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Poll: Favorite Director Part 4

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:21 pm Reply with quote
Hideaki Anno once again for me. Just don't want to vote for Satoshi.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:25 pm Reply with quote
Yes, Anno for me as well. Evangelion is my favorite anime of all time, plus he's been involved in other favorites of mine such as Kare Kano and Gunbuster.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:55 pm Reply with quote
Iwatch2muchanime wrote:
Hideaki Anno once again for me. Just don't want to vote for Satoshi.

Why, exactly? Just saying "Anno, no Kon" is basically spam that generates more questions than answers, so please start answering those questions.
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Joined: 07 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:37 pm Reply with quote
Having gone with Ikuhara in polls 2 and 3 (Revolutionary Girl Utena is my favorite anime), this time I went back to my first poll's vote of Satoshi Kon (Ikuhara wasn't availble in that one either).

I'm not much of an Evangelion fan (I liked it for awhile, but I'm one of the people who was utterly turned off by the last two episodes), and unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to finish watching His and Her Circumstances nor Nadia - Secret of Blue Water (although they're only my shelf waiting), so Anno was out.

While I enjoy Cowboy Bebop, it wasn't enough for Shinichiro Watanabe to get my vote either, especially since I haven't seen anything else he worked on as a director or otherwise.

So that left me with Satoshi Kon. Millenium Actress is one of my favorite movies of any medium. I truly enjoyed how it went from "reality" to the "stage" (not the right word, but those who've seen it will know what I'm talking about) without any sort of transition. It required my full attention, but not due to things like confusing jargon, but rather catching nuances. It was simply that spellbinding. That, and it had one of my favorite film endings as well. I also really enjoyed Perfect Blue. It was the first anime to truly freak me out. It was more graphic than what I usually watch (animated or otherwise), but at the same time, it was done in a way that I didn't find terribly distasteful. Moreover, I have Paranoia Agent sitting on my shelf waiting to be watched, Tokyo Godfathers in my Netflix queue (if I don't buy it before it comes up), and am hoping to see Paprika in the cinema if it shows near here. It's very rare that the name of a director gets me excited (really, Junichi Sato and Ikuhara are the only other two that can do that), so just that inital "ooh! Satoshi Kon" really made the decision for me.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:51 pm Reply with quote
Wow, if this poll was made about ten years ago, Anno would be guaranteed to be on top! It's amazing how times have changed. Or did the Cutey Honey film really do as much damage to the fanbase as Battlefield Earth did to that other cult?
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:51 pm Reply with quote
Anno for me. Evangelion is my favorite anime of all time, and that's enough for me.

I love Watanabe's works, like Samurai Champloo and Cowboy Bebop, but I don't think they have the profoundness of something like Evangelion for me to call him my favorite director.

Finally, I've barely seen any of Kon's works. I've seen Paranoia Agent, though, and while I enjoyed it, it just wasn't my style, I guess. I couldn't stand that freaking girl, either...What was her name? *wiki* Tsukiko, yes...
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:22 pm Reply with quote
I've pick Kon every time there has been a director poll, and so I am sticky with him. I like Shinichiro Watanabe work with Cowboy Bebop, but not really with Samurai Champloo, or the animatrix. With Anno Evangelion is really amazing, but at the same time it's also series that can get on your nerve's from time to time. Not only that Kon works (Specifically Perfect Blue) really me feel that anime can be mature and dark, and that it could make me feel uneasy in my skin.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:26 pm Reply with quote
Josh7289 wrote:
Anno for me. Evangelion is my favorite anime of all time, and that's enough for me.

I love Watanabe's works, like Samurai Champloo and Cowboy Bebop, but I don't think they have the profoundness of something like Evangelion for me to call him my favorite director.

Finally, I've barely seen any of Kon's works. I've seen Paranoia Agent, though, and while I enjoyed it, it just wasn't my style, I guess. I couldn't stand that freaking girl, either...What was her name? *wiki* Tsukiko, yes...

Yes, I agree. Bebop and Champloo are great, but they're no Evangelion. Nothing compares to Evangelion.

As for Kon, I haven't seen any of his works (though I am planning to watch them soon), so there isn't anyway I could vote for him at this point in time.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:36 pm Reply with quote
Nagisa wrote:
Iwatch2muchanime wrote:
Hideaki Anno once again for me. Just don't want to vote for Satoshi.

Why, exactly? Just saying "Anno, no Kon" is basically spam that generates more questions than answers, so please start answering those questions.

Okay then.......sorry

Ugh....I chose Anno here because 1. My other choice is gone. and 2. I love Gunbuster and Kare Kano, Eva is of course great, but I never truely loved it like a lot of people do. But it was none the less a great show/set of movies and I can't wait for the new movies either.

I just said that I didn't really want to vote for Kon becaue, although I LOVE Paranoia Agent, liked Perfect Blue, Tokyo Godfathers was a surprisingly good movie and I REALLY want to see Paprika in theaters, I just can't vote for him for some reason.

And the only reason I wont vote for Watanabe is I was REALLY looking forward to t.A.T.u. Paragate andalthough it's not his fault that they broke up, I was wanting him to make it anyway, I mean you never know....that movie could bring em back together.

Last edited by Iwatch2muchanime on Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:36 pm Reply with quote
I talked a bit about the poll here.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:57 pm Reply with quote
I didn't know who wanted to vote for. I finnaly went with Shinichiro Watanabe

Why? Well I really enjoyed Samurai Champloo & Cowboy Beebop. Not to say i didn't enjoy Eva but when I watched it all one weekend (first mistake here) my mind skipped a few beats. It was awesome but it was kind of like the feeling I got after the end of Now and Then here and there- empty, cold and in need of a hug from my parents.
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Joined: 26 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:24 pm Reply with quote
I think all three directors have done some excellent, excellent work. I'd readilly recommend their stuff to anyone.

That being said, I can't shake Paranoia Agent out of my mind. I'm still going through Eva, and I don't think I've seen EVERY episode of Bebop (I must've seen at least half, though?), so I can't say definitively that one's better than the other. But for me, personally, I love what Satoshi Kon did with Paranoia Agent. The characters feel like REAL people--and look closer to real Japanese people than the typical anime, too. Of course, that means some characters are despicable, rotten human beings, but some humans are like that, too.

And when I add in the animation and the plot...it's just amazing to think of how it's a TV show. What sort of budget did they have to pour in their show?

As I said, all good actors, but I have to give my nod to Kon.
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Joined: 18 May 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:42 pm Reply with quote
Watanabe and Anno would top my list of favorite directors. Everything I've personally of theirs, I loved. However, even though this was very hard, I went for Kon. It's not I enjoyed his work more (all three may be a tie there), but what I've seen left me with the feeling that it was just amazing. I left with all the same feelings by the anime of the other two, plus a sense of awe. Can't top that for me. Smile
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:47 pm Reply with quote
britannicamoore wrote:
It was awesome but it was kind of like the feeling I got after the end of Now and Then here and there- empty, cold and in need of a hug from my parents.

As a side note, I saw Now and Then... on AZN TV back when I still got it. That show was intense. It really pierced right through me. There's no way someone (someone that actually has any humanity) can watch that and not be seriously affected by it.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 9:14 pm Reply with quote
After voting Anno the first time, Goro Taniguchi the second time, and Anno the third time, I decided to vote for Anno once again. No matter how many times I've seen Evangelion, it still never ceases to impress me. I liked Goro Taniguchi's Infinite Ryvius more, but he was only on the second poll.
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