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Answerman - What Do Manga Artists Think Of Dirty Doujinshi?

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Joined: 06 Jan 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 11:15 am Reply with quote
So is it a no no if the characters in the doujinshi look exactly or almost exactly like in the anime, manga, etc. that they are based on? It's kinda like directly copying the original art.
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Shay Guy

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 11:17 am Reply with quote
The DML sounds interesting! If anyone else is curious, it looks like the text of the license can be found here in Japanese, with an associated FAQ here.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 11:23 am Reply with quote
They probably don't want to think about or closely examine some of the doujinshi (and fanart) that comes out about their characters. Some things are better left unseen Shocked
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Joined: 07 Apr 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 11:26 am Reply with quote
Another big condition is that the official name of the series not be used. For example, YoungJijii once called his DBAF series Dragon Ball AF and got in trouble, so he republished his earlier releases as DBAF and has only referred to his comic as such since then. The impressive doujinshi Festival of Champions also does not refer to the names Pokemon or Pocket Monsters in its title. This also applies to pornographic doujinshi, of course. ShindoL's Yotsuba To series of doujinshi are merely called Four Leaf Lover. Tana's series of Orihime x Tatsuki doujinshi are called Aki-Akane, excluding mention of the Bleach name in the titles.

Like Justin mentioned, lewd fan and original comics have been a real generator of talent in the Japanese comics industry, breeding talent for eventual dabbling in mainstream comics. Saeki Shun drew lewd series like Harem Time and Menkui before becoming the artist of Weekly Shounen JUMP's Shokugeki no Souma.

In counterpoint to An'no's distaste of the Shinji x Kaoru comics, some creators will even create lewd doujinshi of their own, according to Beautiful Fighting Girl (by Saitou Tamaki).

The Comic Market and its ilk are really a wonderful and exciting world. Even western creators are simply restricted to the internet, but in Japan you can meet up with your fellow fans are conventions and events to share your love of these series through your self-published parodies.
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Stuart Smith

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 11:31 am Reply with quote
KilluaX3 wrote:
So is it a no no if the characters in the doujinshi look exactly or almost exactly like in the anime, manga, etc. that they are based on? It's kinda like directly copying the original art.

Considering all the doujinshi I've seen that are on-model, I'd say it's more about trying to pass off a doujinshi as official work.

Never heard of the Nintendo incident in 1999, but given the amount of Pocket Monsters doujinshi that come out every year, it would seem they changed their stance. Mao and Suiren sure were popular this year.

I collect doujinshi myself, mainly of my favorite series/characters. Some are rare collectors items.

-Stuart Smith
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Joined: 26 Jun 2016
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 11:41 am Reply with quote
I recall Eromanga-sensei making it a point that the author appreciated all expressions of fan enthusiasm for his characters, even if it's porn. I understand both perspectives, but it was a message that really resonated with me as a creator.
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Unlikely Monster

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 11:41 am Reply with quote
I can think of one instance where the creators (writer & artist) of Freezing (フリージング) parodied their own mainstream work in the Cross Make (クロス・メイク) series of doujinshi. They had their own circle and published under pen names...
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Joined: 04 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 11:43 am Reply with quote
Morry wrote:
I recall Eromanga-sensei making it a point that the author appreciated all expressions of fan enthusiasm for his characters, even if it's porn. I understand both perspectives, but it was a message that really resonated with me as a creator.

They sure took him up on that. Probably the most popular then airing show on Pixiv in the Spring, and the doujins can't be far behind.
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Joined: 07 Apr 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 11:48 am Reply with quote
Not just doujinshi, but also the advent of Pixiv and now Twitter had made it easier than ever to share not only comics but just plain old illustrations. Artists like Tohiro Konno post high-quality art that could be potentially confused for official art (at least if you're dumb enough, I guess).
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Joined: 11 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 12:31 pm Reply with quote
About 10 years ago there was a big crack down by Disney on (Japanese) Kingdom Hearts fanart online, and consequently, at the height of the fandom's popularity there was only one or two circles that made KH doujinshi. It was kind of interesting because, yes, Disney is really nasty about unlicensed use of their characters, but I don't think they cared about the stuff Westerner's uploaded to DeviantArt. And they don't seem to care now because Pixiv is covered in filthy Kingdom Hearts fanart.

But speaking of fanart (I spent a lot of time looking at it as a teenager), I found a Yaoi series in the Rightstuf sale last year with an art style, traditional copic markers and all, that looks identical to the work a Harry Potter fanartist I loved back in the day. Problem is, hardly anyone puts their real name on their smut, so it can be difficult to dig up which professionals used to be famous doujin artists.
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leafy sea dragon

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 12:33 pm Reply with quote
Is there a law that states that doujinshi can only be sold at events like these? I'm wondering because the Kinokuniya in Little Tokyo in Los Angeles sells doujinshi (it's on a small table near the registers), and I never gave it any thought because I thought they could be sold anywhere as long as the owner of the premises allows it.

KilluaX3 wrote:
So is it a no no if the characters in the doujinshi look exactly or almost exactly like in the anime, manga, etc. that they are based on? It's kinda like directly copying the original art.

The way I interpreted the answer was that it's a no-no if the doujinshi can be reasonably confused for the actual product, if you mean the case for Doraemon. I think imitating the style of the original work is okay, as long as it's drawn, packaged, or sold in a way that makes it clear this is not the real deal.

JacobYBM wrote:
Another big condition is that the official name of the series not be used. For example, YoungJijii once called his DBAF series Dragon Ball AF and got in trouble, so he republished his earlier releases as DBAF and has only referred to his comic as such since then. The impressive doujinshi Festival of Champions also does not refer to the names Pokemon or Pocket Monsters in its title. This also applies to pornographic doujinshi, of course. ShindoL's Yotsuba To series of doujinshi are merely called Four Leaf Lover. Tana's series of Orihime x Tatsuki doujinshi are called Aki-Akane, excluding mention of the Bleach name in the titles.

Huh, that's an interesting condition. I'll bet it falls in line with what I mentioned above, that I'll bet there's a strong taboo against allowing a doujinshi to be confused with the official work.

Last edited by leafy sea dragon on Fri Jul 28, 2017 12:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 13 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 12:33 pm Reply with quote
KilluaX3 wrote:
So is it a no no if the characters in the doujinshi look exactly or almost exactly like in the anime, manga, etc. that they are based on? It's kinda like directly copying the original art.

Well, it seems like it varies from the author and publisher opinions, because I've seen pretty much doujin works that looks nearly exactly like their source materials - and well, not all of them is H-stuff. Also there is authors that clearly approve doujins, or even pass the works of fans to official status (like Type-Moon, which included two known fanworks to the canonical status - Melty Blood game series and Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya).
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Joined: 15 Aug 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 12:37 pm Reply with quote
I would like to see a mangaka or a video game publisher releasing erotic doujinshi based on their own works. Some of them could be released as canon material.
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Joined: 13 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 12:39 pm Reply with quote
leafy sea dragon wrote:
Is there a law that states that doujinshi can only be sold at events like these?
Of course it's not, because many authors also sell their works digitally on web stores - and well, it's wrong to limit them on this part.
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Joined: 05 Dec 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 12:40 pm Reply with quote
rizuchan wrote:
About 10 years ago there was a big crack down by Disney on (Japanese) Kingdom Hearts fanart online, and consequently, at the height of the fandom's popularity there was only one or two circles that made KH doujinshi. It was kind of interesting because, yes, Disney is really nasty about unlicensed use of their characters, but I don't think they cared about the stuff Westerner's uploaded to DeviantArt. And they don't seem to care now because Pixiv is covered in filthy Kingdom Hearts fanart.

Western Companies generally allow fanworks as long as they don't make any money from it. So it isn't really surprising that they cracked on Doujinshi that are being sold for money.
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