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Uncle from Another World

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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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Location: Virginia, United States
PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 1:39 pm Reply with quote
I originally saw this manga in Japan. So I am glad it made it over here officially translated.

Basic premise, man wakes up from a coma after 17 years, moves in with nephew. The uncle speaks a strange foreign language and claims to have come back from a fantasy world. Nephew thinks he has mental problems, until the uncle proves he has magic.

So what follows is a little bit of the uncle learning how thing work now from 17 years ago and using magic to make things easier and to earn money, and a little bit of flash backs from his time in the fantasy world.

To be honest, I would much rather have the fantasy world storyline as the manga novel, instead of flash backs.

Everyone in the fantasy world thinks the uncle is a monster and treats him as such. Much of the humor on that side of the story is from such, but also on how dense he is and how little common sense he has.
spoiler[one flash black snippet I liked was the uncle saving a mother and her two boys, but they are so scared of him, that the mother distracts him so the boys can push him off a cliff.]

Lovers of old Japanese consoles and gaming platforms would probably love segments from our world, but they are okay for me. But his nephew and his nephew's girlfriend reactions to his 'mental video flashbacks' are pretty funny too.

The art. I wasn't really hyped about the art, but once into the books it grew on me. The character art is especially good when the artist spends time on specific characters. I fell in love with the stalker Elf maiden adventurer. Wish I could rip her right off the pages in the book. THERE MUST BE merchandise. THERE MUST BE figurines. Anime gods make it happen.

Two volumes in, there doesn't seem to be a plot. But that doesn't matter yet, the humor, the dense uncle, the stalker Elf maiden adventurer, and the nephew's and his girlfriend's reactions carry this series. It is enough for me to pre-order the next two novels.

What I hope for the future. I want the stalker Elf maiden adventurer to track the uncle down to our world. The uncle keeps putting her in embarrassing situations and then running away from her. She keeps finding him though.

So pick up that manga and get reading.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
Posts: 6009
Location: Virginia, United States
PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 1:51 am Reply with quote
Volume 4 of the manga is out now.

A lot more action from the fantasy world in this one.
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