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Anime fan, but not manga?

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Joined: 05 May 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 4:35 pm Reply with quote
Hey all,

I was thinking, I am an avid anime fan, and from what i have noticed, most people who follow a lot of anime, like to read manga. but, I have never really caught onto the manga craze. I am not quite sure why, i guess its just not quite my style.

Do you like anime but have no interest in manga? if so, why? if you do like manga, what is the connection that brings you to do both?

thanks Smile
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 4:59 pm Reply with quote
I only have interest in the manga if I liked the anime enough, and I feel like I want to read the manga, like Berserk or Claymore. I just prefer anime flat out, because I feel that there's simply more effort put into it. Sure, the pacing, plot, story, characters might always be different and usually for the worse compared to the manga, but that's just how adaptations are! Saying "Oh but the manga was sooooo much better" is the equivalent to people who bitch and whine about movie adaptations of books. That's why they're adaptations and not strictly animated versions of the manga.

Sorry, but anyone can draw a manga, but it takes a lot to go into an anime, and I've always preferred the moving picture to the still one, like with cartoons over comics.

Last edited by walw6pK4Alo on Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:00 pm Reply with quote
I am definitely more of an anime person. Vivid colors and moving pictures, music, voices; all of that I prefer over black and white, still art.

Not to say content can greatly differ between the two mediums and I do like reading every now and then. I've just always preferred to see and hear what these people have worked hard to produce. Granted, not every anime will be a guaranteed slice of goodness, but the experience can only teach you beyond the beyond in preparedness for whatever you might encounter on future endeavors.

I usually prefer manga in special cases of long running series (*cough* goddamn Shounen Jump!) or when the anime takes a few too many liberties with the original context of the work (Death Note).
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:09 pm Reply with quote
I like some manga, but I'm definitely an anime gurl. With the one exception of Fruits Basket, I feel like the storytelling potential of an anime is just more immersive and multi-layered most of the time. (I probably just haven't been reading the right titles, I know, but I've read a LOT thanks to pushy friends.) That, and I like to collect whole series that have a defined ending. A lot of manga run for volumes and volumes and volumes. The shorter runs, at about 12 volumes, are gonna run me $120. If I'm internet-savvy, I can get a 13-26 episode show for far less that.

Buying manga on the internet for cheaper results in ugly, folded, cracker-covered books.

Most of my friends are bigger manga-folks, and they have the first few volumes of every series out there, none finished. That would drive me insane.

Tony K. wrote:
I usually prefer manga in special cases of long running series (*cough* goddamn Shounen Jump!) or when the anime takes a few too many liberties with the original context of the work (Death Note).

Wow. What do you mean by that? Death Note was one of THE most loyal manga-to-anime conversions I've ever seen, period. I can count the plot changes made on one hand, so that statement throws me back a little bit. Were you not happy with the overall tone of the translated work, then?
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:40 pm Reply with quote
I do like Death Note the anime a lot. The art wasn't as sharp I'd expected, but the animation was actually a lot more fluid than I wanted, the voice actors and script were seemingly flawless, and the soundtrack is one of the most balanced and epic scores I've ever heard. I gave it an Excellent rating overall.

The one problem I had: spoiler[ aside from the scene where Mogi got "kidnapped" was the portrayal of Light's character during his death. To me, he'll always be remembered as a true, true villain of boundless moral and psychological proportions. We can go on and make comparisons between him and the more recent archetypes of Lelouch Lamperouge and Batman from The Dark Knight (those two are a real good example of parallel embodiments), but I believe Light to always have been bad, bad, and deserving of zero mercy.]

The manga spoiler[ shows how his character "fell from grace" as everything around him starts to collapse, crippling, exposing, and downright embarrassing him when all along he took it in his own right to claim advocacy to being God. As he died, I felt every dirty, shameless act he committed had come back in the form of karma to bite him back in his pansy ass. I appreciated his convictions and willingness, but that never put him in the right to perform such acts. He got what he deserved. And since he can't really go to hell or anything, we instead get to see his brief moments of suffering, defeat, etc. right at the end.]

spoiler[I believe his death to symbolize the old cliché "absolute power corrupts absolutely." He had a great life going for him, but had this notebook drop in his lap, then starts killing criminals in the name of "justice." And while his intent is admirable and understandable, that's when the "absolute power" started to corrupt him. And thus, people get scared, L realizes the fault in his ideology, and a really cool series of psychological warfare ensues to teach us that a number of things that can be interpreted (but let's not make this a Death Note discussion thread).]

In the anime spoiler[ they write off his death as something of a hero. A hero! Lelouch Lamperouge or Bruce Wayne establishing their personas of Zero and Batman did many things to for the greater good of their beliefs. Zero, well, he's done a few terrible things. Batman, he's more on the side of just "subduing" rather than "killing" per say, but we'll see what they write in the next movie. Light, on the other hand killed and manipulated people just to save his own butt. A true hero will usually cause self-inflicting emotional scars, yes. But unlike Zero or Batman, he does so without remorse or humility (though Zero seems pretty close at times).]

spoiler[ Point is I felt the anime does the opposite of what I felt the manga did so well, proving Light to be a power crazy fool lost in the haze of his own self-righteousness and getting his just comeuppance for all that he did throughout the series.]

Again, aside from those two little qualms, the anime did a particularly great job with everything else. These story issues are just a result of my own personal interpretations.

Last edited by Tony K. on Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 23 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:44 pm Reply with quote
The pairing between enjoyment of manga and anime is rather natural: the larger fan-base is similar, they share the same conventions, a lot of anime is based on manga. At the same time, we're comparing a screen format with a paper format. Which kind of seems... flawed.

When I think about why I reach for anime instead of manga I can't come up with any good reason that has to do with one format actually being better than the other. Instead it seems more natural to compare manga to... books.

I could sit down and read a manga and enjoy it. But for me I'd much rather grab a book and read that. For a paper format I want the care and details in the text, not in visuals. I appreciate that it takes an insane amount of effort to produce a manga. But as a reader it just does less for me.

This could be because I grew up reading The Boxcar Children and The Hardy Boys and not Marvel Comics or DC Comics. Or maybe that is totally unrelated. I don't know.

So, to summarize, I prefer anime by far... but not because of anything anime does better than manga. Just because when it comes to turning pages, I'd rather be working through a novel.
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Oh Jam!

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 6:55 pm Reply with quote
I've got far to many "standard" books on my to read list without delving back into the world of comics.
I went cold turkey from Marvel/DC around 10 years ago and I have no intention of going back to comics Manga or otherwise.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:06 pm Reply with quote
I prefer anime over manga because as someone who prefers to own the series, anime is a better deal. Even if I'm only getting 13 episodes for $40 (and often you can get a better deal than that), the same money could be used for 4-5 manga volumes. But 13 episodes takes over 5 hours to watch, whereas I'd finish 5 manga volumes in a MUCH shorter time. I still read some manga (Fullmetal Alchemist and Tsubasa are my only "buy each volume when it comes out" series), but I prefer anime. Also, with anime, you also get more of an emotional connection I feel, not to mention music and other stuff like that.

Also, in terms of collecting long-running series, I find it generally takes less shelf space to own the anime. For example, when Bleach boxset #3 comes out and I buy it, I'll have the equivalent of the first 20 Bleach manga volumes, but with far less space wasted. Same with One Piece, Inuyasha, etc.

The only manga I own where I also (or will) own the anime is:
Fullmetal Alchemist (different stories eventually), Tsubasa (anime was incomplete, not to mention too much filler), Hunter x Hunter and Inuyasha (since their anime ended prematurely), and One Piece (even though I prefer watching the anime, Oda's art is just incredible and worth owning). Besides that, the only other manga I own is Fairy Tail and O. Parts Hunter (neither animated yet) and Gintama (animated, but not released over here yet).
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:51 pm Reply with quote
I don't read or buy Manga at all, bar the "free" copy of Eureka 7 Volume 1 that I got with the first DVD and Collector's box.

The reason is simple; we just don't get Manga in Hamilton. Okay, we do get I think five titles, (Neon Genesis Evangelion, Escaflowne, Fushigi Yuugi, Full Metal Alchemist, and something else which I know I'm missing). With so few titles, I never got into the whole Manga craze, insted preferring to spend my money on more Anime.

I don't want this to turn into an Anime versus Manga thread, but I believe something animated is better than a Graphic Novel. I mean, I'd rather read a book over "reading" a Graphic Novel.

So yes, I am an Anime fan, but not a Manga fan, which is why I never post in that forum.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:42 pm Reply with quote
Yea, I'm an Anime-over-Manga man myself too, though I'm looking forward to reading the Genshiken Manga in the upcoming weeks, on recomendation that it's even better than the series.
Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:45 pm Reply with quote
I don't own a single volume of manga, nor do I have any real interest in taking up reading it. That disinterest extends across all comics and graphic novels, no matter where they're from. I've made the statement in the past that, to me, the whole comic medium feels like a half-assed step between a novel and a fully animated/acted presentation. It's essentially like reading the script of a series/movie while looking at its storyboards. It doesn't give you the full imaginative freedom of mentally staging your own action that a true novel does, nor does it give you the full audiovisual experience of an animated work. It's caught somewhere in the middle, not performing either task particularly well. Plus, out of the relatively few examples of the genre I have sampled, I've often found trouble deciphering which text bubble was supposed to come next, and there have been many times when I had no idea what in the hell was going on art-wise during an action-packed scene.

(Now book books, on the other hand...I'm all over those. I was up until 4 or 5 AM every night of the past week working my way through a certain fantasy novel. Very Happy )
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Joined: 14 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:22 pm Reply with quote
I love anime no question there... but i have absolutley 0 interest in manga. I have no intention of reading my anime, when i can watch it on the television. I think that it's cool that manga exists, and i don't particularly mind the fact that most anime come off of the manga's but i won't ever start reading manga... it's just not my thing.

Don't get me wrong here, i like literuature though, i'm into some pretty deep literature. But it's just ... i'd like ot watch something on TV much, and i don't watch TV (cable and Digital cable) that much, and my anime is only on DVD... so yes, i'm a strong anime fan, but have 0 intenetion of going into the world .. of manga.

There is also just something about watching things, that makes it more emotional and intaking. I'll take in more when i watch something becuase it's in motion, it's practically real... that's what i like about anime becuase it's in motion. I don't konw quite how to explain it, but it's just that manga is just single images. I like how the images flow in anime... Just my opinion.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:32 am Reply with quote
Yeah, I'm definitely more of an anime fan. I do prefer it for the same reasons people have already mentioned.

I don't necessarily mind manga either though. The only thing is I find it a lot easier to dislike a manga. If an anime is mediocre or just decent, it's usually still mildly entertaining to watch. However, manga is trickier. It takes more effort. Not even just actually reading it but having to really use your imagination to bring it to life. Unless I'm really, really enjoying a manga it very often becomes a chore to do that. There are a few manga such as Berserk, Blame and to a lesser extent Blade of the Immortal that draw me in enough that this isn't an issue. Those are definitely in the minority.
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:57 am Reply with quote
I am a manga over anime fan. Particularly because of how I benefit from saving money in buying the Japanese version of the medium. Anime takes a few things to be able to watch it: the TV/computer, getting the episodes onto a DVD player/hard drive, and turning the devices on in the first place. Manga you just pick it up, lay down and read.

Another thing I should mention is that manga by far has a heck of a lot more series than anime will ever have. There is a lot of anime out there, but a huge variety of manga doesn't even make onto the screen, hence the more exciting it is to find these series that never made it big. There's been quite a few of them that I've seen, and have been quite interesting to read.
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Joined: 17 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:39 am Reply with quote
I'm for the most part, more an anime guy. I probably would not have touched manga if not for Berserk. I really look forward to each new volume that comes out. Other than that series, the only manga I own are Claymore after the anime left off, the first few volumes of Alive, a few of Hellsing, and the final arc of Rurouni Kenshin. I do enjoy reading manga, but my problem with it is that I go through it too fast and they take up so much space. Sometimes you have to dip into the manga though if you want the rest of the story.
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