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REVIEW: 009-1 DVD 1

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Joined: 13 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:09 am Reply with quote
I was on the fence about this one untill I read the review, now I can't wait to check it out. Thanks for the well written review.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 1:05 am Reply with quote
I am glad that ADV is putting out the two shows I am really interested in. First being Le Chevalier D'eon and 009-1. More importantly I am glad that the shows are out on this fast track and I love it. I can't wait to check out more of this show when the first dvd becomes available.

P.S. Am I the only one who thinks that setting (Future Cold War) is a briallant idea?
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Joined: 29 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 8:39 am Reply with quote
Help me out here, I'm a little confused.

the series gives off a vibe that an American viewer will interpret more as a cross between classic James Bond and the original Charlie's Angels than a variation on a more philosophical hard sci-fi series like Ghost in the Shell.

the series emphasizes Mylene's sex appeal by offering healthy and regular doses of fan service,

The purely episodic nature of the first four episodes prevents any overall plot from forming; you could watch the episodes out of order and still perfectly understand everything.

it is clearly aimed at an older and somewhat more sophisticated audience

Wait, what?

See, when I think anime that targets a sophisticated audience, I think Ghost In The Shell or Paranoia Agent, not Charlie's Angels-esque girls with guns. The review was painting a rather cohesive picture up until that last quote, but I'm not seeing anything at all in this review that would lead me to conclude the show is meant to appeal to a more sophisticated fan. In fact, most of the elements highlighted (episodic shows with no long term plot, generous helpings of fan service, catchy pop music) would be the sort of things a sophisticated fan would actually want to avoid. What am I missing?
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Joined: 17 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:09 am Reply with quote
You aren't missing anything, I definitely think this anime was targetted at a younger male crowd. It definitely doesn't require much of your attention to follow an episode.

I was really looking forward to this series, and felt really disappointed after seeing the first four episodes. I wanted something more mature with a retro twist (provided by the setting and character designs) but each episode's storyline was extremely simple and sometimes predictable. I personally was really disappointed with how each episode was paced and the quite silly storylines; possibly because I built my hopes up for something very different.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:29 am Reply with quote
belisarius wrote:
What am I missing?

Only what wasn't clearly said in the review, but merely implied: Beneath that fluffy surface there's actually a very mature core with moral dilemmas, political themes and psychological issues. Granted, they remain deeply in the shadow of the prevalent fan-service and agent-action, especially for these first four episodes, but they are still there, rising their heads occasionally.

I would guess the reviewer meant one needs to be sophisticated to see and appreciate that hidden layer in order to really enjoy the series. Here I disagree; the splendid action, gorgeous main character and the individual storylines would be strong enough to carry the series even without any serious undertones. Now those undertones are just an added bonus to an already excellent series.
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Jedi General

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:35 am Reply with quote
Nice review, just about what I expected too in terms of grades too.

I've been looking forward to this series after seeing the first couple of episodes fansubbed and enjoying them. TRSI shipped this out to me a few days ago, so I'll be able to see thing for myself soon. As for the dub, I like it in Japanese obviously, but I'm pleased to hear that the dub is a solid one, being one who prefers dubs. I also didn't mind the episodic nature of those first couple fansubbed episodes either. Being a 12 episode series, I'm thinking that there won't be an overall plot, since it might be tough to squeeze a good plot into 8 episodes. But, I don't think I'll mind if it turns out being completely episodic in nature as long as it doesn't get old too quickly.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:05 am Reply with quote
Perhaps "mature" would be a better choice than "sophisticated" in the review. As I was watching the first volume, the series clearly felt to me to be targeted more at the kind of audience old enough to actually remember watching the original Charlie's Angels than at younger audiences just hungry for fan service. It's certainly skewed more towards adults than teens.

And as one person commented, although they are deeply-buried, there are some underlying political themes that only an older and more educated viewer would be likely to catch.
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Joined: 20 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 1:02 pm Reply with quote
I watched the free episode and I was intrigued; I'm seriously considering this series now.
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Joined: 28 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 3:04 pm Reply with quote
Supporting roles are infused with all manner of colorful accents in the English dub, but these are not overdone to the point of caricature and are not out of line for the kind of characters who use them.

I watched the free episode too, and I don't usually have gripes with reviews, but... the English agent's accent was quite painful to listen to. Words were clipped in the wrong places and over-ennunciated, and some of the English colloquial phrases she used weren't appropriate for the situation- this is coming from someone who's entire family is English, though, so others might not have a problem with it.

belisarius wrote:
See, when I think anime that targets a sophisticated audience, I think Ghost In The Shell or Paranoia Agent, not Charlie's Angels-esque girls with guns.

Ah. Well, it's not so much the guns, but where they happen to be located (on Marlene, at least). I think that that may bring the show down an intellectual peg for you.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:25 pm Reply with quote
Although the name was originally intended as a play on words which allowed the “9-1” part to be interpreted in Japanese as “female ninja,” its formalized English translation has instead become a play on Cyborg 009, another of Ishinomori's well-known titles.
Ahahaha, "9-1" = "ku-no-ichi" = "kunoichi," clever Smile Even so, this title just doesn't really appeal to me...maybe it's just a seasonal thing. But at least ADV can't blame fansubs if sales are poor on 009-1, as their earlier announcement caused (for once) fansubbing activity to be dropped.
deltakiral wrote:
P.S. Am I the only one who thinks that the setting (Future Cold War) is a briallant idea?
I don't know, after seeing it in the Full Metal Panic series, it's kind of lost its originality to me.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 9:06 am Reply with quote
Key wrote:
Perhaps "mature" would be a better choice than "sophisticated" in the review. As I was watching the first volume, the series clearly felt to me to be targeted more at the kind of audience old enough to actually remember watching the original Charlie's Angels than at younger audiences just hungry for fan service. It's certainly skewed more towards adults than teens.

And as one person commented, although they are deeply-buried, there are some underlying political themes that only an older and more educated viewer would be likely to catch.

I'd say that this goes back further in time to The Avengers with 009-1 being similar to Tara King or Mrs. Peel. Also the Cold War not being over and spy games being played were also in The Avengers. It all depends on how deep those themes and stuff like moral ambiguity are explored. If it goes that route, then it becomes something for a "mature" and "sophisticated" viewer imo.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 5:46 pm Reply with quote
hikaru004 wrote:

I'd say that this goes back further in time to The Avengers with 009-1 being similar to Tara King or Mrs. Peel. Also the Cold War not being over and spy games being played were also in The Avengers. It all depends on how deep those themes and stuff like moral ambiguity are explored. If it goes that route, then it becomes something for a "mature" and "sophisticated" viewer imo.

But Mrs. Peel had personality. And while she was, of course, added to attract male viewers ("Emma Peel"= "M appeal"), she didn't get into quite as many fan-service-y situations as 009-1. The Avengers was all about classy people doing classy things with classy weapons to campy (yet classy) villains. 009-1 is more like James Bond than anything else, just minus James Bond and using any of his female companions.
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Joined: 29 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 2:48 pm Reply with quote
Treetastic wrote:
Supporting roles are infused with all manner of colorful accents in the English dub, but these are not overdone to the point of caricature and are not out of line for the kind of characters who use them.

I watched the free episode too, and I don't usually have gripes with reviews, but... the English agent's accent was quite painful to listen to. Words were clipped in the wrong places and over-enunciated, and some of the English colloquial phrases she used weren't appropriate for the situation- this is coming from someone who's entire family is English, though, so others might not have a problem with it.

No, "painful" is about as accurate as one can get while still being polite, although I would say to the point of overdone and caricaturesque.

It struck me as the Cyborg 009 cast (art, story, quality-or-personally-felt-lack-thereof) trying to do Najica, this last part possibly explaining why ADV picked it up.
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Randall Miyashiro

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 3:46 am Reply with quote
I really enjoyed the first volume of 009-1. I'm glad that the extra explained the title of the series since the kana below says "zero zero nine" but the lyrics say double oh nine. In the series they refer to the agents like "hachi maru hach" which really confused me. The change from the original manga to series and the Kunoichi pun was nicely explained.

I really enjoyed the actual animation for this series and found the hand to hand combat especially well done. There seems to be some complex rotations involved and a relatively low amount of sliding cels. Once again my criteria and Theron's for animation quality defier since things like reused foregrounds and backgrounds, animation cycles and animating by motion lines which annoy me the most are absent. Yet there are some really tough full character motion which I've always had a really hard time pulling off.

I hope not too many people are turned off by the dated character animation. The first episode is on the Anime Network but I can't comment on the dub since I watched the subs. I so far thought this series reminds me of Go Nagai's Cutey Honey, although so far I like 0009-1 much better.
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Joined: 02 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:53 pm Reply with quote
Too add my two cents before this title gets dated, I was actually pretty disappointed. Checking out the first episode available on cable, it fell in line with the reviewers description of good action mixed with a campy "Charlie's Angels" vibe, but upon watching the DVD the rest of the episodes leveled off soundly in terms of both action and just overall fun.

The biggest problem is the series tone. One would think with a bevy of attractive cy-girls, the main character armed with a ballistic bust, campy good natured fun would be the most fitting order of the day. However, the series more than anything slides toward the more somber, dark spy genre. (The reviewer mentioned James Bond, but often it feels more Golgo 13.) That take has it's pluses, but unfortunately the far, far too common habit of Japanese writers pops up, "When in doubt, crank the melodrama/childish moralism too 11." (One of the episodes actually ends with the main character speaking, non-ironically, "Who was the REAL monster here?") Melodrama has the double-edged sword of taking the punch out of what should be serious material, while making morose what should be light-hearted fun. In other words, it should be almost impossible to make a sexy spy with a machine gun chest boring, but sadly this series does.

Fan-service in this series is actually more genre appropriate 'sexiness' than anything else. (Much to the sadness of older deviant fans who grow-up with the light-heated jiggle-ecchi of the Agent Aika/Gunsmith Cats/Burn-up's of the world.) Posters had noted the neat trappings of an ongoing Cold War time line, but in reality it's a completely one-note ' Generic Empire A vs. Generic Empire B' set-up, complete with impossibly one-dimensional characters and junior high morality.

Also oddly, the writers at times portray the 009 character as a cold hearted-killer who well understands her work, sleeping with the most vile villains in the series and casually dispatching them. Yet later 009 is the confused female standard, casting school-girl glances at the handsome eastern spy. Mutually exclusive personalties Mr. Writer, it's a short series pick one or the other.

In all the series is worth a watch through with terrific animation (most notably the first episode fight-scene and the action sequence which opens the second) and a quality score, but probably doesn't resonate well enough to make a fan favorite. Reminiscent of the 'Mezzo' TV series, a property with a great action/sexy potential, but just sputters along with the occasional stand-out moment.
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