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What if the real world went Japanese animation?

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The Frankman

Joined: 19 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:57 am Reply with quote
You know, I walk around and wherever I go I keep noticing the increasing popularity of Japanese animation relative to 10-15 years ago. Kids who used to pretend they were Goku shooting various Ki attacks now have grown into Naruto fans practicing Jutsus. Old fans of Sailor Moon have got into InuYasha. The imitation, worship, and cosplaying I've seen (and didn't want to see) on every board. "OMG I WANT TO LIVE IN (insert JA world here) IT WOULD BE COOL!!!" I have heard more than one kid/adult say. But think about it for a second: Would it really be cool?? The chaos? The upheaval? The nosebleeds us men would have from scouting all those pantyshots and . . . female pulchritude? Oh the horror!!

My question to you people is this: What happened if suddenly life was turned into Japanese animation? What would happen? How would we live? If you can go a bit in-depth about each fact/experience. I decided to post all of my old replies from the other topic that was revived here:

1) A lot of black people would still look like 1950 caricatures of Sambo and Mr. Popo. We'd all possess the ability to do the "Air Walk", and a high mortality rate. To counteract this horrible phenomenon, many will retreat to nature to avoid the scourge of mysterious disease, murder, or the random demon attack where you live for 2 minutes, one of those minutes is during the vampire demon eating you.

2) Our eye size would be relative to our personalities/age. Kids, helpless women, and bubbleheaded people's eyes would be HUGE, while older men/strong, independent women's would be smaller, and bad guys would be really small.

3) All American women would have blond hair, giant racks and wear lots of makeup. They'd also sleep with students and the faculty . . . *re-reads statement* uh, more than it already happens.

4) Japan would automatically go on the offensive by recruiting a number of elite military fighters, all 10 year-old girls. Even with America's heart and fighting willpower, you know what our fate would be.

5) Can you imagine the parties and special events? I'd invite a bunch of characters to my house for a huge party!! It'd kinda look alot like this.
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Joined: 20 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 4:01 pm Reply with quote
Well for one thing I don't think I would like it very much if everytime someone said something completly expected when they where supost to say something totaly outragious, I would fall on my back with my leg twitching in the air. The nose bleeds would be bad too Razz .

I also dont think I could deal with Japan being a superpower with extremly advanced technology, and in a position were everyone is attacking them or there attacking everyone else, and no matter what you do Japan would win or the world would be destroyed.

On a lighter note probably the best thing ever if the world became anime would have to be the expresions. Shock, Surprise, Horror, Happy, Sad, Confused, Dazed, etc.

Also I wonder who would get super powers?
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Joined: 27 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 4:15 pm Reply with quote
I would actually love it. I don't hate the world we live in (I mean I can't really) but being in a Japanese anime world would have so many wonders to it.

All animes are different so it depends what kinda world would be the most desired one but man would it be cool! :]
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El Oso

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 4:48 pm Reply with quote
What about us Hispanics, all four of us? We either get to be South American drug lords or foreigners going to a Japanese high school. Oh, and one lucky Latina will be selected to become the Terminator maid.
All American women would have blond hair, giant racks and wear lots of makeup.

Hmmm... I think all women would have giant racks regardless. This would lead to widespread back problems as well as a worldwide shortage of D cup or larger bra's.
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Joined: 24 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 7:06 pm Reply with quote
I think I'd get a kick out of seeing previews for the next day before going to bed. Oh and can't forget the joy of waking up to a rocking OP sequence.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 7:28 pm Reply with quote
RDespair wrote:
I think I'd get a kick out of seeing previews for the next day before going to bed. Oh and can't forget the joy of waking up to a rocking OP sequence.

For some reason that got me thinking of the Family Guy episode where Peter started narrating his life. And also the one where people all had their own theme music as they went through life.

It would be handy if you had sympathetic music giving you clues as to whether something good/bad was about to happen.

And yes, the explosive nosebleeds everytime you see an attractive girl would get a bit tiresome...
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:44 pm Reply with quote
High School relationships would be almost non-existent as everyone would wait till the last day before confessing their feelings.

I don't think I would have liked that back at school.
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God Gundam

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:56 pm Reply with quote
If the world "went Japanese animation," it would lose its appeal do to being the mainstream media. Plus, there would be no crappy Western stuff to compare it to.
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Joined: 10 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:30 am Reply with quote
Rules for a world of anime:

1. All girls have young faces, long oddly-colored hair, wear skimpy/flashy outfits and fall over a lot.

2. All men are either perverts or warriors.

3. Population of blacks and hispanics on the planet will be a total of maybe 4 or 5.

4. Excessive nosebleeds will outdo cancer as the leading cause of death.

5. Instead of a sunrise and sunset, each day will open up with a hyperactive and flashy opening animation and a fast-paced song with high-pitched vocals to go with it and close with a slow, calm ballad accompanied with nude pictures of some of the girls you met during the day.

...might be nice Very Happy.

(you can tell I definitely wouldn't be a warrior Wink.
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Forums Superstar

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:57 am Reply with quote
In an anime world...

1) There would be more Saaya Iries than we'd ever want.

2) Physics books would be in the "Fiction" section of the library.

3) Jun Watarase would no longer be just an otaku's fantasy.

4) You would have to make sure that you pick a good childhood friend (perferably one with the potential to become good looking, and it's easy to tell; all you have to do is find a photo and stretch it) to play with, because that's who you're probably stuck with for the rest of your life.

5) See that eight year old girl over there? She's actually nineteen!
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Encyclopedia Editor

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:16 am Reply with quote
Well, I think this needs to be split up into genres, as not all "laws of anime" are universal and apply to all. So with that...

If the real world was a magical girl anime...

1. The magical girl will almost always be young. Usually a child. Obviously, they will be female.

2. Your powers will always be given to you by a cute animal. The cute animal will almost always be male and come from another dimension/planet/world/realm etc. specifically seeking help from you for some reason or another (actually, it's usually chosen at random. But they will always feel you were "the right" choice no matter what, even if you're a complete idiot. This is because you will no doubt have some kind of special, extremely powerful, hidden power).

3. You will automatically know all the words for any spells and/or tranformations the first time you use them and anytime after, with or without being told what they are. Your transformation will usually involve nudity, and you will perform it perfectly the very first time.

4. You will kill a bunch of monsters. The monsters usually have some kind of important item or relic inside them necessary to complete your quest.

5. The fights with these monsters will almost always be unnoticed by the most people. Even if they are in a public setting (a street, a park, a school, etc.) the place will be convienently abandoned with no one in sight. If it does happen to take place in someplace where people are present, the fight will either still be unnoticed, everyone will pass out for some reason or another and take the whole thing as a dream, or they will notice, but take the fight as either acting, or as something completely different going on. Either way, they will generally not think much of it if it is noticed.

6. If these fights are big and epic (usually involving either extremely large monsters, extremely powerful monsters, or possibly some other source) and involve destruction of large structures like buildings, people will notice, but will probably forget and/or not care about it the next day and just go on as if nothing ever happened.

That's all I can think of for now...
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 3:56 am Reply with quote
Gee whiz, in an anime world, I wouldn't have to go to school and I'd just be an otaku caught up in trying to stalk cute girls and playing games!
Um, yeah. American stereotypes would be the natural, and all Japanese girls would be shy and we'd all have harems as well. Hello to the polygamy era.
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El Oso

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 1:21 pm Reply with quote
cheezisgoooood wrote:
5. Instead of a sunrise and sunset, each day will open up with a hyperactive and flashy opening animation and a fast-paced song with high-pitched vocals to go with it and close with a slow, calm ballad accompanied with nude pictures of some of the girls you met during the day.

Ha! I got a good laugh after seeing that. I did have to pause and think for a second though. What would happen if you met an old, fat lady that day? Then I realized if it were an anime world 99.9% of the population would be good looking, so chances are extremely low.
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Joined: 11 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 3:16 pm Reply with quote
El Oso wrote:
What about us Hispanics, all four of us? We either get to be South American drug lords or foreigners going to a Japanese high school. Oh, and one lucky Latina will be selected to become the Terminator maid.
All American women would have blond hair, giant racks and wear lots of makeup.

Hmmm... I think all women would have giant racks regardless. This would lead to widespread back problems as well as a worldwide shortage of D cup or larger bra's.

Eso no fue agradable. Decir que todos los latinoamericanos seremos narcotraficantes es discriminatorio. Preferiría ser una estudiante becada en Japaneseón (y si se puede, jugar fútbol)

TRANSLATION: That wasn't nice. To say that all Latin Americans will be drug lords is discriminatory. I'd prefer to be a transfer student in Japan (and if I can, play some soccer)

Sorry about the Spanish.Couldn't help it feeling my Latin American pride hurt -_-U
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 3:26 pm Reply with quote
^And saying that all blacks would have to live in the shadows to avoid random death isn't discriminatory? This whole topic is pretty much based on mocking the stereotypes presented in anime. Not that you seemed offended beyond reason but until someone starts whipping out ethnic slurs you should just take it with a grain of salt.
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