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Need help with finding great anime

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Joined: 05 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 11:28 pm Reply with quote
Ok, ok, I know. There are tons of threads that already deal with anime recommendations. Well, first of all it takes forever to go through them, but more importantly many of the recommendations are listings of anime that I dislike.

So I thought it would be easier if you guys would be so generous and list anime for me that would jive well with my tastes.

In order for you to get an idea of what I like, here is a listing of my top anime favorites (in no particular order):

Cowboy Bebop
Samurai Champloo
Last Exile
Wolf's Rain
Twelve Kingdoms
anything by Miyazaki
Grave of the Fireflies
Lupin III
3x3 Eyes

As you can see, I generally like more serious and somewhat darker anime. I am especially fond of sci-fi and fantasy anime, but NOT mecha anime. Also, I probably wouldn't appreciate anime movies or series that focus solely on romance and/or comedy.

Here's some anime that I have seen (at least partially) and strongly disliked:

El Hazard
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Witch Hunter Robin
Boogiepop Phantom
Serial Experiments Lain
Paranoia Agent
Record of Lodoss War
Blue Gender

Any recommendations would be much appreciated! Very Happy

Last edited by birgritte on Sun Dec 11, 2005 1:53 am; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 11:55 pm Reply with quote
Strangely enough, many of the things on your "dislike" list are of a serious/dark nature. Or maybe it's the mecha.

Scrapped Princess and Escaflowne are both epic, sci-fi/fantasy series, relatively low on the comedy, with swords, magic, and other weapons. There are some mecha elements, more so in Escaflowne, but they're not the main focus of the story.

Texhnolyze is very dark, serious, and violent, with plenty of high-tech and sci-fi devices. Of course, it's by the same people as Lain, so you might not like its slow pacing or something like that.

Elfen Lied is sci-fi/horror, with lots of creative killing combined with some cuteness/innocence/romance--it's an effective mixture of the two extremes.

One that I haven't recommended in awhile is Ayashi no Ceres - a fairly dark series about angels/death/reincarnation, in a modern urban setting. More fantasy than sci-fi, but the problem is, it's a shoujo series; it's by Watase Yuu, so expect to see some angst/love/romance/sex/(attempted) rape, + very pretty boys and girls. Still, it's probably the most violent shoujo series that I have, so that should cancel things out Laughing

Birgritte wrote:
Also, I probably wouldn't appreciate anime movies or series that focus solely on romance and/or comedy.

You "probably" wouldn't appreciate those types of shows Question Come on, give it a chance, try it, you'll like it, all the cool kids are doing it Wink Cool
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 12:01 am Reply with quote
Thanks for the (speedy) recommendations! I should definitely check out Outlaw Star since I've heard some good things about it. I've seen Akira, GITS and Vampire Hunter D and liked them. Saw Jin-Roh and hated it.
I'll have to see about the other titles.

Yes, you should check out outlaw star. It's one of my favorites and has a good storyline( alittle rushed towards the ending but mostly good). I would sya it has a cowboy bebop feel but in my opinion outlaw star is better. Diffenetly check it out. And seeing how you liked Berserk and Twelve Kingdoms check out Record of the Lodoss war. It's a good medevil, fantasy storyline to it. Has swords, plenty of fighting, magic, dragons, etc. Probably a good one to get into if you're into those things. I can't really tell you much about it because I haven't seen it yet but I've only heard good reviews about it.

For an anime movie I'll say try out Spriggan as it does have a pretty nice storyline all though a bit short (dubbing sucks though). Has a last exile feel in it when dealing with a strange new artifact found and 2 different militarys/groups wanting to take over. Can be a bit cliche but I found it to be very nicely drawn and a good storyline. Though I think there are better movies out there this one will be my recommendation for you to look up.
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Joined: 05 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 12:06 am Reply with quote
Strangely enough, many of the things on your "dislike" list are of a serious/dark nature. Or maybe it's the mecha.

Well, yeah! That's why I checked them out Wink But like any other form of entertainment, just because it may incorporate an element you may enjoy (e.g., sword and sorcery), doesn't mean it will turn out to be great. For instance, I LOVED Berserk but very much hated Record of Lodoss War.
Too bad I am so picky.

Birgritte wrote:
Also, I probably wouldn't appreciate anime movies or series that focus solely on romance and/or comedy.

You "probably" wouldn't appreciate those types of shows Come on, give it a chance, try it, you'll like it, all the cool kids are doing it

I say that I "probably" wouldn't like romance and comedy series/movies because I have ALREADY tried them, and unfortunatley these types of anime do not jive with me. I am more or less allergic to most romance/comedy/mecha anime. Ah My Goddess! and El Hazard and Neon Genesis Evangelion are a few examples.

Believe me, I am anal about other forms of entertainment too. I absolutely abhor romance and mystery novels.
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Joined: 22 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 9:00 am Reply with quote
I am more or less allergic to most romance/comedy/mecha anime. Ah My Goddess! and El Hazard and Neon Genesis Evangelion are a few examples.

ahh that's why u do not like romances Smile) u tried out ahh my goddes ? this one wouldnt realy hook up anybody.. hmm try somethin else... (Onegai teacher or smthin like that.. )

but to the recommendations... hm Smile well Fullmetal Alchemist was a great one... and the early mentioned Scrapped princess too.. hmm ... what to write bout them.. good plot and storyline in a world full of fantasy Smile try encyklopedia info... i am not good at explaining.. and i rather like those with more emotions.. doesnt mater if pozitive or negative.. and realy enjoy comedy too..
strande, considering that i liked things like hmm .. for example DragonBall ... at the beginning.. until i have seen Chrno Crusade.. eh.. which is a good one fantasy too

you said u liked the Grave of the firefies ?/.. there's not much sci-fi or fanatsy.. Smile and this makes me mention KgNE (Kimi ga Nozomu Eien) .. it's no sci-fi, no fantasy or mecha or whatever.. it's only bout people.. it's a drama.. full of love.. full of life.. but still a sad one..

ok enough .. Smile
hf watchin whatever u desire


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Joined: 10 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 5:23 pm Reply with quote
You might try GETBACKERS from ADV because its characters are throwbacks to LUPIN's in that they are tall and lany in design. Plus, it gets nearly as zany as Lupin the III in some episodes. In addition, the serious moment never get to deep. Imagine X-Men with an anime edge and a few chibi moents for good measure. Sidenote: the series does have a volume or two that are rather superfluous, but that does tend to happen from time to time in lengthy series.

Oh, you could also try "Reqeium of the Darkness" , a rather chiling show with a bebop-esque style {not hip because of the plot but because of the temperaments of the characters). Though, you should be warned that this series is not for the faint of heart, in that what you see will cause you to feel a little freaked out at times, but ,overall, if you stick with it you will find a truly satisfying ending. Plus, its 13 episodes long so that fillers won't be an issue.
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Joined: 01 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 2:09 am Reply with quote
you say you like Samurai Champloo? try out Ninja Scroll - lots of action and cool villians (some of them).

as aforementioned, Fullmetal Alchemist is a great show.

(as for the Getbackers, i have only read the manga, but if it is anything like that, then definitely check it out)
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