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Which episode of Naruto starts the filler?

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Anime Lord

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:00 pm Reply with quote
I want to skip it.
Is there anything redeemable about it that would make me want to watch it? Toilet humor, Bobobo randomness, bizarre moments of dumb filler story? Confused
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:20 pm Reply with quote
i believe the filler starts at about 160, but its not finished yet, so you'll still be waiting for it to end anyway. the manga is already past the time skip, so you should consider checking that out, but, due to the forum rules, i can't exactly tell you where to get it.
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Anime Lord

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:29 pm Reply with quote
Cloud43514 wrote:
i believe the filler starts at about 160, but its not finished yet, so you'll still be waiting for it to end anyway. the manga is already past the time skip, so you should consider checking that out, but, due to the forum rules, i can't exactly tell you where to get it.

160? Doesn't it start after the spoiler[Sound 4 are beaten, and Naruto & Sasuke have their epic fight at the waterfall]?
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:59 pm Reply with quote
Ok, so for a definite answer, check right here. The fillers officially start at 136, but you should watch to 141, because that's where Sakura does something important, which, without seeing, would leave you a tad lost at the beginning of Part 2. Hope that helps.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:14 pm Reply with quote
Like the last guy said, they start officially at ep 136 but you can go into the 140'2 and 150's before i gets stupid.
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papa john

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 2:19 am Reply with quote
ok so the fillers arnt as good as the regular naruto, and at times they make naruto seem stupider then he really is.. but its really not bad if you like naruto.. or are an naruto addict.. I've never read the manga but the fillers arnt sooo bad where i wouldnt watch them. in fact id rather watch filler then the dubbed naruto. besides since most episodes are like mini movies you can stop watching filler at any time.. i personally really liked the filler arc in the star? village.. or something about a special asteroid that gave power to people who used it.. i think that was one of the better stories out their.. the worst one they made would have to be the one about makeing ramen... lol spoiler[he used the rasengan to make ramen LOL] besides if your watching the filler arc, its probally from a torrent.. so its free anyway.. why not watch it if you like naruto?

considering i havnt herd anyone say anything good about the filler hopefully i wont get bashed for that post Laughing *hides under table with pillow*
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 2:54 am Reply with quote
I've also heard 136, and I don't plan on stopping, but who knows...Actually, I happened to see some of the mid 160s episodes, and there's a fairly decent mini-arc in there. I vote we make this the "Which filler episodes of Naruto are worth watching?", and/or "Which fillers aren't worth watching?" *cough*192*cough*
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:14 am Reply with quote
blind_assassin wrote:
Like the last guy said, they start officially at ep 136 but you can go into the 140'2 and 150's before i gets stupid.
I thought it got stupid right in 136. Does everything he do have to be "his way of the ninja"?

But right off the bat it slipped away from what had drawn me in during what led up to the spoiler[waterfall fight]. Just all my enthusiasm had me wondering what the hell was going on. Just didn't feel Naruto-ish to me.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:13 am Reply with quote
As previously mentioned, 136 is the first filler, and I have watched up to episode 186, and out of those 50 episodes, in retrospect only the "hotspring village" was worth watching (I believe 177). In the beginning the filler is not so bad, but after a while I got so sick of them I basically gave up on the series and am waiting for the "Part 2" of the story to begin.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:34 am Reply with quote
Most of the 1 episode comedies are enjoyable for at least me (i.e. 186 was hilarious) and the ones dealing with Rock Lee's dojo later on are fun to watch. The short arc with the old trap-setter isn't that bad either, imo.

Even though there are points where I feel like griping about the filler, I have stuck with the series through thick and thin without regret. For some reason, I can't ever skip parts of a series that I follow.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:17 am Reply with quote
The only stuff I know about Naruto is from watching what's been shown on CN. Go ahead, make fun of me, get it over with now.

Done? ...Oh, you aren't.

(waits a while, comes back)

Okay, what I'm wondering is, Doesn't inserting a large amount of filler threaten to change the whole continuity of the story? I've never known another anime to do that big of a filler arc (or arcs) in-between manga-based arcs.

Because when they do go back to the real story, the characters won't ever mention the events in the filler, unless they throw in references, and if Sakura 'does something important' in ep. 141, then isn't that something that would change the progression of the story away from where the manga was taking her character?

Mind you, I don't want any spoilers, so vague answers are best here.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:08 pm Reply with quote
Iritscen wrote:
Doesn't inserting a large amount of filler threaten to change the whole continuity of the story?

[I]f Sakura 'does something important' in ep. 141, then isn't that something that would change the progression of the story away from where the manga was taking her character?

Not when there is a significant amount of time between part 1 and part 2. As for Sakura's bit, the manga doesn't go into much detail that the episode covers (also because of the time leap).

(Oh, and please don't be so self conscious that you would assume people would laugh at you for such a thing.)
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Joined: 06 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:51 pm Reply with quote
Okay, what I'm wondering is, Doesn't inserting a large amount of filler threaten to change the whole continuity of the story? I've never known another anime to do that big of a filler arc (or arcs) in-between manga-based arcs.

Because when they do go back to the real story, the characters won't ever mention the events in the filler, unless they throw in references, and if Sakura 'does something important' in ep. 141, then isn't that something that would change the progression of the story away from where the manga was taking her character?

Mind you, I don't want any spoilers, so vague answers are best here.

There are times when excessive filler can change the time frame in the filler, however things are usually evened out later in the anime. For example i've seen many people on many forums that try to figure out the length of time between episode 136 to the current filler episodes. I kinda understand how they feel, i mean over a years worth of filler( and crappy filler at that) is painfull to many fans that know what awaits them in the second part of Naruto.

Also, if someone tries to make fun of you because you lack knowledge of future episodes, remember one important thing. This is a forum, it's not high school (shudders at the thought), if anybody does just ignore them. Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 1:12 pm Reply with quote
Iritscen wrote:

Okay, what I'm wondering is, Doesn't inserting a large amount of filler threaten to change the whole continuity of the story? I've never known another anime to do that big of a filler arc (or arcs) in-between manga-based arcs.

Because when they do go back to the real story, the characters won't ever mention the events in the filler, unless they throw in references, and if Sakura 'does something important' in ep. 141, then isn't that something that would change the progression of the story away from where the manga was taking her character?

Mind you, I don't want any spoilers, so vague answers are best here.

That may be an issue in some cases, but in the case of Naruto, it shouldn't affect anything. There is a two year time gap in the manga anyway and everything that is happened is minor enough that it wouldn't be suprising that no one ever mentions it again.

For the Sakura thing... I haven't read the manga, so I don't know what they did about it there, but I assume it was just mentioned by someone or a text box in the manga, or perhaps there was some brief summary of what characters had been doing over the past two years. However, the anime has a short arc showing how Sakura gets to that point.

Anyhow, my opinion on the Naruto filler is that the early ones were mediocre and your enjoyment of them largely depends on which side characters you are a fan of (for example, I liked one arc because it allowed Hinata to be a badass). I gave up on the Naruto filler around episode 158 or so.

You know its bad when the fansubbers stick "There is absolutely nothing worth watching in this episode" at the beginning of the episode. It ended up being about Naruto and some of the other side characters taking the younger kids camping or something.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 2:46 pm Reply with quote
joel_s95387 wrote:
I thought it got stupid right in 136. Does everything he do have to be "his way of the ninja"?

By stupid I meant more along the lines of entirely not worth watching.

The fillers for Naruto are pretty bad compared to the cannon portion of the series but by themselves they aren't ridiculous enough to make me dislike Naruto. I stopped watching them because there were other ways to make far better use of my time. Naruto was the first anime I watched that wasn't on t.v and what got me really into anime so I didn't have to look very hard to find something better to watch than a rather pointless series of unimportant events involving characters that come off really flat when they don't have a purpose to be around (I find Naruto to be grating if there isn't any sense of drama surrounding him).
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