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NEWS: Japan's Video Game Rankings, November 27-December 3 [2023-12-09]

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Vladimir Morales

Joined: 08 Mar 2022
Posts: 204
PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 10:11 am Reply with quote
If your name isn't Nintendo, chances are that you will struggle at the Japanese sales charts.
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Silver Kirin

Joined: 09 Aug 2018
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 6:44 pm Reply with quote
Vladimir Morales wrote:
If your name isn't Nintendo, chances are that you will struggle at the Japanese sales charts.

Well technically Dragon Quest Monsters is an Enix game, but it's a Switch exclusive though. Funnily enough, DQM had a higher opening week than Final Fantasy XVI, and DQM is a spin-off game, I think this basically confirms that the DQIII HD-2D remake will launch on Switch, though I'm not sure what Enix will do with DQXII, I can see the title being announced for the Switch's successor, but Nintendo has to announce something at the beginning of next year, can't imagine DQXII doing that well as a PS5 exclusive
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Joined: 13 Jun 2020
Posts: 1976
PostPosted: Sat Dec 16, 2023 4:27 am Reply with quote
PS5 dropped from 107k to 62k then had a strong hold at 59k after and now 43k this week. 5 million before the year ends is doubtful, but at least people are buying in high volume despite the price increase.

Silver Kirin wrote:
Funnily enough, DQM had a higher opening week than Final Fantasy XVI, and DQM is a spin-off game, I think this basically confirms that the DQIII HD-2D remake will launch on Switch, though I'm not sure what Enix will do with DQXII, I can see the title being announced for the Switch's successor, but Nintendo has to announce something at the beginning of next year, can't imagine DQXII doing that well as a PS5 exclusive

What exactly is "funny" about you unprovokingly mentioning and nitpicking that DQM3 on a 30 million+ platform outsold FF16 on a 3 million platform (where the number could be extremely lower due to outside of Japan purchasing, hence the abysmal PS5 software numbers in general). What should be noted is that you left out context due to your intention of wanting to take a jab at FF16. I'm confident you don't know that DQM is a 1 million selling spinoff series from its debut on on GB. Its last game, Joker 3, on 3DS (a 20 million+ install base) sold 800k physically, which means it potentially could have sold 1m with digital. DQM historically opens up at 300k, 400k, 500k, 600k. DQM3 opened up 30k behind Joker 3 and DQM3 had stock issues. In your attempt to take a jab at FF16 (from a series that sells 1 million in Japan), you left all that info out and the PS5 situation. Not only that, Japan did not like FF16's direction from the start whereas Rebirth has positive reception in comparison. Combine that with the PS5 situation and it ends up with the lowest opening launch since before FF6 when Remake, 15, 13, 12, 10, etc. have sold 1 million opening week or within the month (15). Due to it being a numbered FF, it still ended up as the best selling PS5 game. So the FF brand is obviously still strong.

Also, DQ is a stronger brand than FF in Japan. DQ11 is the 1st main DQ game back on PS since the PS2, and it outsold FF15 on opening week with 950k to reach 1.3m. DQ12 isn't releasing until 2025 at the earliest. PS5 hardware will be greater than FF16 launch. Even if it was PS5 exclusive, it would have a greater opening than FF16 because its DQ. Will it be a close to 1m seller 1st week? Who knows. With a minimum 500k opening physically and at the PS5 software price, SE would have made a ton of revenue just like when DQ11 on 3DS outsold the PS4 version in units, but the PS4 version made more revenue. Another note: Despite all the Nintendo published DQ titles overseas, it was DQ11 on PS4 that made DQ what it is today overseas. Please do research.

Mod (because I know you will come), before you edit my post with something like "Don't reply to other people, reply to the article" (if you do intend to say this, you need to call out the other user as well since that is what they did when the 1st poster only said Nintendo then the 2nd user went off-course to specify DQM for reasons when there are other non-Nintendo games on the Nintendo platform in the chart), you need to stop misunderstanding the correct posts and understand the incorrect post because all you will be doing is slandering the wrong individual. A person who has knowledge can see the unknowledgeable. My post doesn't exist if I don't see any unknowledge.
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Wack Sage

Joined: 11 Nov 2023
Posts: 61
PostPosted: Sat Dec 16, 2023 6:25 am Reply with quote
I'm interested to see how well the Paper Mario TTYD remake does in comparison to Super Mario RPG. I wonder if they'll shape their future entries in the Mario spin-off RPGs based on which one does better
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