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Escaflowne Movie: Tomatometer rating 66.6% (so far)

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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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Location: Ottawa... now I'm an ex-Anglo Montrealer.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2002 6:42 pm Reply with quote

Okay, technically Escaflowne: Girl in Gaea doesn't have a Tomatometer rating yet, but only because RottenTomatoes.com only assigns Tomatometer ratings to movies with at least 5 reviews, and so far, Escaflowne only has three. The negative review is by Luke Y. Thompson of the L.A. New Times. http://www.newtimesla.com/issues/2002-01-24/film7.html/1/index.html

Though it consists of all-new footage, Escaflowne is still a 93-minute condensation of a 26-episode TV series, with all of the pitfalls of such you'd expect: too many characters, no reason to care about them, forced dramatic beats and excessive exposition.

I saw this movie at Fantasia last summer, but, honestly, I forgot most of what happened, so I guess it wasn't that great. I'm not a big fan of movie adaptions of anime series that take too many liberties with the source material, with the exceptions of Urusei Yatsura: Beautiful Dreamer and the two Patlabor films. (Hmmm... what do those three films have in common? Maybe Mamoru Oshii should have directed the Escaflowne movie.) Couldn't get tickets to either showing of Metropolis , though, and I haven't heard of any more showings in Montreal. (Maybe it'll hit Cinema du Parc in February, but this is just conjecture.)
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Joined: 26 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2002 6:48 pm Reply with quote
I thought the movie was horrible myself. It was kind of trying to fit the plot of the series in one movie which was bad enough, but the big problem was the characters were all completely wrong. The fact that this was intentional makes it even worst. The movies just a pretty looking bastardized version of the series.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2002 7:03 pm Reply with quote
This is weird... RottenTomatoes.com links to the positive L.A. Weekly review of Escaflowne by F.X. Feeny http://www.laweekly.com/film/filmpick.php3 , but doesn't assign it a "Fresh" or a "Rotten" Tomato. They also link to the lukewarm review by Tasha Robinson http://www.theonionavclub.com/avclub3802/cinema3802.html#review4 (she liked the animation, but didn't think there was enough exposition or character development; I'll include some quotes below.) If RottenTomatoes.com had assigned Tomatoes for these reviews, it would be one "Fresh" and one "Rotten", for a Tomatometer rating of 60%.

Tasha Robinson wrote:
Escaflowne's 98-minute run time inevitably makes it shallower and more crowded than its exquisitely paced 13-hour predecessor, but the film's life-affirming fable offers a richer metaphorical subtext than Vision's intricate coming-of-age soap opera. Unfortunately, clumsy dialogue, characterization, and exposition interfere with that subtext. At times, the new film feels stylized, stagy, and almost as rigidly artificial as Noh theater. .../... It's worth seeing for the animation alone, particularly on the large screen. But while Escaflowne shares its predecessor's beautiful surfaces as well as a bit of its hidden depths, it still lacks the breadth that came from a script equal to the director's talents, and from the singularity of a unique vision.

Vicious wrote:

The movies just a pretty looking bastardized version of the series.

Thanks for saying that; that's pretty much my opinion of what I remembered from the film, but I wanted someone else to say it 'cause I didn't want to get flamed. (Though it had been 3 years since I had seen the series all of the way through at my anime club; I hadn't really caught much of it on YTV. It could be that part of the reason I have so much trouble remembering what happened was that I had forgotten much of the TV plot and couldn't follow the film.)

By the way, "Vicious", I am really looking forward to the Cowboy Bebop movie, as I guess you are from your User I.D. (if you haven't seen it already, I mean). That's the sort of movie adaption of a TV series I like the most; set in the same continuity as the TV show, using basically the same character designs, with the events taking place during the run of the series (it's set between "Cowboy Funk" and "Brain Scratch", I believe), not years after.
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Joined: 05 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2002 7:07 pm Reply with quote
I saw the 'Escaflowne Movie' a couple of years ago and I was completely astounded by the beautiful big-budget artwork and animation...and very disappointed in the story they gave it. It's almost as if they were aiming this movie at a target audience without even considering a good story first. The scriptwriting and general plot seemed like a rush job--something slapped together with cliched ideas that is supposed to sell to a target audience.

Anyone who hasn't seen the TV series might find the story in the movie somewhat interesting at times. Anyone who HAS seen the TV series (like we have) will always wonder about the waisted opportunity.
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Former ANN Editor

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2002 7:16 pm Reply with quote

I loved Girl in Gaia.

I first saw it before I'd seen the series, and I just fell in love with the characters and the setting. The movie's the reason I saw the series. That and the "Sweating Bullets" anime music video.

I'll admit the pacing's breakneck, and the characters are just throw to you rapid fire. But she's a wonderful popcorn movie, for when I want action with pretension in perfect balance.

Here's to the great debate.
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Joined: 04 Feb 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2002 1:02 pm Reply with quote
I personally loved the movie. I'd hate to see the dub... *remembers Escaflowne TV dub* *shudders*

The music and animation in the movie was just sweet. It coulda used another half hour, but it was still good.

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Joined: 03 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 12:45 am Reply with quote
Come to think about it, I've once watch Escaflowne The Movie. It was a little disapointed for me Sad . First, how come Hitomi face is different from the one in the Vision Of Escaflowne (except for her hair), second, Milerna isn't like that, from a royalty princess turn into a tomboy, no way!!! Shocked and third, escaflowne should not suck Van's blood, it's horibble. But I like the music that was sang in that anime, I also like the wings that Van and Hitomi have Anime exclamation
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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 2:38 am Reply with quote
Rapsberry, please do not revive threads that are over 4 years old. The limit for revivng old topics is about a month. Depending on the subject matter, I may let it slide. But this one is clearly outdated and probably worthless now. Thanks.
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