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Joined: 05 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 10:07 am Reply with quote
The lack of "cheap outs" is one of the hallmarks of this story. The only fault I found with the manga as a whole was the spoiler[complete lack of explanation for HOW they sent the letters back in time... I wish she would have had the skeptical genius figure it out and have them all write the letters, but it was just left as a mystery.]

I look forward to both the live action movie and, even more, the anime!
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 10:20 am Reply with quote
zensunni wrote:
The only fault I found with the manga as a whole was [...]

Didn't it have something to do with spoiler[the time capsules? Like they somehow could go back in time instead of forward?] But no, it wasn't really properly explained.

The time travel nerd in me really wanted to know how it happened, but at the same time, Orange is very definitely a shoujo drama despite the sci-fi premise, so I think it's better that they left it up to the reader's imagination than trying to come up with an explanation that would have inevitably been silly.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 11:31 am Reply with quote
There's no release information here, so I'm left wondering how I might actually check out the movie, as exhorted by the final paragraph. Did Theron see its Japanese theatrical release, or is it streaming somewhere, or was it one of this month's in-flight wi-fi movies on Delta, or is it a fansub, or what?

I've seen a few Japanese live-action dramas on Delta flights over the last year (Flying Colors, the first Attack on Titan) and have really enjoyed them. I wish more of them were available here, but the streaming sites like Crunchyroll (inasmuch as they get much J-drama anymore) and Dramafever seem to get TV series, not movies. Although there are exceptions: Crunchy got the live-action Anohana after all.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 11:38 am Reply with quote
invalidname wrote:
There's no release information here, so I'm left wondering how I might actually check out the movie, as exhorted by the final paragraph. Did Theron see its Japanese theatrical release, or is it streaming somewhere, or was it one of this month's in-flight wi-fi movies on Delta, or is it a fansub, or what?

I've seen a few Japanese live-action dramas on Delta flights over the last year (Flying Colors, the first Attack on Titan) and have really enjoyed them. I wish more of them were available here, but the streaming sites like Crunchyroll (inasmuch as they get much J-drama anymore) and Dramafever seem to get TV series, not movies. Although there are exceptions: Crunchy got the live-action Anohana after all.

Yup, it was an in-flight showing in Japan. Sometimes we cover releases that are just screening in Japan for the curious, even if there's no western availability just yet.
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Joined: 18 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 12:37 pm Reply with quote
Saw this movie on my Delta flight a couple weeks ago. I was super excited about it because I really liked the manga.

The movie was a typica Japanese film. The actress who played Naho was way too over dramatic for my tastes, but that seems to be pretty common with a lot of Japanese actresses. I was sort of hoping that there would have been bit more of an ending in the alternate universe created rather than how the movie ended. I also didn't like how Naho receiving the barrette was never explained in the movie, but all the sudden, alternate universe Naho has it. I really liked the journal entry that AU Naho made in the manga upon receipt because it was the first concrete example of AU Naho changing things.
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Joined: 31 Mar 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 12:47 pm Reply with quote
I've seen it on an international flight to Japan (along with a Library Wars movie and another called April's Fools).

It was not long ago, but my memory to Orange is already pretty weak, so it was not that great I guess.
I remember April's Fools better, so that must have been the best movie on that flight.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 1:19 pm Reply with quote
I watched the live action Assassination Classroom and Attack on Titan on my Delta flight from Nagoyo to Detroit. Also saw that Orange was an option for watching too.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 2:03 pm Reply with quote
Cutiebunny wrote:
Saw this movie on my Delta flight a couple weeks ago. I was super excited about it because I really liked the manga.

I gotta say, I'm starting to book mostly Delta for my business trips, unless Southwest really beats them on price, in part because they so often have Japanese live-action movies on the in-flight wi-fi. I wonder if anyone at Delta knows that they're becoming the preferred carrier of weeaboos? (I did tweet them from my last flight)
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Joined: 23 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 3:18 pm Reply with quote
I watched this recently on a flight to Europe and I would not give it a B rating. The pacing is just way too slow. Dialogue is very terse with many quiet moments. I'm familiar enough with the Japanese style of producing, but the pacing was so glacial it became a chore to watch. The movie is 2hrs 20min but they easily could have cut out 20 minutes and no one would have noticed. Now take that 2hrs and 20min of film and stretch it out over 12 25min episodes... 5 hours of waiting for things to happen. The premise is interesting enough, but the anime will need a different approach to hook viewers that have not read the manga.
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Joined: 16 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 3:56 pm Reply with quote
I suspect I will probably never get to see this, but it sounds like I'm not missing much over the manga. Hoping that the anime does better at it...

Theron wrote:
The first two volumes of Ichigo Takano's manga have already been released in the States

The US release is in chunky omnibus volumes, so those two contain the complete series.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 6:34 pm Reply with quote
Saw this on Singapore Airlines a couple of months ago. Having not read the manga (but planning to for ages), I don't have a basis for comparison, but I enjoyed the movie!
The acting wasn't great but I feel that a lot of Japanese movies are like that so I guess it's par the course for me.
Having been in Matsumoto about a week before I watched it (and getting a brochure that says where lots of the manga action is set, and thus visiting a bunch of those spots), it was really nice seeing the city as part of the background. It's fun seeing them hanging around the temple of Frog street and being able to say "I stood there!".

The movie was really long (I had to watch it in three sittings because the first time I was tired and fell asleep and the plane flight ended. Next flight I got to about five minutes before the end and then had to wait for the connecting flight to finish the darn thing), but I'm not sure where exactly it could've been cut.

I have to admit I got a bit emotional during it, so I'm interested in seeing if the anime can capture that.

I want to know how the time travel stuff happens. Does it get explained in the manga? ...Wait, don't tell me, I don't want spoilers...maybe.

It's cool to learn that the actor for Naho played Satoru! I wouldn't have expected that.
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 8:54 pm Reply with quote
I was on Air Canada when I watched it. It was slow, but not unnecessarily so. It's legitimately fun to have everyone connect this movie to their flight. It's almost galvanizing in a way.

I'm less concerned about how the timey wimey works. Remember that in the film, the actor giving the dissertation about time travel also thought he could communicate with aliens using the evil space magic they left behind, so anything that comes out of his mouth is completely plausible.
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Joined: 30 Mar 2016
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 4:03 am Reply with quote
Just a heads up Theron, you said;
"The first two volumes of Ichigo Takano's manga,"

The two volumes released in English are omnibus and hold the complete series in just those two volumes Very Happy
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Joined: 29 Jun 2016
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 8:46 am Reply with quote
Tank252ca wrote:
I watched this recently on a flight to Europe and I would not give it a B rating. The pacing is just way too slow. Dialogue is very terse with many quiet moments. I'm familiar enough with the Japanese style of producing, but the pacing was so glacial it became a chore to watch. The movie is 2hrs 20min but they easily could have cut out 20 minutes and no one would have noticed. Now take that 2hrs and 20min of film and stretch it out over 12 25min episodes... 5 hours of waiting for things to happen. The premise is interesting enough, but the anime will need a different approach to hook viewers that have not read the manga.

Well the live action did have a ton of cuts from the manga, and there were a bunch of weird, indefinite pauses throughout the whole entire movie for some reason. Wasted time that could have been used to explain the time travel thing better. I haven't watched a lot of Japanese dramas, but they seem to do that often in Japanese media. But I think the anime will be better if it follows the manga....
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Joined: 23 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 9:19 am Reply with quote
ixaa wrote:
Well the live action did have a ton of cuts from the manga, and there were a bunch of weird, indefinite pauses throughout the whole entire movie for some reason. Wasted time that could have been used to explain the time travel thing better. I haven't watched a lot of Japanese dramas, but they seem to do that often in Japanese media. But I think the anime will be better if it follows the manga....

I wasn't expecting any explanation for the time travel. We already know that while you can travel forward in time, you can not travel back in time, so any attempted explanation is kind of moot. Smile

The acting seemed pretty good, but I was wondering about something. Not being familiar with Japanese schooling (ignoring anime high school shows), I was wondering whether high school students are really that formal with each other? There was some care free banter on occasion, but the interaction was more formal than you would see in Canada. Was that portrayed realistically?
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