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PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:47 pm Reply with quote
Are those Iraq references in Bobobo in the original series?
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:57 pm Reply with quote
the real question is how is Toonami even allowing them on?

and yes he is right, Eureka seveN is seriously the best anime on right now. this may sound strange... but just give it a chance to get going

i just wish they didn't cut the intro Sad
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 12:51 am Reply with quote
What did you expect with Bandai? Ghost in the Shell seems to be the only exeception with the OP shortening because it's so damn stylish.

For some reason, I was put-offish about Eureka 7 to start with, and the first coupla episodes helped cement that point. Damn you, BONES. Why did you have to do a freaking Sunrise knockoff?!
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Joined: 11 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 1:13 am Reply with quote
Joe Mello wrote:
What did you expect with Bandai? Ghost in the Shell seems to be the only exeception with the OP shortening because it's so damn stylish.

For some reason, I was put-offish about Eureka 7 to start with, and the first coupla episodes helped cement that point. Damn you, BONES. Why did you have to do a freaking Sunrise knockoff?!

Adult Swim knows to never shorten Yoko Kanno. It's the law. lol

And wasn't BONES created by old Sunrise members? They also did the Bebop movie, while Sunrise did the TV series. And it it a pretty good series. Renton and Eureka remind me of Naota and Haruko a little bit, but I don't know why, as Eureka and Haruko are totally different. But whatever Razz
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Joined: 01 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 6:50 am Reply with quote
hanachan01 wrote:
Joe Mello wrote:
What did you expect with Bandai? Ghost in the Shell seems to be the only exeception with the OP shortening because it's so damn stylish.

For some reason, I was put-offish about Eureka 7 to start with, and the first coupla episodes helped cement that point. Damn you, BONES. Why did you have to do a freaking Sunrise knockoff?!

Adult Swim knows to never shorten Yoko Kanno. It's the law. lol

And wasn't BONES created by old Sunrise members? They also did the Bebop movie, while Sunrise did the TV series. And it it a pretty good series. Renton and Eureka remind me of Naota and Haruko a little bit, but I don't know why, as Eureka and Haruko are totally different. But whatever Razz

Actually, the Wolf's Rain opening theme isn't shown, the ending theme is cut short as well as Cowboy Bebop's now. And Yoko Kanno did the music for both of those series as well.
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Joined: 11 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 7:00 am Reply with quote
First, I was kidding. Hence the 'lol'. But Bebop's is cut now? When I saw Bebop on [as], The OP/Ed were only cut as much as the Japanese version. And I didn't know Wolf's Rain aired on [as]. But they cut 'Gravity'! Ah, that is one of my favorite songs! Oh well....silly [as] people, cutting is for 4kids....lol
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Joined: 17 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 9:26 am Reply with quote
Eureka seveN is probally the best anime series on TV, right now (besides Naruto). BoBoBo... Anyone else wonder how its ratings are? I'm surprised CN still has it going...
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 11:42 am Reply with quote
the show reaching the 26 episode “landmark” stands as a testament to the fact that others, other human beings, living and breathing souls, find this animated collection of random jokes and dadaist non-sequitur amusing.

^^ It's nice to find that I'm not alone in enjoying Bobobo either... But admittedly, I'd like to see the ratings; I don't imagine it's doing TOO well in the states anyways.

I always like to point out this ancient Japan Times article which explains just why Bobobo can never do well in the States. Personally, I do think it's doomed in the US, but I still love it to death.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 3:39 pm Reply with quote
minakichan wrote:
I always like to point out this ancient Japan Times article which explains just why Bobobo can never do well in the States. Personally, I do think it's doomed in the US, but I still love it to death.

What a stupid, elitist, ill-informed article. Even setting aside the cheap shots at Pixar and market analysis that has absolutely no basis in reality, the way he works Bobobo into his logic is absurd.

Tezuka took Pinocchio to the limit, someobdy called Hi no Tori religious, and therefore Americans won't accept Bobobo because a dying earth and a talking chocolate bar are both "animism"? How does that even begin to make any sense?

It reminds me of this exchange with the producer of the Batman movies:
My two favorite rejections came from Columbia and my alma mater United Artists. At Columbia, the head of production said to me - shaking his head after I pitched my heart out - “Come on, Batman will never be a success as a film because our movie ANNIE didn’t do well.” I looked at this guy dumbfounded. And I asked him what did the little red-headed girl who sang “Tomorrow” have to do with Batman!? “And he said, “Michael, they are both out of the funny pages.”

JETT: Unbelievable!

MU: [Laughs] Now that was topped only by UA, where [laughs] an exec said to me that a film with Batman and Robin would never work as a film because ROBIN AND MARIANE wasn’t successful. Now that was about an aging Robin Hood and Maid Marian with Sean Connery! I just picked up all my materials, didn’t say a word and walked out of the room.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 5:26 pm Reply with quote
Tezuka took Pinocchio to the limit, someobdy called Hi no Tori religious, and therefore Americans won't accept Bobobo because a dying earth and a talking chocolate bar are both "animism"? How does that even begin to make any sense?

Well Bobobo is existential in a way...

My two favorite rejections came from Columbia and my alma mater United Artists. At Columbia, the head of production said to me - shaking his head after I pitched my heart out - “Come on, Batman will never be a success as a film because our movie ANNIE didn’t do well.” I looked at this guy dumbfounded. And I asked him what did the little red-headed girl who sang “Tomorrow” have to do with Batman!? “And he said, “Michael, they are both out of the funny pages.”

I'm guessing that argument was based on the Adam West Batman which wasn't so bad, but it gutted the pulp appeal of the franchise for decades. Plus the last two Superman sequels put a damper on comic book movies in general.

MU: [Laughs] Now that was topped only by UA, where [laughs] an exec said to me that a film with Batman and Robin would never work as a film because ROBIN AND MARIANE wasn’t successful.

In the case of the Schumacher film, they were right. :roll:
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 6:33 pm Reply with quote
The Click wrote:
Rock Lee, eager to defend Sakura and her incapacitated teammates from the deadly Sound Village Ninjas, reacquaints said Ninjas' faces with the ground.

The Click, you definitely have a writting pair. Well said.

The Click wrote:
The Gekkostate find themselves in a thorny situation as the United Federation Forces shuts down the only airport that would guarantee their escape. Later, Eureka offers Renton the chance of a lifetime. Guys, honestly, the show DOES get better. Why won't you listen to me? Do I sound to desperate?!?

Well I don't judge by the first few episodes, and this one can go in many different directions, so I am hangin in there. But one question, about what episode will it start.
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Joined: 07 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 7:51 pm Reply with quote
OK, I admit, Eureka 7 IS a good anime, despite what I said last week. Ep 2 was pretty good, I was surprised to hear a "blee" in an anime, it's a first for me. Of course I know exactly what the old man had said during that bleep, lol.
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 12:04 am Reply with quote
Regarding the Eureka Seven "bleep". I find it funny that they can say "damn" but they have to bleep out the 'god' in "goddamn". But they had no problem with "god forsaken" in this weeks episode.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 12:21 am Reply with quote
Because that would have been taking the lord's "name" in vain. Kind of like prayer, in that their asking God to damn someone.

I believe generally that George Carlin's 7 forbidden words on TV from way, way back, still apply. There is no more Bono exception.

Don't forget that there are people out there who watch things just so they can be upset about what they saw. I bet there are a whole phone bank's worth of people working for one televangelist or other only watching things they can get all upset over, and "cry havoc, let slip the dogs of war." You know what I mean?
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Joined: 11 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:32 pm Reply with quote
Thanks for another witty column; it's always a good read Wink

Just wanted to clear something up about the GitS: SAC entry -- witty comments aside. The Dejima refugees weren't the target of the bomb; rather, they were being blamed for planting it. The city that was evacuated because of the bomb was the city of Fukuoka. Dejima is a small artificial island located in the bay of Nagasaki. All three prefectures are on the island of Kyushu; the thing is that Nagasaki and Dejima are on the Southern tip while Fukuoka is on the Northern tip of the island. Fukuoka is also the closest point on the island to the rest of Japan, explaining why such a device would be planted there.

Just a little geography note that wasn't fully explained in the episode. Smile
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