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Interview: Milton Griepp and the American Anime Awards

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Joined: 07 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:01 pm Reply with quote
They may have made some corrections, but there are still some problems:

Giant Robo, a 7-episode OVA, is considered to be a feature

Yukikaze, a 5-episode OVA, is considered to be a feature (and a short series, which is appropriate)

Isn't Tenchi Muyo Ryoohki more than 13 episodes? Pioneer/Geneon released 12 or 13 episodes, and Funimation is releasing a few more...

Somehow it feels wrong to be putting Kamichu! (12-aired, +4 DVD episodes) up against 26 to 100+ episode series. Elfen Lied is similar (13-aired, +1 DVD episode that ADV didn't bring over), but it's in the short-series category.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:14 pm Reply with quote
Mm, I'm not totally happy with some of her responses...some of them sort of sounded like she was trying to shift the blame on someone else. At least they're aware of the problems, and hopefuly it'll be fixed last year.

I just want to know who thought Akira would make a good nomination in a "Best Actor in a Comedy" award. Laughing
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Joined: 19 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:54 pm Reply with quote
I agree- but I do also think that it's good to have something now that can be improved for next time. Unless it turns out to be absolutely abysmal, it's better to have something than nothing, I think.
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Aki Ameko

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:57 pm Reply with quote
MorwenLaicoriel wrote:
Mm, I'm not totally happy with some of her responses...some of them sort of sounded like she was trying to shift the blame on someone else. At least they're aware of the problems, and hopefuly it'll be fixed last year.

I just want to know who thought Akira would make a good nomination in a "Best Actor in a Comedy" award. Laughing
I agree.... Hopefully next year will be just 2007 material, I'd hate to vote for the same stuff every year...

Akira may not be a comedy, but Bosch is certainly hilarious as Vash, so I don't blame them too much as long as they keep him in the comedy category. Anime smile

EDIT: And I agree to Mecc too...
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:30 pm Reply with quote
Yes, I agree. I'm definately supporting the Awards--I WANT to see them succeed, and I'm optimistic that next year things will be more ironed out. It's just disappointing that this first year was so...meh.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:09 pm Reply with quote
Ingraman wrote:
Isn't Tenchi Muyo Ryoohki more than 13 episodes? Pioneer/Geneon released 12 or 13 episodes, and Funimation is releasing a few more...

I'm guessing that whoever nominated it was looking at only 1 of the three separate OAV series, but failed to specify the season.

Giant Robo, a 7-episode OVA, is considered to be a feature

Yukikaze, a 5-episode OVA, is considered to be a feature (and a short series, which is appropriate)

This was due to a lack of clarity in the category guidelines. The feature category includes OAVs. But what length OAV was never really specified... Perhaps again they were counting on the nominators making the right decisions... At ANN we considered 1-episode OAVs as features and 2+ episode OAV series as series.

Didn't actually matter though, since our nominations in those categories were all movies & TV series, we didn't nominate any OAVs.


Somehow it feels wrong to be putting Kamichu! (12-aired, +4 DVD episodes) up against 26 to 100+ episode series. Elfen Lied is similar (13-aired, +1 DVD episode that ADV didn't bring over), but it's in the short-series category.

Kamichu definitely felt more like a short series to me, but 16 episodes is 16 episodes. Perhaps more categories categories ("Short" - 4 or less, "Medium" - 5-16, "Long" 16-52, "serial" 53+) would be appropriate. But really, is it necessary to split Cowboy Bebop from say Inu Yasha? Regardless of where you put the divisions, there will always be shows that are right on the line that will need to go into one category or the other.

MorwenLaicoriel wrote:

Yes, I agree. I'm definately supporting the Awards--I WANT to see them succeed, and I'm optimistic that next year things will be more ironed out. It's just disappointing that this first year was so...meh.

This sums up my current feelings as well. Hopefully planning for the 2008 awards will start early, and be a very transparent process. TAN and ADV should be commended for launching these awards, which have the potential to be good for everyone in the industry, but to really improve them, non--profit style transparency is needed.

We'd been pushing for more transparency from the start, and we finally got them to really open up with this interview. Hopefully the transparency will continue, and not be a 1-time exception.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:21 pm Reply with quote
Let's face it - this whole thing is a trainwreck. Very unprofessional-looking and experimental. They should have perfected it BEFORE they put it out there. What a joke.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:55 pm Reply with quote
"Fan voting was chosen as the way to select the winners because we believe that the many passionate, knowledgeable anime fans are extremely qualified to determine what's high quality, and don't need to have those decisions made for them."

Oh god. No. Just no. This is such a horrendously bad idea that I have no real way of expressing how bad of an idea this is. The idea of "passionate" fans deciding this basically means every year, you'll get a bunch of jerkcircles voting for things, not because of merit or quality, but because theyve read the manga and played the H-game and bought the specialized pocky and crossplayed as the characters.

Seriously, next time, appropriate a board of people to decide. Anime fans sure know about Anime, but they aren't very trustworthy in deciding what is actually good.
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Joined: 06 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:08 pm Reply with quote
Here's somethig that should be considered.

Just because an anime series is popular doesn't mean it's not deserving of an award! I mean my gosh, I've seen tons of anime and I still consider Fullmetal Alchemist to be the best anime series ever made, and Naruto and Bleach not too far behind it! I've even known people who have seen even more anime than I have say the same thing!

Ignorance is bliss, and so is steriotype.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:39 pm Reply with quote
BrothersElric wrote:
Just because an anime series is popular doesn't mean it's not deserving of an award! I mean my gosh, I've seen tons of anime and I still consider Fullmetal Alchemist to be the best anime series ever made, and Naruto and Bleach not too far behind it! I've even known people who have seen even more anime than I have say the same thing!

A valid point to be sure, but you'll also end up with a lot of people voting for those series not because they're the best, but simply because they haven't SEEN any of the others. Seriously -- compare how many Naruto fans there are to the number of, say, Millennium Actress fans. Most people who have seen both and are thinking rationally would say MA is far better, though Naruto's still pretty good. But what will win?

Ultimately, any awards will be subjective, but I am very disappointed by the lack of thought behind these. Everything about them shows either an extreme rush or complete lack of understanding of anime and its fans. Here's hoping they've learned their lessons for next year.

Ignorance is bliss, and so is steriotype.

Hahaha!! Good one... (I hope)
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:54 pm Reply with quote
BrothersElric wrote:

Just because an anime series is popular doesn't mean it's not deserving of an award! I mean my gosh, I've seen tons of anime and I still consider Fullmetal Alchemist to be the best anime series ever made, and Naruto and Bleach not too far behind it! I've even known people who have seen even more anime than I have say the same thing!

This is EXACTLY why fan voting is a bad idea.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:04 pm Reply with quote
"In order to be eligible, the anime had to be available on TV, in theaters, or on DVD during that period. Again, this method was chosen to make the process as open and inclusive as possible; rather than making an arbitrary distinction based on whether an anime was first seen during 2006, the nominators and voters will decide what's best from everything that was available last year."

Still makes no sense to have al these titles from different years.

Akira came out in 1988! Yeah, it's available on DVD now. As it has been since '88! And will be forever! So if its available on DVD in the year 2457 AD, can I still vote for it then?!?

What a bunch of corporate hokum.

Next thing they'll tell us is everything is going smoothly in Iraq.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:49 pm Reply with quote
BrothersElric wrote:

Just because an anime series is popular doesn't mean it's not deserving of an award! I mean my gosh, I've seen tons of anime and I still consider Fullmetal Alchemist to be the best anime series ever made, and Naruto and Bleach not too far behind it! I've even known people who have seen even more anime than I have say the same thing!

Although I acknowledge FMA, it isn't fair to other not well known shows that don't have the benefit of being broadcasted on TV.

It's just not as fun when you have series you know will guarantee win because of its popularity, even if they were even in quality. There's so tension that you wait before the awards ceremony that "it's so close, whose's going to win". By popularity, you can look at the masses of fans and already know who is going to win.

This would be like Harry Potter winning every single oscar because of its box office rankings. (don't get me wrong, I like harry potter, just trying to point something out)
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 9:07 pm Reply with quote
Yeah...I have to agree. I LOVE Fullmetal Alchemist, it's one of my favorite series of all time....but for it to win simply because it was on TV...that's not a mark of quality, really. I'd rather see FMA win because, well, it's GOOD.

It maybe would be the best if there was some sort of...industry panel that did some of the voting. Like, have the "professional" judges count for one part of the vote and the fans count for another part. (...Like....Dancing with the Stars.)
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ANN Executive Editor

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 9:59 pm Reply with quote
MorwenLaicoriel wrote:

It maybe would be the best if there was some sort of...industry panel that did some of the voting. Like, have the "professional" judges count for one part of the vote and the fans count for another part. (...Like....Dancing with the Stars.)

If it were up to me, I'd do it one way or the other; professional judges who nominate and vote on the winners a'la the Academy Awards, or fan-nominated and fan-voted like People's Choice.

I'd really prefer the former if we want to aim for the goal of seriousness of purpose, the sincere legitimacy that's afforded the Oscars. A fan-run ceremony might be fun at a convention or something, but if we want this to be taken seriously, it really should be done in the style of the Emmys or the Oscars and not include public voting.
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