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This Week in Games - Judgment Day

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Joined: 11 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:54 pm Reply with quote
That is damned impressive, getting everything in from the Nintendo Direct within a couple hours of it ending.

Now someone please explain what the deal is with Final Fantasy VIII getting left out of the Switch parade here. It's also not on mobile, unlike the other PS1/2-era FFs.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:40 pm Reply with quote
CAPCOM Beat ‘Em Up Bundle packages a whole mess of CAPCOM's late 80s and early 90s arcade brawlers into a single package. The obvious star here is Final Fight, but there are some other noteworthy games among the bunch: Warriors of Fate, a very popular Three Kingdoms-based mainstay of Japanese arcades, Armored Warriors, which is actually a Cyberbots prequel, and Battle Circuit, a very colorful and goofy game that's among the last arcade beat-em-ups CAPCOM made. It's out next week, too, so you won't have to wait long to enjoy King of Dragons and Captain Commando. Alas, The Punisher and the D&D games aren't on there (licensing, of course), but it still looks like a solid set.

Personally, this was the highlight of the Direct for me, because I already have a bunch of those older Final Fantasy games on PS4, & Animal Crossing does nothing for me. Anyway, while it's understandably sad that we'll be missing Aliens vs. Predator, Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, & those other licensed-property-based games, at least the current relationship with Moto Kikaku is giving us Warriors of Fate, since it's based on Hiroshi Motomiya's Shonen Jump manga Tenchi wo Kurau. It is a bit odd that we're not getting Dynasty Wars, which was the prequel to Warriors of Fate, but if we're only getting one of those, then we might as well get the better of the two.

And it's out next week, to boot!
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 10:11 pm Reply with quote
invalidname wrote:
That is damned impressive, getting everything in from the Nintendo Direct within a couple hours of it ending.

Now someone please explain what the deal is with Final Fantasy VIII getting left out of the Switch parade here. It's also not on mobile, unlike the other PS1/2-era FFs.

Three words: Eyes on Me. Yeah, the singer has ownership of that song, so that's why VIII is in Purgatory. All because of a mediocre song.

Anyway, pretty good direct overall. On to the matter at hand:

-Judge Eyes: Neat idea, but I wish they set it somewhere other than Kamurocho.

-The Last Remnant: Not surprising that's why they pulled the Steam version, but I am surprised THIS game is getting a rerelease considering its tepid reception even after the PC version fixed its technical problems. Still, it is one of the more unique games by Square

-Samurai Shodown: Good times. I like the Street Fighter, meets ukiyo-e art style

-Luigi's Mansion 3: Glad to see this series is managing a comeback.

-Splatoon 2: I love how that trailer is done like a TV anime opening, right down to the sponsors at the end done in the series' conlang

-CAPCOM Beat 'Em Up Bundle: Oh yeah, I am SO there. Interestingly, Battle Circuit was never released in the US so this is its debut

-Katamari Damacy: Gimme!

-NSMBU: Peachette raises SO MANY QUESTIONS

-Town: So it's their take on Harvest Moon. I can dig it

-Daemon X Machina: There better be Xenoblade Skells in there as secrets

-EIGHT FINAL FANTASY TITLES (and not 8, because it sucks): There's some mega irony here: Square went to the PS1 for FFVII because Nintendo used cartridges for the N64. Now FFVII is on the Switch. Which uses cartridges. I'm interested in VII and CC, but the others I don't care about. As they range from merely okay (IX) to mediocre (XII)

-Isabelle: She is now banned from all tourneys because no one can bring themselves to harm her.

-Animal Crossing Switch: Well, there goes my life

-Also, Civilization VI. I can dig it
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Joined: 09 Aug 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 11:27 pm Reply with quote
Piss poor Direct, good Smash choice, I thought Isabelle wouldn't be too good for Smash but upon see her gameplay I was convinced of how good she actually is in Smash. Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon is also getting another game which is nice. I've played those games since the 1st game which was Japan only. SE needs to do something and have Sakurai put either Chocobo or Mog in Smash. However that's where the positives end, I almost fell asleep 4 times and the Nintendo Switch Online is the biggest dud since the Xbox One's initial reveal, that is NOT worth $20, that $20 is going to whatever small imports of the week I can find on the Japanese Eshop. There was also too much TBA 2019 and Daemon x Machina being one of them did not make me happy at all. Another problem is far too many ports especially from SE.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 1:15 am Reply with quote
Lots of announcements from every corner of the gaming world. It's quite a lot to take in.

Project Prelude Rune: I wonder what this is going to be like now that Baba is strictly non-Tales.

Samurai Shodown: Samurai Shodown's most recent appearance was in the mobile Granblue Fantasy game, though it was just Haohmaru and Nakoruru. I guess that may have been some kind of hint of its return to the gaming world with a new entry after a decade and a half of silence following Sen.

Luigi's Mansion 3: Yes! Yes to this I say!
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Aca Vuksa

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 2:47 am Reply with quote
Here's my own opinions:

New Game Freak Game: A whole new game that is created from sepeate Pokemon game is so cool!!! I'm glad that these developers are making different approach toward making other non-Pokemon than this.

Animal Crossing in Switch: Awesome!!! What kind of new Animal Crossing characters and new species will appear on this game!!!???

Splatoon 2 Update:This is thrilling good, i find it really amusing, and new look is gonna be good.

Mario Tennis Ace New Characters Added: Really amazing, well done, Nintendo. You've made them adding new characters and the online support much better and well supportive towards fans.

Isabelle on Super Smash Bros: Isabelle as an playable fighting character is sure is impressive, but i wonder how powerful she is, consider that she is very popular Animal Crossing character out there.

New Samurai Showdown Games: This new Samurai Showdown games is totally badass, with an whole new 3D scene and more dramatic scene makes like SNK is back in action! Very Happy

That's all i wrote here.

(sorry for my poor English)[/b]
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Joined: 23 Nov 2017
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:55 am Reply with quote
Really excited about Luigis Mansion 3, knew it was coming after announcing a remake of the first for 3DS. Even from the snippets shown it looks fab.

Don't play Animal Crossing so the Isabelle reveal is 'meh' to me though she does look adorable.

At this point I've given up hope of Banjo & Kazooie coming to the game. Microsoft are game but Nintendo just seem to ignore the obvious and huge fan demand.

[Edit]: off-topic snark removed. Please read the forum rules. Errinundra.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:53 am Reply with quote
Honestly, I'm not surprised to see that prior DOA characters will be DLC. That seems to be the way things are going for fighting games. I'm also not surprised to see the same thing happen to classic costumes. DOA 5 had tons of costume DLC across its multiple versions, so I've been expecting more revealing outfits to be released for a price.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:10 pm Reply with quote
Aca Vuksa wrote:
New Game Freak Game: A whole new game that is created from sepeate Pokemon game is so cool!!! I'm glad that these developers are making different approach toward making other non-Pokemon than this.

People tend to not be aware of this but Gamefreak were making games before Pokemon and have made other games since Pokemon.

MaskOfBrutality wrote:

At this point I've given up hope of Banjo & Kazooie coming to the game. Microsoft are game but Nintendo just seem to ignore the obvious and huge fan demand.

Why would Nintendo want to promote a pair of characters that are owned by another publisher/developer?

That and the fact that the requests for Banjo and Kazooie are no more louder than the people still expecting Goku & Shrek.

AiddonValentine wrote:

-Luigi's Mansion 3: Glad to see this series is managing a comeback.

I have my problems with Dark Moon myself but that's harsh.

AiddonValentine wrote:

-EIGHT FINAL FANTASY TITLES (and not 8, because it sucks)

And yet 9 is there.


And hey, look, there's plenty of blood flying! These are gonna be hardcore, old-fashioned fights to the death with characters everyone loves!

But are Zetsumei Ougi's from 5 coming back?
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leafy sea dragon

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 2:02 pm Reply with quote
I wonder if there's going to be a new release of the game with all the DLC included? Considering Splatoon 2 is still moving thousands of copies in Japan each week, it'd be a nice way to get new buyers caught up.

What was meant by this? Do you mean Splatoon 2 with Octo Expansion included? That's already available on the eShop (though for an increased price), albeit not retail. All of the other DLC for Splatoon 2 is free and just given out to everybody with updates. If they have a Switch with an Internet connection, they can catch up with the base game. (And there isn't much of a reason to get Splatoon 2 without an Internet connection.)

As for Isabelle not dying in the Nintendo Direct, well, she DID get KOed by Kapp'n at one point.
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Joined: 18 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:13 am Reply with quote
As much as I liked Sekai ni Hitotsu no Hana....considering your circumstances I can understand your aversion to SMAP...

...but I'm genuinely excited for Kimutaku "taking" this role. It's channeling a reverse HERO situation (if you haven't seen the HERO drama I highly recommend it) so it fits Kimutaku like a glove. The fact that it also sits within the Yakuza world means that it'll have some fun side stories and events to play.
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