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EP. REVIEW: All Out!!

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Joined: 14 Oct 2016
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 3:19 pm Reply with quote
I really enjoyed the tackling scenes and I can't wait for the match between Keijo vs Jinko
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Joined: 19 Jan 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 3:20 pm Reply with quote
I think all the characters here have made for a very solid sports cast, probably not groundbreaking or anything, but I think it can only go upwards from this.

Gion may not have Ippo's backstory that grounded him in a very relatable way, but he did hit all the nails that a sport beginner in anime should. First, a clear disadvantage, because he is short. Two, have no idea about the sport. Three, have a very simple yet remarkable technique or movement from the sport. Four, go through stupidly hellish training to learn it by himself.

Like Ippo was taught how to do a jab, Gion was taught the tackle, and he went through days of hellish training just on the condition that he could try it to impress the strongest guy. Both perfected it just by focusing and training non-stop until they got a way to do it, and it worked. Another coincidence is that both have very trained bodies, except that Gion's is actually funny.

I really like Sekizan, I thought he was going to be just a bully but he's clearly the big badass quiet guy, I like that type.
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Joined: 21 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 3:38 pm Reply with quote
"I want to tackle! I want to tackle!! I want to tackle!!!" Rolling Eyes Gion's character reminded me why i rarely ever manage to finish sports anime because his type annoys the hell out of me and there's always one like him...and aside from the character design, the show hasn't shown us anything particularly original, yet.

Gonna keep watching for a couple of more episodes in hope of finding at least one character i can love (hey, it worked with Days...) but for now this is on probation.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 4:42 pm Reply with quote
So far, I'm not sensing any Yaoi undertones from ALL OUT!!! like I've been hearing from Yuri!!! on Ice.

And I hope it stays that way.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 5:00 pm Reply with quote
Tomchic420 wrote:
So far, I'm not sensing any Yaoi undertones from ALL OUT!!! like I've been hearing from Yuri!!! on Ice.

And I hope it stays that way.

I haven't had any "bara bait" moments on this show other than the OP, but we've only seen 2 episodes. I don't think this show is going to go down that route for us fudanshi/bara enthusiasts. That's fine. Again, only 2 episodes so far, and I'm kinda hoping we get some kind of character development in the next episode or two or so. I've patiently watched the typical sports anime tropes in this show. I'm hoping this show will attempt to rise above them.

I do wish the setting for this was college or early adulthood, though. I'm just tired of seeing yet another "sports anime in high school" show complete with all its usual checkbox things to look for. This is why Yuri on Ice is a more appealing show for me, putting aside the yaoi subtext of that show.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 5:26 pm Reply with quote
Brakus wrote:
Tomchic420 wrote:
So far, I'm not sensing any Yaoi undertones from ALL OUT!!! like I've been hearing from Yuri!!! on Ice.

And I hope it stays that way.

I haven't had any "bara bait" moments on this show other than the OP, but we've only seen 2 episodes. I don't think this show is going to go down that route for us fudanshi/bara enthusiasts. That's fine. Again, only 2 episodes so far, and I'm kinda hoping we get some kind of character development in the next episode or two or so. I've patiently watched the typical sports anime tropes in this show. I'm hoping this show will attempt to rise above them.

I do wish the setting for this was college or early adulthood, though. I'm just tired of seeing yet another "sports anime in high school" show complete with all its usual checkbox things to look for. This is why Yuri on Ice is a more appealing show for me, putting aside the yaoi subtext of that show.

Yeah, I agree with the both of ya. I want this to be a regular sports anime with no yaoi/shonan ai business. And yes I, too, would've preferred it if the characters weren't in high school like all the other anime series out there today.
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Joined: 16 Aug 2016
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 12:11 am Reply with quote
I'm just enjoying it as a sports anime that has character designs I can actually believe play the sport, instead of 35 year old alien monstrosities. Though there's always time for them to do that in tournaments, boo.

It's following a traditional path at this point but I like all the characters so I'll stick with it, and hopefully learn something about rugby in the process.

Nice write-up btw.
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Joined: 02 Aug 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 1:54 am Reply with quote
I have mixed feelings on All Out so far. On one hand, I appreciate that it's going for a more classic sports anime approach. It feels like I'm returning to something familiar and fun. On the other hand, it's not doing enough to differentiate itself. It's pretty by the numbers. No surprises, and the animation isn't anything special. Gion's personality is rubbing me the wrong way. We see his type in sports series--scratch that, all sorts of genres--all the time.

Despite him being reckless and kinda a jerk, everything sort of falls into place for Gion. As an example of the opposite, the MC in Ace of Diamond is similar but was called out on it, with responses ranging from annoyance to actual hostility. He remains exuberant but more humble and respectful. Gion, on the other hand, doesn't learn much and actually shows up the captain. Hopefully he'll suffer a bit more later.

Last thoughts: I appreciate that these guys look like they play rugby. This isn't a dig at other anime--they tend to focus on sports who have leaner athletes--but All Out includes a range of body types and all of them are pretty muscular. The one thing that continuously weirds me out is the captain's white curls. Did his design really need them?
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Joined: 23 Jun 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 6:51 am Reply with quote
I also just here comment that if it was university/college club, I would've appreciated it more, rather than yet-another-high-school-club story. Other than that, though, the characters are amusing and the animation is nice.
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+ 光

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 8:36 am Reply with quote
RestLessone wrote:

Despite him being reckless and kinda a jerk, everything sort of falls into place for Gion. As an example of the opposite, the MC in Ace of Diamond is similar but was called out on it, with responses ranging from annoyance to actual hostility. He remains exuberant but more humble and respectful. Gion, on the other hand, doesn't learn much and actually shows up the captain. Hopefully he'll suffer a bit more later.

Was Sawamura from Ace of Diamond 'humble' and 'respectful' in the second episode of season 1 (or whenever it was that he first got introduced to the 3rd years)? I thought he also had a pretty big ego at the start.

Sekizan calls Gion out on his manners. A better comparison would be the way Hyuuga calls out Kagami at the start of Kuroko's Basketball. And it's only thanks to Kuroko that Kagami mellows out after a while (not something that happens immediately). I doubt Iwashimizu would have the same effect on Gion though. But I do believe that something will knock hom off his high-horse, so in that I agree with you, Restlessone.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 11:55 am Reply with quote
Tomchic420 wrote:
So far, I'm not sensing any Yaoi undertones from ALL OUT!!! like I've been hearing from Yuri!!! on Ice.

And I hope it stays that way.

....oh, so the "I want to tackle someone!" doesn't come across as an unrestrained desire for a male hug? The wonders never cease...

I'm still trying to make my opinion about this series. On one hand, I've lost count of how many sports series exactly like this I've already seen. On the other hand, they are so hilariously and hopelessly earnest, and their facial expressions are so golden, that I can barely contain myself with giddiness.
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Joined: 02 Aug 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 3:33 pm Reply with quote
+ 光 wrote:

Was Sawamura from Ace of Diamond 'humble' and 'respectful' in the second episode of season 1 (or whenever it was that he first got introduced to the 3rd years)? I thought he also had a pretty big ego at the start.

Sekizan calls Gion out on his manners. A better comparison would be the way Hyuuga calls out Kagami at the start of Kuroko's Basketball. And it's only thanks to Kuroko that Kagami mellows out after a while (not something that happens immediately). I doubt Iwashimizu would have the same effect on Gion though. But I do believe that something will knock hom off his high-horse, so in that I agree with you, Restlessone.

You're misunderstanding what I wrote. I'm saying Sawamura was similar to Gion, but takes some strong knocks to his ego pretty quickly. Gion hasn't lost anything yet. If anything, he's gained confidence from being able to successfully tackle his captain. I wouldn't even count Sekizan calling him out; it's done for humorous purposes and Gion doesn't seem to really appreciate the upperclassmen (yet).

I don't doubt he'll have to face the music eventually, but he's a bit aggravating right now.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 11:42 pm Reply with quote
iatheia wrote:
Tomchic420 wrote:
So far, I'm not sensing any Yaoi undertones from ALL OUT!!! like I've been hearing from Yuri!!! on Ice.

And I hope it stays that way.

....oh, so the "I want to tackle someone!" doesn't come across as an unrestrained desire for a male hug? The wonders never cease...

I don't see how that quote sounds like one man wanting to hug another man. Confused
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 9:26 am Reply with quote
Anne wrote:
While we haven't been introduced to most of Jinko's other team members beyond their names and positions, Sekizan's rugby journey from slightly scrawnier freshman (with less awesome hair, but already piercing eyes) to team captain has been fleshed out via flashback. It was Sekizan's endurance and determination (well, and his eyes) that made Keijo's vice-captain Taira fall in manly love with him two years ago. Sekizan has come a long way since then, inspiring his team with his fearlessness and perseverance (and, possibly, his eyes).

So much for the lack of "yaoi undertones"... Laughing

I also liked that Miyuki still seemed to consider Iwaizumi a friend, but the latter being miraculously cured by Gion's (who still annoys the hell out of me) shouting just made me roll my eyes.

As a side note, i am pretty much used to sports anime characters who are supposed to be in middle or high school looking like they are in college and rugby is certainly a sport that attracts more "buff" types, but some of these guys look like they are wayyyy past college age already...
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Joined: 25 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 9:58 am Reply with quote
Gion is beginning to irk me. Why must we always be introduced to a male main character that acts like a: loud, rude, inferiority complex-type person? I mean, he's so impatient about getting into a sport he still knows almost nothing about. It would do him some good to try and absorb the game from the bench for awhile. Glad that Iwashimizu was knocked out of his current funk, at least for this episode.

Aside from that, I'm still investing in All Out!! for lack of certain things and it really makes me wanna play rugby, just for fun, even though I'm a 29 year old woman.

Although, I'm not understanding the C+ grade. Seems kinda low. Confused
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