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REVIEW: Tiger & Bunny Episodes 1-6 Streaming

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Joined: 03 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 6:29 am Reply with quote
Interesting review. I more or less agree minus the bit at the end about not being good enough to bring in a new generation of fans.

If we're talking younger audiences then I can understand since the writing is obviously more geared towards older viewers, but I could definently see myself recommending this to someone a bit older who;s into superhero stuff but is still a bit skeptical about anime. It;s defiently has the writing to do so, so far in my opinion.

Of course it;s still early on in the series, not to mention that we're just getting into the main story arc in episode 7, so it;s still sort of hard to say what direction the series will go in.

On the note of the opening...for some reason I can;t stop listening to it despite it not being all that special. Weird...
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Joined: 30 May 2009
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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 7:46 am Reply with quote
It's a really good show. I still wonder how many won't look past the title, which misled me, and I'm sure many others at the onset. I can easily see this getting a R1 DVD release.
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Joined: 03 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 8:28 am Reply with quote
vashthekaizoku wrote:
It's a really good show. I still wonder how many won't look past the title, which misled me, and I'm sure many others at the onset. I can easily see this getting a R1 DVD release.

It probably is. At the very least Viz has made it sound as though they intend to dub it considering their already talking about action figure deals and what not on Tiger and Bunny's Facebook page.
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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 8:44 am Reply with quote
vashthekaizoku wrote:
It's a really good show. I still wonder how many won't look past the title, which misled me, and I'm sure many others at the onset. I can easily see this getting a R1 DVD release.

The Japanese BD version comes with english subs and it's actually about half the price of what anime BD's usually are there. The limited edition for the first one will also have a drama CD about Kotetsu and Antonio meeting in high school, a magazine with bonus artwork, and some unaired pilot videos. The Japanese DVD version doesn't have english subs or any bonus stuff besides the extras on it.

It got me really close to wanting to get the BD version but I'd actually like to see this series get an english dub and release. It's doing well enough in Japan already, so I can wait Laughing

And apparently the Tiger figuarts will be coming out in September - you can pre-order it right now.

Last edited by sepherest on Wed May 18, 2011 10:22 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 24 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:16 am Reply with quote
Sepherest wrote:

The Japanese BD version comes with english subs and it's actually about half the price of what anime BD's usually are there. The limited edition for the first one will also have a drama CD about Kotetsu and Antonio meeting in high school, a magazine with bonus artwork, and some unaired pilot videos. The Japanese DVD version doesn't have english subs or any bonus stuff besides the extras on it.

If I'm not mistaken it's only the first volum that is cheap and that's becaus it only has one episode on it. The rest are regular price and contain three episodes. The limited editions do all contain a magazine and cd as far as I know though.
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Joined: 30 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 12:14 pm Reply with quote
Divineking wrote:
Interesting review. I more or less agree minus the bit at the end about not being good enough to bring in a new generation of fans.

If we're talking younger audiences then I can understand since the writing is obviously more geared towards older viewers, but I could definently see myself recommending this to someone a bit older who;s into superhero stuff but is still a bit skeptical about anime. It;s defiently has the writing to do so, so far in my opinion.

I have to add my two cents. I too disagree that Tiger and Bunny won't bring in new fans. I really don't want to jinx anything because I'm terribly superstitious about things I really want to happen. That being said, if the quality and pacing of the story stays high, then I can see myself recommending this to my entire family and friends (most of whom don't like/know about anime). The only thing that worries me is the title. Personally, it threw me in the beginning, and I know other people had the same experience. So please, Viz, get permission to change it to something that won't make an American audience think "cute critters".
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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 12:34 pm Reply with quote
So far I'm enjoying this show. It's stylistic and amusing with just a hint of some drama to make the cast believable.

You know, I feel even more surprised since I didn't know Yoshihiro Ike did the music for this (and a few other anime). He did the Star Ocean Fantasy Megamix (great music on this) but I didn't know about his other contributions.
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Joined: 09 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 2:34 pm Reply with quote
Instead the series opts to focus on his buddy-cop pairing with Barnaby. Why? Who knows. The two of them have zero chemistry

We must be watching different shows then, because in the Tiger & Bunny I watch Kotetsu and Barnaby have great chemistry. Sure, they're not friendly but isn't that the entire point of the genre? That the hot-shot rookie and the old-fashioned veteran eventually learn to respect each other and learn to get along, and so on? We're on episode 6 (actually, 7) of a 25 episode series, you can't really expect them to suddenly be all buddy-buddy. Barnaby will eventually thaw and pull the stick out of his ass but that's going to take time.

And I'm wondering why Carl is complaining about the focus on the buddy-cop aspect. I mean that's what the show is about. It's a buddy-cop show except with superheroes. Aren't you simply projecting your disappointment that the series is not a biting social commentary or a parody of the superhero genre like you expected?
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Joined: 08 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 3:51 pm Reply with quote
The two of them have zero chemistry and nearly every moment spent on Barnaby is a wasted one. He's a frosty, amoral cipher and an all-around dick to boot.

Ouch! I dunno, Carl, gonna have to disagree with you on that point 100%-- and I think Barnaby's legions of fans on pixiv (and, uh, the Barnaby/Tiger fans as well) would also disagree. I think they've got perhaps not the most *original* dynamic (I mean, in the buddy cop routine one of them ALWAYS has to be the good-hearted goofball and the other is the moody one with a tragic past), but it definitely works, and their chemistry is probably why I like the show so much. Well, that and Kotetsu is hilarious.
Barnaby's back story is a Xerox of Batman's, after all, so they're just playing with another American comic trope.

So far I haven't met a major character in the cast I haven't liked, and even when the story takes predictable turns, it's more like "Who cares?" because it's still extremely entertaining. I think Tiger & Bunny has more going against it than just it's silly name and logo: when people found out it was going to be about corporate-sponsored superheroes, they (naturally) assumed it would be a social commentary, and a deconstruction. It is, a little bit. But more than that, it's just the story of some characters. If people would stop waiting for the massive deconstruction, they could enjoy what they were watching more.

And as for bringing in new fans from a crossover market, I guess it's possible; I convinced my brother to watch it, and the only other anime he's ever seen is Shiki. Having said that, though, he still just refers to it as "that funny Japanese cartoon."
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Joined: 16 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 8:32 pm Reply with quote
The two of them have zero chemistry and nearly every moment spent on Barnaby is a wasted one. He's a frosty, amoral cipher and an all-around dick to boot.

I kinda agree with Carl, although I wouldn't say they have zero chemistry. I find every moment spent on Barnaby extremely frustrating because all he does is mope. Yes, I realise he has a tragic backstory but it doesn't make for fun watching. Some episodes, like the birthday one, give me some hope that they're getting friendlier with each other, only to have Barnaby be totally cold to Tiger in the next episode. I have hope though, that they'll eventually overcome their friction, as it IS a 25/26 episode series. Basically, Barnaby needs to lighten up a bit! He's not very likeable as a character at the moment. Especially as Tiger does seem to be putting in the effort to be friends.
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Joined: 26 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 8:45 pm Reply with quote
The story comes across as a comedic version of The Boys, Garth Ennis' diatribe against super hero comics. The difference here is that there's a genuine sense that Tiger is in it for the right reasons as opposed to that comic which is half Ennis lamenting US comics don't have more genres like manga does.

So far, I like it a bit more than The Boys, but that's because Ennis just comes across as angry in his writing too often. Yes, superheroes suck. Fine.
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Joined: 22 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:52 pm Reply with quote
Beatdigga wrote:
The story comes across as a comedic version of The Boys, Garth Ennis' diatribe against super hero comics.

I dunno, The Boys is already pretty much a comedy. Sure, there's drama/intrigue/action/whatever but I'd say a majority of the series is either black or low brow humor. It's not as varied (or deep) as his other stuff. (Still good, tho)

I plan on checking out Tiger & Bunny, but it seems like something I want to marathon so I'm gonna wait 'til it finishes.
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Joined: 09 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 1:40 am Reply with quote
ss-hikaru wrote:
I find every moment spent on Barnaby extremely frustrating because all he does is mope.

But he doesn't. He mopes sometimes (for obvious reasons) but he spends quite enough time being non-mopey.

ss-hikaru wrote:
Yes, I realise he has a tragic backstory but it doesn't make for fun watching. Some episodes, like the birthday one, give me some hope that they're getting friendlier with each other, only to have Barnaby be totally cold to Tiger in the next episode.

Maybe you don't think it makes for fun watching but it drives his character development and apparently the plot as well. And as for him and Tiger, look - in the birthday episode there were signs of him appreciating something about Tiger. In the next he was worried about Tiger enough that he set out to help him (did you seriously believe the excuse about getting points? if that was true he wouldn't have brought Tiger's bike and suit, let alone the van.) In episode 7 they seem to have reached a compromise about a certain issue. Their relationship is developing. If the ending is any indication they'll end up just fine.

Saturn wrote:
So far I haven't met a major character in the cast I haven't liked, and even when the story takes predictable turns, it's more like "Who cares?" because it's still extremely entertaining. I think Tiger & Bunny has more going against it than just it's silly name and logo: when people found out it was going to be about corporate-sponsored superheroes, they (naturally) assumed it would be a social commentary, and a deconstruction. It is, a little bit. But more than that, it's just the story of some characters. If people would stop waiting for the massive deconstruction, they could enjoy what they were watching more.

Exactly. Deconstruction is fine but this show is not really about that, and that's fine.
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Joined: 01 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 7:39 am Reply with quote
mufurc wrote:

Maybe you don't think it makes for fun watching but it drives his character development and apparently the plot as well. And as for him and Tiger, look - in the birthday episode there were signs of him appreciating something about Tiger. In the next he was worried about Tiger enough that he set out to help him (did you seriously believe the excuse about getting points? if that was true he wouldn't have brought Tiger's bike and suit, let alone the van.) In episode 7 they seem to have reached a compromise about a certain issue. Their relationship is developing. If the ending is any indication they'll end up just fine.

That gives me hope that his character lightens up and doesn't bog down the show's mood but at the moment he's just too unlikable. A character can be developed to point where it seems like he's right there in front of you and that you've known him for years but you still might loathe the character.

I have nothing against a tragic backstory either, it's just that the interplay between Kotetsu and Barnaby isn't charming at all.
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Joined: 26 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 9:36 pm Reply with quote
Unholy_Nny wrote:
Beatdigga wrote:
The story comes across as a comedic version of The Boys, Garth Ennis' diatribe against super hero comics.

I dunno, The Boys is already pretty much a comedy. Sure, there's drama/intrigue/action/whatever but I'd say a majority of the series is either black or low brow humor. It's not as varied (or deep) as his other stuff. (Still good, tho)

I plan on checking out Tiger & Bunny, but it seems like something I want to marathon so I'm gonna wait 'til it finishes.

It's certaintly lighter than The Boys, and it lacks Ennis' psychotic hatred of the iron grip superhero comics have on US media, as well as his usual targets (ie: religion). That's more what I meant. There's no overt anti-genre statement or political one (Surrender? You think the A on my forehead stands for France?!). It's much more lighthearted.
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