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Joined: 23 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 12:33 am Reply with quote
"...it’s in English – rather “English” since..."

Did you mean to put Engrish here?
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 12:43 am Reply with quote
Yes. Engrish refers to Japanese (or perhaps Asians in general as I have heard it in reference to Koreans at E3 and other game shows as well) attempting English but with improper grammar and pronuciation, and sometimes just odd word choices.

It is called "Engrish" because the Japanese language doesn't really have an L sound and thus most Japanese people can't pronounce an L and pronounce it as an R instead. There is actually some small distinction between the the L and R sound, I believe, but it is extremely subtle and hard for someone is not fluent in Japanese to detect.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 12:56 am Reply with quote
I´ve been having doubts about purchasing the show, and I think i won´t. I read the manga so Cartoon Network´s run is good enough for me.

I know it will be a really long series to collect, and let´s not forget all those fillers everyone can´t wait to see stop.
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Joined: 07 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 1:54 am Reply with quote
So basically what we have here is a barebones dvd release with a competent dub....... Why are we celebrating this again?

Lets take a look at some other shonen action titles and what their extra's are shall we?

Summaries courtesy of AoD

Get Backers v1

For English language fans, the extras on this volume are solid. There's a lengthy behind the scenes interview session with five of the main characters of the show and they talk about their experiences with anime itself, acting and the show as well. In addition, there are two different episode commentaries. The first episode and the fifth episode both get commentary tracks, each with the director and ADR writer and then a change up of voice actors for it. We didn't get a chance to really go through the tracks in much detail but for those wanting to know more about the entire writing/directing process and what they all think of what was needed for this show, this release really provides that in a number of ways. In addition to all of this, there's the standard clean opening and closing sequences.

Inu Yasha V1

There’s a solid selection of extras included in this opening volume. The cast list deals with bilingual credits for the main characters in these episodes. The line art section provides a number of rather good looking pieces of conceptual black and white artwork, though no translations. There’s an English promo piece which I believe is the trailer that we’ve seen used during this years conventions as well as a number of Japanese promos for the show. A textless opening and ending sequence is also here from these episodes.

Saiyuki V1

The opening volume has some nice extras to kick things off with. A production artwork video gallery is rather nicely filled with items and runs about three minutes in length to a nice subtle piece of instrumental music. The opening and ending sequences are provided as textless versions and there?s also an eight page cultural background segment that talks about the origins of the story and what the original characters were like compared to these versions.

Scryed V1

There’s a nice selection of extras here for the first volume. With each episode having a slightly different opening, we get all five of them here in textless form. We also get a textless ending to round things out there. There’s a multipage Lost Ground Express segment that goes into detail about the what and why’s of the Lost Ground, things that do help make the whole worldview make more sense. The last is the design gallery, a 64 page series of conceptual designs, animation shots and text that goes over the characters of the series.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:10 am Reply with quote
Reikijenosaido wrote:
So basically what we have here is a barebones dvd release with a competent dub....... Why are we celebrating this again?

You're utterly ridiculous.
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Joined: 15 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:13 am Reply with quote
Not counting movies, OVAs....

Naruto 191 episodes to date
One Piece 269 episodes to date
Detective Conan 443 episodes to date Wink

Sounds like it's a good deal (13 episodes for $49.98 MSRP). Special edition comes with a wristband and headband too .

We are celebrating this because Viz Media LLC did not have to produce an uncut version imo. Think of this as a thank you to the fans of the series at a reasonable price.

Besides, Saiyuki, Get Backers and s-CRY-ed had 5 episodes on their original first DVD release at MSRP. So Naruto fans are getting more bang for the buck episode-wise. Any more extras would have raised the price of the set in both editions imo.
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Joined: 23 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:19 am Reply with quote
HitokiriShadow wrote:
Yes. Engrish refers to Japanese (or perhaps Asians in general as I have heard it in reference to Koreans at E3 and other game shows as well) attempting English but with improper grammar and pronuciation, and sometimes just odd word choices.

It is called "Engrish" because the Japanese language doesn't really have an L sound and thus most Japanese people can't pronounce an L and pronounce it as an R instead. There is actually some small distinction between the the L and R sound, I believe, but it is extremely subtle and hard for someone is not fluent in Japanese to detect.

Sorry, my meaning is that Zac has written English (with an L) twice in that sentence (the middle of the third paragraph).
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Joined: 24 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:46 am Reply with quote
By any chance did they include the dub opening anywhere, perhaps as an extra?

No great loss if they didn't but I thought it was catchy.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 7:53 am Reply with quote
HitokiriShadow wrote:
Yes. Engrish refers to Japanese (or perhaps Asians in general as I have heard it in reference to Koreans at E3 and other game shows as well) attempting English but with improper grammar and pronuciation, and sometimes just odd word choices.

It is called "Engrish" because the Japanese language doesn't really have an L sound and thus most Japanese people can't pronounce an L and pronounce it as an R instead. There is actually some small distinction between the the L and R sound, I believe, but it is extremely subtle and hard for someone is not fluent in Japanese to detect.

Actually, Japanese has neither an "L" sound nor an "R" sound as they exist in English, but there is a sound that is somewhere in between.
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Joined: 03 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 8:23 am Reply with quote
Reikijenosaido wrote:
So basically what we have here is a barebones dvd release with a competent dub....... Why are we celebrating this again?

Um, the celebration is for the uncut & unedited video with accurate but readable subtitles.

Speaking of which...

Although there were a million things Viz could have done to make this release unpalatable to fans, it’s as though they looked at a hardcore fan wishlist during production and simply checked most everything off. The subtitles are extremely accurate to the Japanese, and are presented in a very readable and unobtrusive font.

I have to ask my usual question, because I'm that kind of "hardcore fan" (even though this is Viz we are talking about and I'm pretty sure I know the answer) -- are the Japanese honorifics preserved in the subtitles?
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Joined: 15 Jul 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 8:50 am Reply with quote
Considering that people complain about 4Kids shows not getting an uncut release at all, seeing that Naruto IS getting an uncut release is noteworthy. Having gotten great enjoyment out of them on other DVDs, EVERY company should include a "blooper reel" on their DVDs as extras, those are great.

One thing that is lacking about the review (maybe I missed it), can we get a disc count on the set? The episode count gives the main point of how much content we get with this one, but I'm curious how many discs it spans for a variety of reasons including how much space it will take up.
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Joined: 29 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:00 am Reply with quote
And so begins the long and expensive task of purchasing a series I watched on fansubs for over 150 episodes. At least I know it'll be over when they start releasing the filler DVDs. I will say that the price point is very palatable. Under fifty dolllars for what amounts to 3 standard anime DVDs worth of material (5 episode first disc, all subsequent volumes 4 episodes) is pretty good.

What's kind of sad is that I think I may have outgrown the show in the period between now and when I started watching it, so I'll likely buy it and let it sit on my shelf while I re-watch Gankutsuo or Paranoia Agent. Oh well. Sadder still, I was channel surfing last night and ultimately started watching the cartoon network dub because it was better than anything else on TV. I'm sorry, I know everyone says it's a great program, but I just can't watch The Charlie Rose Show.

Last edited by belisarius on Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:02 am; edited 2 times in total
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Royal Devil

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:00 am Reply with quote
HeeroTX wrote:
Considering that people complain about 4Kids shows not getting an uncut release at all, seeing that Naruto IS getting an uncut release is noteworthy. Having gotten great enjoyment out of them on other DVDs, EVERY company should include a "blooper reel" on their DVDs as extras, those are great.

One thing that is lacking about the review (maybe I missed it), can we get a disc count on the set? The episode count gives the main point of how much content we get with this one, but I'm curious how many discs it spans for a variety of reasons including how much space it will take up.

3 discs
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Joined: 18 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:02 am Reply with quote
Same question. Are the subtitles going to include the Japanese honorifics?

BTW, in the article you said they didn't include Naruto's "Believe it!" in the sub for the show. So what did they do with translating "dattebayo!"? Did they just leave it untranslated or just completely ignored it like most fansubs group did?

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Joined: 29 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:02 am Reply with quote
AstroNerdBoy wrote:
I have to ask my usual question, because I'm that kind of "hardcore fan" (even though this is Viz we are talking about and I'm pretty sure I know the answer) -- are the Japanese honorifics preserved in the subtitles?

Karasuhebi wrote:
Same question. Are the subtitles going to include the Japanese honorifics?

If this is seriously a deal breaker for you when it comes to buying anime, I'm speechless. Okay, that's not true at all, I have plenty to say about that, mostly, it's ridiculous. And most likely, it's a ridiculous excuse to be cheap. I can see the extension of the arguements now....

"Well, they left the honorifics in, but they translated Onee-san and Oni-san and since the japanese connotations on those words denote a different kind of familial bond than their english counterparts, I refuse to buy the DVDs."

"Well, they left the family terms untranslated, but they translated words like baka, which any decent anime fan knows. The word also carries a variety of situation specific subtext, and unless it is left to the viewer to render baka in its proper light on a case to case basis, any translation is biased and therefore inadaquate. I refuse to buy these DVDs."

"Why didn't they use hiragana for the subtitles, I for one do not feel the english subtitles properly convey the nuances of the Japanese language. I will not buy this release."

I guess it doesn't matter since, if these DVDs aren't up to snuff, I'm sure you'll both just buy the much cheaper Japanese DVDs and import them to show your support for the show. Right?
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