretty good. It typically matches up with what I watch fansubbed, as I stop watching fansubs of shows that I don't find particuarly compelling after a few episodes. My anime habits are a lot like my reading habits. I read/view new stuff, but I spend over 50% of my reading/viewing time rewatching stuff I really like. I also like to watch certain series at certain times of the year (Eva every spring, Haibane Renmei every Christmas season). Some people are rewatchers, some people aren't. If you aren't, save your cash.
Last edited by Avatar of Justice on Thu May 17, 2007 11:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Richard J.
Joined: 11 Aug 2006
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Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 11:53 pm
Moros wrote: | I hope you are right. Nymphet scares me.Sure, I don't like its premise, but that's not the issue. It is DANGEROUS  , and so we must be careful. What I do NOT want happening is some Republican candidate next year attempting to boost his poll ratings by slamming Manga and Anime, holding them up to be ungodly, un-Christian etc etc. Unlikely enough that I don't lose sleep over it, I still dread it as an inevitable scenario that will play out sometime in the future. |
The irony of this post is that I am both Republican and Christian.
Granted, I'm only stating my personal opinion about what I saw, but I really don't think you can call Nymphet porn on any level. I don't recall any nudity though there might have been some. I do remember a couple of scenes that certainly would make some people squirm, but nothing really that bad (again, in my opinion.) There is a clearly sexualized element to the series that may make it seem worse than some, but there are definitely series already licensed and out that I would say have "worse" actual content.
Frankly, I think the series is worth picking up if you're not too squeamish. Rin's a very interesting character. Precocious, dirty-minded, but also very loyal and actually pretty sweet.
And just to add my own 50 cents (inflation is killing the thought market), that cat has my sympathies. It is not very attractive, but I still love it because it is a feline and all felines automatically rule.
*Edited to correct an odd error that changed the meaning of a sentence.
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Joined: 04 May 2007
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Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 12:03 am
I've spent my fair share on anime... Most of it I'm sure I'll watch or read over and over again. While I haven't actually stuck most of them in the DVD player for that second watch, I'm sure the day will come.
Other thing is, when you actually own the anime, it's so much easier to share with your friends. Instead of giving them lower quality fansubs that they have to watch on their computer, you can just hand them the DVD.
Finally, there's the matter of actually supporting the artists. Now, I'm no saint when it comes to illegally downloading licensed anime, but I also buy the anime that I download and like, because if I do so, that's more money to the production companies, so they can continue producing awesome shows.
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