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NEWS: Manhwa-Based Priest Opens at #4 with US$14.5 Million

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Joined: 26 Jan 2011
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PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 2:23 pm Reply with quote
I thought that some of the dialogue was laughable, but the action scenes were decent. Just a basic sci-fi/horror movie, but that in itself is not a bad thing.
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marcos torres toledo

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PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 3:05 pm Reply with quote
Thank you showing the name of the author of the Manhua. Very Happy
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Joined: 08 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 11:18 pm Reply with quote
I think this film is helped a lot by the fact that most people DON'T know it was based on an Asian comic. It doesn't have the same stigma automatically attached that those movies like Dragon Ball do.
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j Talbain

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PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 11:28 pm Reply with quote
I found that once again with most Screen Gem movie's it was weak on plot and strong on action. Don't get me wrong it wasn't a bad thing but overall the movie was a 1 1/2 stars out of 5. It just fell short in so many parts, but the action was kinda cool at times.
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Joined: 08 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 11:41 pm Reply with quote
I had forgotten about this project. I'll go see it this week if I can find the time.
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Joined: 22 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 11:49 pm Reply with quote
I wish it had tanked.
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Sunday Silence

Joined: 22 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 2:02 am Reply with quote
Oh great, Stu Levy's ego just got inflated by......alot. THANK YOU AMERICA YOU JERKS.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 2:36 am Reply with quote
Sunday Silence wrote:
Oh great, Stu Levy's ego just got inflated by......alot. THANK YOU AMERICA YOU JERKS.

Dude, let it go. He's not part of the anime/manga scene anymore. Let him have his success so he stays there. Laughing
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Sunday Silence

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 3:28 am Reply with quote
enurtsol wrote:
Sunday Silence wrote:
Oh great, Stu Levy's ego just got inflated by......alot. THANK YOU AMERICA YOU JERKS.

Dude, let it go. He's not part of the anime/manga scene anymore. Let him have his success so he stays there. Laughing

He still needs to atone for his sins against the Anime/Manga community. Too bad we did away with putting people in stocks and dunking them into rivers.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 6:59 am Reply with quote
TsukasaElkKite wrote:
I wish it had tanked.

You don't think a mere $14.5 million gross on a mid-May opening weekend, where it had no same-type competition amongst other opening releases, is tanking? That's pretty poor for a movie that looks as expensive as that one did. With the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie coming out this weekend, its fate as a box office disappointment is pretty much sealed.

Of course, the movie being a piece of crap doesn't help matters. Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 7:58 am Reply with quote
Key wrote:
TsukasaElkKite wrote:
I wish it had tanked.

You don't think a mere $14.5 million gross on a mid-May opening weekend, where it had no same-type competition amongst other opening releases, is tanking? That's pretty poor for a movie that looks as expensive as that one did. With the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie coming out this weekend, its fate as a box office disappointment is pretty much sealed.

Of course, the movie being a piece of crap doesn't help matters. Rolling Eyes

The movie cost around $80 million dollars (including marketing), which is fairly low by Hollywood standards, especially for this type of film. It may not break records or be a huge hit, but the opening was in line with expectations and when you factor in international sales (not to mention Home Video and TV rights), the film will likely break even.

The movie wasn't the best I've seen, but it was certainly better than the last two anime/magna adaptations we got. It had it's flaws, but at least it was a fun film.
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Sunday Silence

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 2:44 pm Reply with quote
dragonrider_cody wrote:
It may not break records or be a huge hit, but the opening was in line with expectations and when you factor in international sales (not to mention Home Video and TV rights), the film will likely break even.

See, this is where the line between "success" and "flop" is abit tricky. The generally accepted theory is for a movie to be considered a "flop" it has to do poorly in the DOMESTIC MARKET. It doesn't matter if the film makes bank oversees, or the Home Video/TV Rights brings in more money, the mere fact that the film fails to break even or better domestically in the movie theater is what many people see.

Now, as it stands, while the film did have a modest US opening, unless the US movie-going public goes in and sees the movie, I doubt the film is gonna make back it's $80 million budget back. I'd figure a high 55%-60% of the budget will be made back domestically. Good, but not good enough.

And yes, there are tons of movies that have failed on the big screen, yet has enjoyed modest success post-theater thru video sales and TV showings. It still however doesn't absolve them of the fact they flopped in the first place.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 3:05 pm Reply with quote
Sunday Silence wrote:

Now, as it stands, while the film did have a modest US opening,

A good rule of thumb is that a movie typically earns 30% of their total business on opening weekend.

Sunday Silence wrote:

And yes, there are tons of movies that have failed on the big screen, yet has enjoyed modest success post-theater thru video sales and TV showings.

That's because "people are a lot less picky and more forgiving when it comes to watching movies at home on cable/satellite or DVD than they are when they make the effort to go out, stand in line, buy tickets, and watch a movie in theaters... The theatrical release is basically a publicity stunt, an elaborate marketing campaign to prepare for the TV and DVD releases, where the real money is. And, by then, it doesn't matter so much how "good" the product is."
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Sunday Silence

Joined: 22 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 5:54 pm Reply with quote
enurtsol wrote:
The theatrical release is basically a publicity stunt, an elaborate marketing campaign to prepare for the TV and DVD releases, where the real money is. And, by then, it doesn't matter so much how "good" the product is."

Then explain to me why we have the term "Box Office Bomb."
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Teriyaki Terrier

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 6:01 pm Reply with quote
Sunday Silence wrote:
enurtsol wrote:
The theatrical release is basically a publicity stunt, an elaborate marketing campaign to prepare for the TV and DVD releases, where the real money is. And, by then, it doesn't matter so much how "good" the product is."

Then explain to me why we have the term "Box Office Bomb."

It exists because it's another way to say the film flopped. Some movies do so poorly, so this may be why this term exists presently.
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