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Joined: 25 Oct 2011
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Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 9:11 pm
There! Toriko back in the top 10 with this year´s average rating.
Ups and Downs are NORMAL for all series, take it easy!
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Joined: 01 Mar 2006
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Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:09 pm
Acting as though a 4.9 for One Piece's lead-in is any good in the first place.
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Joined: 05 Sep 2007
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Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:24 pm
Primus wrote: |
Acting as though a 4.9 for One Piece's lead-in is any good in the first place. |
most anime would like to have a 4.9 rating. look at space brothers. u should expect it to do better as a detective conan's lead-in just as much as toriko since conan is a household anime whose rating is on par with and sometimes better than OP.
and space brother should do even better with its time slot, but it still gets less than toriko. that speaks volume as to how good toriko is doing. and dont compare toriko to dbz bc dbz is also a household anime and a big franchise. if i were in japan, i would not wake up at 9 am to watch toriko or OP even if i am a fan.
pretty cure is also a big fracnchise and more popular than toriko but its rating is low. maybe people dont want to wake up at 8:30 am to watch anime. rating also depends on timeslot. if toriko is doing as bad as u make it to be, im sure toei and fuji would cancel it. i think their decision and attitude toward toriko is more optimistic than urs bc toriko might one day become a very big franchise and their patient might be rewarded.
as for naruto, i wonder when its rating will reach that of bleach and fairy tail. i am waiting for the day where the fillers and the extremely long war arc kill the rating.
p.s. cant someone use a differenet pic for OP? the current pic belongs to 2002, 11 years ago.
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Joined: 12 Apr 2007
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Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 11:04 pm
Pretty Cure doesn't have low ratings. 4.0~5.0 is pretty high for current standards, regardless of the timeslot. It's not the old days where Sazae would go beyond 20.0 every week anymore.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2005
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Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 11:37 pm
Wow, from a 4.9 to an 8.3 in just 30 minutes. Toriko isn't doing anything for the fortunate timeslot it has. That's a huge gap between Space Bros and Conan as well, though Space Bros got moved way late into its run if I recall correctly.
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Joined: 05 Sep 2007
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Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 11:42 pm
Araki wrote: | Pretty Cure doesn't have low ratings. 4.0~5.0 is pretty high for current standards, regardless of the timeslot. It's not the old days where Sazae would go beyond 20.0 every week anymore. |
i know it doesnt. im just making a case as to why toriko rating is not low since both shows air early in the morning
Megiddo wrote: | Wow, from a 4.9 to an 8.3 in just 30 minutes. Toriko isn't doing anything for the fortunate timeslot it has. That's a huge gap between Space Bros and Conan as well, though Space Bros got moved way late into its run if I recall correctly. |
how is the toriko time slot fortunate? its in the morning. OP used to have as high as 16-17% in it previous timeslot, which is 18:00 iirc. naruto has a good timeslot but its ratin is below 4.
people expect toriko to do better bc its before OP but doesnt talk about space brother's bad rating comparing to detective conan.
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Joined: 25 Oct 2011
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Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 1:06 am
And here we go again. Give it a rest, Ratings for the toip 10 are all withing normal TODAYS standards. End of story.
And a bunch of nonsense stating another anime is gonna raise or lower the rating of other series. It does not work like this as far as anime goes. If there is any effect, it is minimal, with its best effect only at the beginning when its trying to appeal to a new audince/timeslot.
Its EVIDENT a lot of people will turn on the tv once OP starts, people that dont care about Toriko wont start watching early just because next its OP.
Uchuu Kyoudai rating is AWESOME. Likewise, not just because it airs prior to DC it will instantly grant it permanently the same rating of DC.
So give it a rest, all ratings for all series in the top 10 are within normal todays margins.
Last edited by dan9999 on Mon Oct 21, 2013 1:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 16 Oct 2013
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Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:54 am
Primus wrote: |
Acting as though a 4.9 for One Piece's lead-in is any good in the first place. |
Toriko only has a good rating because of one piece and all the one piece crossovers. the manga sales are really average and so would be the rating if it want acting like op's little brother.
Also whats up with naruto. the first good episode in months and the rating is slightly worse than all the crap mepisodes this war had before. I dont get it what do people watch naruto for if not for the fights and itachi (and sasuke x naruto yaoi bullshit)
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Joined: 10 Nov 2012
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Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:34 am
GintokiThrowsDirtAtYou wrote: |
Primus wrote: |
Acting as though a 4.9 for One Piece's lead-in is any good in the first place. |
Toriko only has a good rating because of one piece and all the one piece crossovers. the manga sales are really average and so would be the rating if it want acting like op's little brother.
Also whats up with naruto. the first good episode in months and the rating is slightly worse than all the crap mepisodes this war had before. I don't get it what do people watch naruto for if not for the fights and itachi (and sasuke x naruto yaoi bullshit) |
Again, people just keep saying this again and again, so i'll say it again: it's good rating isn't because of OP, but because it's "good". Like dan just said above "people won't open and watch toriko just cause it airs before OP". If people don't like it, they won't watch it. If an episode is a filler (like last episode was), thy simply don't watch it, and thus it dropped from the top 10 last week. If they were watching simply cause of OP, then each and every week, including filler weeks, would've gotten the same rating.
And again for the manga: the manga is doing reaaaaaaaally good, not Super like some stuff, but good enough to rank 11th in japan last year, and in the top 10 the year before. It's one of japan's top, and it's increasing in sales bit by bit. Just cause there are stuff that sell like crazy, doesn't mean this sells "average"... It means it sells very good, but not 'super', that's all.
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Joined: 05 Sep 2007
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Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:48 am
dan9999 wrote: | And here we go again. Give it a rest, Ratings for the toip 10 are all withing normal TODAYS standards. End of story.
And a bunch of nonsense stating another anime is gonna raise or lower the rating of other series. It does not work like this as far as anime goes. If there is any effect, it is minimal, with its best effect only at the beginning when its trying to appeal to a new audince/timeslot.
Its EVIDENT a lot of people will turn on the tv once OP starts, people that don't care about Toriko wont start watching early just because next its OP.
Uchuu Kyoudai rating is AWESOME. Likewise, not just before it airs prior to DC it will instantly grant it permanently the same rating.
So give it a rest, all ratings for all series in the top 10 are within normal todays margins. |
Before calling others opinions nonsense, please design a study, collect the data, calculate the p-value that would reject the null hypothesis (others opinions). What u say is NOT evidence because it has yet been studied, analyzed, and peer reviewed by experts.
Ur opinion is just as good as ours because we predict patterns from the data given.
Please calculate the correlation coefficient that would indicat that thre is no relationship between ratings of a anime, its timeslot, and the subsequent anime after it.
If u cant provide statitics to show correlation or cause-and-effect, then ur statement/opinion is just nonsense
I think most people here know that the ratings are good if they follow the weekly rating news.
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Joined: 23 Apr 2011
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Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:09 am
Primus wrote: |
Acting as though a 4.9 for One Piece's lead-in is any good in the first place. |
^ This.
It's not a terrible rating of course but nothing particularly noteworthy, average at best really. Same for Space Brothers in fact.
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Joined: 01 Mar 2006
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Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:33 am
The reason there's more eyeballs watching how Toriko performs versus say, Space Brothers is simple. Shueshia, Namco Bandai, and Toei have all prepped Toriko to be the next big thing to the point of it feeling incredibly forced. No other fresh faced franchise would get a shot at multiple crossovers with established megahits like One Piece, and Dragon Ball like Toriko has. While Toriko's TV and manga numbers might look good compared to the rest of the market, when given the context of it being a property pushed as "THE NEXT BIG THING" it really isn't doing that spectacular.
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Joined: 05 Sep 2007
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Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 1:47 pm
Primus wrote: | The reason there's more eyeballs watching how Toriko performs versus say, Space Brothers is simple. Shueshia, Namco Bandai, and Toei have all prepped Toriko to be the next big thing to the point of it feeling incredibly forced. No other fresh faced franchise would get a shot at multiple crossovers with established megahits like One Piece, and Dragon Ball like Toriko has. While Toriko's TV and manga numbers might look good compared to the rest of the market, when given the context of it being a property pushed as "THE NEXT BIG THING" it really isn't doing that spectacular. |
+1 i agree.
However im sure toriko rating is good enough for it to continue airing. I dont think that comparing toriko to just OP and dbz isjustified.
If u actually look at all the factors, toriko has a crossover with OP bc both mangakas are friends. Also, OP, dbz, and toriko are from toei and fuji (most shonen animes with similar genres are not thus there is no crossover), it is easier to deal the rights of doing a crossover. Also, what is the best way to advertise an anime in ur opinion? crossover is one of them since both parties can benefit from each others.
In addition, toriko is a hit (not mega hit). A long running mega hit like naruto, bleach didn't do that good ratings wise. I think the highet naruto got was 6-7% many years ago. Most animes and mangas would dream of getting toriko numbers.
Like someone said, comparing to megahits, toriko is meh. But in general, toriko is popular enough to be in the weekly top 10 anime ratings and top 15 manga rankings.
I have a feeling that toriko might get a surge in popularity when the current arc is animated properly since it is even more ridiculous than dbz power wise. I hate this arc honestly but people like excessive powerups
Disclaimer: im not a big fan of toriko. Just giving my 2 cents
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Joined: 25 Oct 2011
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Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 1:53 pm
Primus wrote: | The reason there's more eyeballs watching how Toriko performs versus say, Space Brothers is simple. Shueshia, Namco Bandai, and Toei have all prepped Toriko to be the next big thing to the point of it feeling incredibly forced. No other fresh faced franchise would get a shot at multiple crossovers with established megahits like One Piece, and Dragon Ball like Toriko has. While Toriko's TV and manga numbers might look good compared to the rest of the market, when given the context of it being a property pushed as "THE NEXT BIG THING" it really isn't doing that spectacular. |
Its seems more like some kind of Jealousy over Toriko crossovers with OP/DB. Its no big deal really.
Doing not so spectacular compered to what? Naruto is considered one of the "BIG" three (with one already crushed), it ratings are quite bad for the prime time slot it has, way better than morning time slot of Toriko, and its has continued for years with those ratings, it also rarely makes it to the top 10, only doing so when another series takes a brake...
So compared to what? to OP? to DC? well established and loved series that got their fame in the 90s? compared to Sasae-san or chibi maruku-chan which are legendary family anime?
Its best fitting comparison is with the likes of naruto, Hunter x Hunter, Fairy Tail (when it was airing) or other similar anime, in that aspect, its doing way better than them. Not mentioning Toriko makes it to the top 10 week after week.
Toriko's rating is one many other series would kill for, Toriko is only outperformed by well established, long running and legendary series. For todays standards, Toriko is doing quite good and its ratings are excellent.
Some here also seem to forget the series in the top 10 have much more sources of revenue other than ratings.
I you believe there is going to be a new series that can perform on par to One Piece/DC/Doraemon/, it likely wont happens anytime soon, not even mentioning ratings for all tv series are declining and new sourced to watch your fav tv series develop.
How come being usually the the top 6th most watched anime is considered doing bad? NONSENSE. Again, series that go beyond 8, are already long running ,legendary and well established anime, HARDLY any new anime will be able to match it, 5-6, 7 maybe, seems like the standard for new series.
Even Sasae-san´s average rating nowadays is 15, for doraemon is 10-12 and you want Toriko to match at least OP that has been running for more 12 years and all its achievements? Be realistic and read today's standards better to know what to expect.
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Joined: 10 Nov 2012
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Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 2:04 pm
Primus wrote: | The reason there's more eyeballs watching how Toriko performs versus say, Space Brothers is simple. Shueshia, Namco Bandai, and Toei have all prepped Toriko to be the next big thing to the point of it feeling incredibly forced. No other fresh faced franchise would get a shot at multiple crossovers with established megahits like One Piece, and Dragon Ball like Toriko has. While Toriko's TV and manga numbers might look good compared to the rest of the market, when given the context of it being a property pushed as "THE NEXT BIG THING" it really isn't doing that spectacular. |
It's a natural thing for advertisements. Shueisha saw how good it's doing, and is promoting it more. It's ratings are usually in the top 5 of Jump ratings, so it's getting the promotion it deserves.
Namco Bandai? Namco Bandai is getting money off of it as merchandise... Promoting something that sells them is obvious. The PSP game (Gourmer Survival) has sold till now around 300,000 copies. It's just too obvious they'll promote what gets them money. TOEI? It's a series they're animating... I don't even know how u can call that forcing. Isn't it obivous that the production studio promotes its anime???
It's just 2 crossovers till now, and the one that had DBZ was after a hundred episodes (so u can't count that, as toriko's been getting those ratings ever since the beginning), and it wasn't just to promote Toriko, but also to promote the new DBZ movie, as u know. People just assume everything's done to push Toriko, but it's just that TOEI knows how to advertise its series. And plus, the crossover that had DBZ had the lowest ratings of all the 3 crossovers.
It IS doing that spectacular as a "next big thing" in japan... It suddenly became insanely famous in japan, and its merchandise is selling like 'crazy'.
Also, I dunno why you would even look at it from the point that ""it's being promoted as the nest big thing, so it shouldn't just do much better than other series, but it should do spectacularly better". I mean, if it's doing good then it's doing good. Who cares about how it's being promoted as? Also, like I said, it's increasing in popularity little by little, and who knows... maybe after naruto and bleach end u'll see it skyrocket all of a sudden (which it doesn't even need to).
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