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Fairy Ranmaru (TV).

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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 2:28 pm Reply with quote

Fairy Ranmaru (TV)


Plot Summary: This world is all about do or die. There ain't no paradise. You go down once and you're out. This world is filled with people who suffer believing that. Hey, you there. Are you really going to pretend not to notice? We, however, cannot do that. Let us wipe away your tears. We'll put that smile back on your face. But it's not going to be for free. Please come by Bar F. Have no fear. We don't need any money. There's only one thing that we want... "We'll take your heart!!" (From Preview Guide)
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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Location: Brisbane, Australia
PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 10:48 pm Reply with quote
Episode 4

Okay, this might be a series to really take a look at the type of morals it has. Especially last week that kind of felt a little like it made a character turn gay as some sort of punishment. This week's episode was called "Degeneracy", so you would have to assume there would be some sort look at what it might think is degenerate. The degenerate act was apparently an idol being sexually active, and it really tried to convince us that this was a thing by making it super clear that the person she was sexually with was a fan, and so it was like corrupt or something in getting this man to favour her.

Sorry, but this episode stank of the sort of Japanese purity culture of some element of slut shaming a woman of not being allowed to be an idol, because apparently she is not pure enough. So we needed some contrast of another woman who is just so dang innocent that she could never do something like that, so you could have a story of a woman being publicly shamed. And then the end of the episode had her kiss the cheek of the fairy guy as a reward, which is essentially the exact same thing, but I guess different because of reasons, but kind of just confusing.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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Location: Brisbane, Australia
PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 1:40 am Reply with quote
Episode 12 (finale)

I guess kind of nice that the villain of the series turned out to be the system itself, that is the queen that had been controlling them and forcing her agenda. It does kind of confuse me in the end over what exactly changed, since the 10 fairy laws are still their driving force. The queen admitted that she let things go to ruin, and something about being lonely. What did that actually change? Some amount of gay kisses and stuff is nice, but I am not sure what that means on in the scheme of things. I thought that there was something about Betelgeuse's possessive love of Sirius, how was apparently who destroyed things, and how presumably he kept the information about Sirius' girlfriend that loved him from Sirius. But it was supposed to be good when he told Sirius that he loved him?

I guess this comes down a long line that I was not a big fan of the politics of this show, or at least how storylines ended. Where perhaps there was room for nuance, but it still just ended without it properly addressed. As an example. the mother who was cheating on her husband who wasn't giving her the affection she needed, just had the guy dump her, she committed suicide and then her family don't give her a proper funeral because they found out about the affair. The daughter kept saying that it was the man's fault, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to see that it really wasn't, but then whole thing anyway had the climax around the man with the mother being a user he apparently resolved things by going with someone more age fitting. It does feel like a repeat of that one guy who was cheating, and then after the climax he was suddenly gay, almost like it was a punishment.

Maybe there were greater nuance in this show, like the cheating man was gay, that the mother really was looking for the affection she needed from another source, and so on. I otherwise kind of think that the show could have done better jobs at showing the nuance, perhaps rather than each of the 'bad' humans being ridiculous villains in the dream scapes they could have done more. Perhaps every villain would have something like an underlying problem that was actually the source for the crappy things they were doing, and was less about them being defeated and suddenly changed like a part of them was destroyed and they suddenly changed. We could see some humanity still in there, and have them face their own problem they have been avoiding. Which perhaps if the idol guy was actually closeted gay he could see that and be open, instead of cut there and suddenly he has a masculine boyfriend. Or the idol girl see that she is abusing her power as an idol against her fans, rather than have get shamed in the newspaper.

To talk about sexuality a bit, it is in ways a bit of a nice subversion in how the boys looked after transforming, something you might be more likely to find with female characters. But at least for me, I am already kind of bored with the sexual objectification of the gender flip anyway, or at least I wouldn't really be interested in that sort of thing with the objectification. It does kind of want me to have more equal opportunity fanservice and stuff, but kind of better than this. Also, I am still a little confused over things like timelines, especially with what we learned over the last couple of episodes.

Anyway, my rating is going to be Decent (6/10), it at least got my attention, and has a number of elements that I could find interesting, maybe in aesthetics alone, but for whatever reason it just did not jell with me as much as I would have hoped.
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