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NEWS: New Higurashi: When They Cry Anime's 2nd Video Reveals Episode 1's October 1 Debut, Episode 14

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Joined: 11 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:19 am Reply with quote
Episode 1 will premiere on October 1 at 24:30 on the Tokyo MX and BS11 channels, and it will also run on the Sun TV channel as well as on the d Anime Store and Hikari TV services. Episode 14 will then premiere on January 7 on those same venues.

Just a slight correction, Episode 1 is premiering at 23:30 on that day on Tokyo MX and BS11. The 24:30 time is only for Sun TV.
Episodes 14+ will debut at a new timeslot of 24:30 starting January 7th on Tokyo MX and BS11. While Sun TV will move to 25:30.

You can see the times here: https://higurashianime.com/onair.html

The manga adaptation by Tomato Akase will launch in Kadokawa's Young Ace magazine on October 2.

This manga is actually going to run in Young Ace UP, which is an online publication, and not the regular Young Ace magazine!

Last edited by BalmungHHQ on Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:31 am; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 09 Dec 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:20 am Reply with quote
this going to be an ecchi? Considering its studio and what Higurashi's been like since the main story resolved
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Joined: 11 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:24 am Reply with quote
cookiemanstah wrote:
this going to be an ecchi? Considering its studio and what Higurashi's been like since the main story resolved

This is the main story. The PV shows footage from the first two arcs. So it's not like a spinoff or anything. Any ecchi in the show would be an adaptation of something already in the main story.
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Joined: 09 Dec 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:31 am Reply with quote
BalmungHHQ wrote:
cookiemanstah wrote:
this going to be an ecchi? Considering its studio and what Higurashi's been like since the main story resolved

This is the main story. The PV shows footage from the first two arcs. So it's not like a spinoff or anything. Any ecchi in the show would be an adaptation of something already in the main story.

so remake? DEEN wasn't good enough?
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Joined: 11 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:35 am Reply with quote
cookiemanstah wrote:
BalmungHHQ wrote:
cookiemanstah wrote:
this going to be an ecchi? Considering its studio and what Higurashi's been like since the main story resolved

This is the main story. The PV shows footage from the first two arcs. So it's not like a spinoff or anything. Any ecchi in the show would be an adaptation of something already in the main story.

so remake? DEEN wasn't good enough?

Potentially, yes it's a remake. At the very least, the first few arcs are going to be retold in this anime, based on the PV footage. I don't think any official source has ever called it a remake directly though, just a "new project."
It's getting a new manga adaptation too, so it's not just the anime. They're doing the whole Higurashi media mix thing again.
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Joined: 20 Aug 2020
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 12:35 pm Reply with quote
BalmungHHQ wrote:

Potentially, yes it's a remake. At the very least, the first few arcs are going to be retold in this anime, based on the PV footage. I don't think any official source has ever called it a remake directly though, just a "new project."
It's getting a new manga adaptation too, so it's not just the anime. They're doing the whole Higurashi media mix thing again.

Do we know if they're going to re-release the old manga as well? I've got most of them but I'm missing a few. They're out of print, so I haven't found anywhere selling them.

edit - I've looked but I didn't find the answer to this either - are they just remaking the first season or do we know if they're planning to do Higurashi Kai as well?
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Joined: 11 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 1:10 pm Reply with quote
st_nick5 wrote:
Do we know if they're going to re-release the old manga as well? I've got most of them but I'm missing a few. They're out of print, so I haven't found anywhere selling them.

For Yen Press's releases? I have no idea.
I personally think this is a good opportunity for new reprints of both Higurashi and Umineko, but I have no idea if they'll do that or not. Sad
(I'm missing some Umineko volumes for my collection that I hope will get reprinted in the future...)
At the very least, they're supporting the series digitally.

If you meant in Japan, I know some of the older manga series' have been going up on some online manga services, but I don't think there are any physical reprints. They're probably going to focus on the new manga.

st_nick5 wrote:
I've looked but I didn't find the answer to this either - are they just remaking the first season or do we know if they're planning to do Higurashi Kai as well?

There's really no telling at this point. Like I said above, we don't even know for sure if it's even a complete remake or not. The trailers show content from the first two arcs, so it's very likely it is. But for all we know the story could just be starting with familiar arcs and then diverge into new territory later on, or something like that.
Only time will tell.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 2:27 pm Reply with quote
I feel like this is one of the shows that doesn't really need a remake? 50+episodes 15 years ago anime should still be fine by todays standards o_O
I'll wait and see
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Joined: 21 Jun 2019
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 7:04 pm Reply with quote
kikuzinho wrote:
I feel like this is one of the shows that doesn't really need a remake? 50+episodes 15 years ago anime should still be fine by todays standards o_O
I'll wait and see

I still think Umineko should have gotten an anime remake instead of Higurashi
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Joined: 12 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 7:34 pm Reply with quote
BalmungHHQ wrote:
I don't think any official source has ever called it a remake directly though, just a "new project."

"New project" in this sense usually means remake.
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Joined: 03 Feb 2015
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:45 pm Reply with quote
FrodoGate222 wrote:
I still think Umineko should have gotten an anime remake instead of Higurashi

You know, I'm about halfway through reading Umineko, and I can't say I agree tbh. I don't think it would make a compelling anime series specifically even under the most ideal circumstances. There are almost 20 characters right from the get-go and a good chunk of the narrative is made up of characters stopping everything to comment and discuss current events (among other narrative tricks), so I think it would just seem really boring in a visual medium. Overall based on what I've read so far, it just seem to lend itself to a better reading experience.

While Higurashi is still a visual novel with many of the same storytelling tools as Umineko (you know which ones I'm thinking of if you've seen the show), its narrative is much more traditional and easier to adapt for animation.
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Joined: 11 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 2:22 pm Reply with quote
KitKat1721 wrote:
FrodoGate222 wrote:
I still think Umineko should have gotten an anime remake instead of Higurashi

You know, I'm about halfway through reading Umineko, and I can't say I agree tbh. I don't think it would make a compelling anime series specifically even under the most ideal circumstances. There are almost 20 characters right from the get-go and a good chunk of the narrative is made up of characters stopping everything to comment and discuss current events (among other narrative tricks), so I think it would just seem really boring in a visual medium. Overall based on what I've read so far, it just seem to lend itself to a better reading experience.

While Higurashi is still a visual novel with many of the same storytelling tools as Umineko (you know which ones I'm thinking of if you've seen the show), its narrative is much more traditional and easier to adapt for animation.

I definitely agree with your explanation behind this.
A lot of Umineko fans like to view the original anime as "terrible", but it really is about as good as it could've been given the circumstances. A lot of people don't even know that half the episodes were written by the same person who wrote the series composition behind the amazing adaptations of stuff like Clannad.

It's so easy to get absorbed in the narrative of the visual novels and/or manga adaptation, which are both full of text and information that make everything work, but it's easy to forget that the entire structure of Umineko's plot is built around such reading and analysis, something very incompatible with a medium like anime, which is something one watches that has a definitive runtime. (Another thing fans forget: a series as niche as Umineko can only financially afford so many episodes of content, so it has to compress information.)

Even if Umineko got a new adaptation that handles everything perfectly on paper, within the runtime allotted, it still wouldn't be comparable to just reading the visual novel (the medium the whole story itself is designed around), or the manga (a medium that was able to make a lot of things work through visual/text tricks and splitting the work into eight unique manga releases in different magazines to get the highest possible page count).

That said, personally speaking, if this new Higurashi anime succeeds, I'd love to see a new Umineko anime remake or sequel. You're absolutely right in that it will never compare to the original, but I personally just love seeing those characters animated and in action. It's a great feeling. It's why I still really love the original Umineko anime, despite its faults and reputation. It's great supplemental material for those who already know the story from the original.
My only hope is that if such a thing does happen and they do make a new anime, fans would be understanding on what Umineko is and what works for it, and stop expecting an anime to be able to provide the original experience, when by nature it cannot.
It'd be disheartening if we got a new Umineko anime that does everything way better than the first, but everyone still just ends up criticizing it for skipping/rushing such-and-such scene, or crying about confusing viewers by leaving out some random detail.
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Joined: 29 May 2013
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 11:42 am Reply with quote
I feel like an old fart for saying this, but I can't really see a need for this to exist beyond "new anime fans think 2000's anime is butt-ugly, so let's make a shiny new version!" For as off-model as it could be, I thought OG-Higurashi was one of the few series that made it's uncanny-valley art style work *for* the series rather than against it. Without any of the more intense scenes to judge it by, this cutsier style seems to take a lot of the edge off. :/
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