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REVIEW: Dies irae: To the Ring Reincarnation

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Joined: 14 Jan 2018
Posts: 55
PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2018 9:59 am Reply with quote
This controversial series comes to an end

See here though, I don't think it was controversial at all.

What "controversy" existed was entirely manufactured by seasonal preview guide writers and anitwitter, who were so eager to denounce a 10 year old story for daring to glorify Nazis in the current political climate that they jumped the gun and entirely missed that the Nazis were the complete monster villains of the show and that it was the main character's goal to punch them.

The same writers who dismissed Tanya the Evil as "that nazi loli show" and delusionally believed that Schwarzesmarken was about a WW2 Nazi victory leading to a divided Germany ruling the world because of the Bundeswehr iron crosses. Y'all are too quick to point out any show with a German army in it as a Nazi glorification for clicks.
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Joined: 28 Aug 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2018 10:08 am Reply with quote
...that speaks to the series' biggest problem in general: the writing just isn't very good.

I've seen comments from people who've played the source visual novel that they beg to differ; the game's writing is very detailed and grandiose. It's just the anime not doing a good job adapting the VN's sprawling plot and characters for anime.

The story puts on pretenses of being about more than that by tossing in all manner of philosophical sideroads, but that's just existential window dressing with no deeper meaning to be found.

In fairness, it's a very chuunibyou story. It's more about applying an overblown version of Rule of Cool to the story over philosophical musings (ie. So long as the result is Awesome, the liberties are acceptable).

There is a reason why some people hail Dies's creator, Masada Takashi, as the god of the chuunibyou genre.
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Joined: 10 Dec 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2018 2:26 pm Reply with quote
Listen, I love the original VN, the story is interesting, the writing actually really good, it finds a good balance between rule of cool and implementing some notions of anthroposophy in both the setting and sci-fi battle elements, while also throwing some decent philosophic food for thought on the side. that been said. I absolutely agree with everything Theron said. this anime just didn't cut it. it certainly didn't have the budget to pull of all the flashiness of the battles. it certainly didn't have the run time to properly lay out all the philosophical babble it sporadically threw out there. and most certainly threw more characters at you than episodes to even remember their names.

I think Theron did a great job at reviewing the anime experience objectively, missing perhaps the chance to mention how much it felt like a late 80's early 90's OVA such as doomed megalopolis

One thing I would definitively acknowledge the anime did great is showcasing Heydrich as a believable pure evil villain, even this mediocre show had a better villain than 90% of the stuff I have watched.
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Joined: 18 Dec 2016
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 4:47 am Reply with quote
the anime adaptation is a huge disappointment. it really pissed me off that Ufotable didn't pick Dies Irae to adapt into anime but they will do Kimetsu no Yaiba instead. Ufotable adapts visual novels and games and i was hoping they will do Dies Irae which is a visual novel. but nope. i don't care if they make another season to adapt the other routes. i only want english translation of Kajiri Kamui Kagura visual novel
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