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Digimon Adventure: (TV)

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 12:50 pm Reply with quote

Digimon Adventure: (TV)

Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Kids, Fantasy

Plot Summary: The new anime will take place in 2020 and will feature an all-new story centering on Taichi Yagami when he is in his fifth year in elementary school. His partner is Agumon. The story begins in Tokyo when a large-scale network malfunction occurs. Taichi is preparing for his weekend summer camping trip when the incident happens. Taichi's mother and his younger sister Hikari get stuck on a train that won't stop moving, and Taichi heads to Shibuya in order to help them. However, on his way there, he encounters a strange phenomenon and sweeps him up into the Digital World along with the other DigiDestined.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 4:24 am Reply with quote
Episode 1

As a kid of the 90s, the original Digimon series was something I grew up with, right along with Pokémon and Cardcaptors, or at least the English released versions. I have not seen much of Digimon recently, I remember stopping around that season that the kids turned into the Digimon themselves, even though I must have watched a bit of it, but I am kind of up to watch a reboot. Not like I am entirely clueless, adapting to maybe some of the Japanese names, although happily Agumon is still that in Japanese, along with Greymon, crazy that I could remember Agumon's signature move as Pepper Breath, although apparently the original Japanese name is called Baby Flame. I enjoyed Pokémon I Choose You, so I can enjoy some of this crazy nostalgia under a new paint job.

If anything, the whole net thing is much stronger than it was when the original series was made, but I also loved the retro Digimon graphics, yes I had one as a kid. Izumi (Izzy) mentioned the camp, which if memory serves with the original was what the kids were all on when they entered the digital world, but kind of looks like the adventures started already Taichi (Tai) going into the net while Izumi talks from the outside, kind of like that Digimon movie. At least from my memory Hikari (Kairi) was meant to be there, but because she was not the whole plotline with Gatomon, involving Devimon and later, but I guess I should just enjoy the ride. Matt, or whatever his Japanese name is, appeared on Garurumon at the end, and a time limit thing has been set.

Do want to make what I think as a small criticism, although using CG to supplement animation is probably something you don't want over 2D animation, I remember even the bad 90s stuff adding to the evolving parts of the original series, and this episode I did not recognise any CG with the one in this episode.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 1:31 am Reply with quote
Episode 2

The second episode and we already have Omnimon (the English name), I know that the episode was generally just like the Digimon movie in trying to stop the virus, but did not expect what was essentially the moment of awesome in that movie, especially since it is supposed to be the fusion of WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon. That is their Megas, but they are still just champions. Not even their Ultimates of MetalGreymon and WereGararurumon. TK and Kairi (again English names) were also in shots with feathers that hint towards Angemon and Angewomon.

Half the cast are even introduced yet, and they already have what was essentially the strongest pair in fusion, although without the sort of big development that was supposed to lead there. Can only imagine that maybe they won't be able to pull it off again, and need some character dynamic with the rest of the cast.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 2:19 am Reply with quote
Episode 3

Kind of feels like a bit of a troll, that it had been setting up the camp with knowing the audience would expect it as the catalyst to go to the digital world, the episode even named as such. But then the camp was just used to introduce Sora and a quick nod at Joe (English name). I don't even think that Mimi has been shown yet. But with apparently just going to the digital world after an impending blackout, would assume a number of them are there rather than just Taichi we saw at the end, or Sora in the preview. Although no idea about TK and Kari.

Do like that the Digital world looks like an actual environment, was scared it was just going to be random cyberspace look.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:49 am Reply with quote
Episode 4

The fourth episode finally came out after the hiatus. While the (digi)evolution highlight of the episode should have been with Piyomon going into Birdramon, in my opinion the highlight was actually Agumon into Greymon. That we have been shown that we won't have the evolving in the environment thing that we have seen up to now, but the more classic transformation sequences with more CG models that I love about the classic. I could practically hear the awful dated digivolution music while it was happening, was pretty damn cool how it mixed things together flashes of the earlier form as it built up to Agumon morphing into Greymon.

Which is why Piyomon turning into Birdramon was actually disappointing, since she did not get such a sequence, there were cool parts of it like fiery Birdramon, but it did seem that they did not want to break up the action of the sequence to have it cut away. Myself I am used to transformation sequences being the centrepiece of awesome separate from the main action.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 3:16 am Reply with quote
Episode 5

Some world building, Tentomon going into Kabuterimon, who was always a favourite of mine, and the goal that they all have to go to. I took notice that the backstory only gave 6 eggs and Digimon and thus destined, which must leave out Hikari and Takeru's, perhaps something to do with them going to the so called holy Digimon that the episode was named as for their goal. Still rather curious how Patomon and Gatomon(?) will be brought in.

We also got our first hint/shot of Devimon, who looks appropriately intimidating.

The end of the episode previews that next week will be Mimi and Palmon, which I will look forward to.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 3:58 am Reply with quote
Episode 6

And we have Mimi. Don't really know why, but she has felt like the sort of character I might not have cared for back when I watched the original series, but ended up liking more. I think a part came from at the time it felt like she had character growth of going from being a bit of a brat, to getting the crest of Purity and actually very kind. She was less bratty in this episode, I guess at most appointing herself as a queen and enlisting Taichi and Sora with numbers. I do wonder why I have been looking forward to her character so much.

The fight with Togemon was pretty fun.

Next week should finally introduce Joe/Jou, just to round off before Izumi and Yamato, and whether there will be TK or Kairi, they are both in the opening.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 12:26 am Reply with quote
Episode 31

I was kind of surprised when half watching to realise that the digimon beating up Greymon was none of than Reapermon, the totally broken boss from the fighting game Digimon Rumble Arena on the PS1, who super frustrated me as a kid. Although I guess he is called Gokumon in Japanese. Of course MetalGreymon had to go into WarGreymon to beat him, right after Agumon had been left exhausted after doing so for the first time.

My attention had already been grabbed by the fact that the digimon to make him go mega last episode was Parrotmon, the digimon from that first digimon movie, the one with the whistle.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2021 2:02 am Reply with quote
Episode 67 (finale)

It is finally finished. I kind of fell out of it the more I watched over time. My biggest complaint I could recognise would be how despite the main cast of 6 partners (later 8), the show focused way much more on Taichi and agumon (and evolutions), and it generally felt like at the detriment of the other characters. To put into perspective, there was a certain arc late into the show where every partners split up from the group to find their crest that defines who they are, and yet somehow Taichi ended up with every group in their episode, despite them all going in different directions. I think the show even made a joke about it, how an episode looked like it would be Taichi free, and then he just shows up at the end of the episode, as if to make a joke that we thought we could get away without him forcing himself into another's story.

The thing is that Taichi is like the most boring of the characters, being the most stereotypical brave shounen protagonist, being the most safe character, which ironically makes the new series come across cowardly, that it couldn't have faith in the other characters. The best character, which I might have suspected earlier, I think turned out to be Mimi. Despite this being a shounen series, her femininity really well, not even being described as something like the love interest, and generally helping boost others. Despite not even being designated as the leader of team, a lot of her centred stories had her acting as a leader, and she was generally fun to watch in most scenes.

Not that Mimi was perfectly done either, leading to my next criticism, at least to what I possibly only semi-remember from the original. I think it lacked elements of character growth, where despite the apparent storylines of growing, I think every character pretty much already felt like they already grew into their stronger character. For Mimi specifically, I remember her starting off as a bit of a brat, where she would complain and possibly cause conflict from being self centred, but eventually grew into a character who embodied her crest of sincerity/purity. Being a character that spoke her mind, but also earnestly care about others. Here, she just pretty much already started out as her best self, she didn't really need to grow by needing to pay attention to the needs of others. And really it was kind of the same for all the characters, with even Taichi not needing to learn to be courageous.

Mimi and Palmon were the most adorably together still. Also, kind of missed what I remember of the original series in regards to Tailmon, where she actually started out as a villain, and a good portion of her story was about being redeemed, and also the Digimon of light. Here, Tailmon did come from a villainous character, one I picked up before the reveal, but rather than something like character growth, it was actually that she was being controlled, and when Hikari approached her, she pretty much instantly turned back to good as Tailmon. It just felt too safe in not needing to show characters as flawed, and how they might change (outside digimon evolution) into their better selves.

My rating for this reboot, I would give Not really good (4/10), but not a totaly waste of time.
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