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Hey, Answerman! [2005-11-25]

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Joined: 12 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 1:43 am Reply with quote
Ahhh, Black Friday, my favorite time of the year. There's nothing like knocking over grannies and shoving kids out of the way while blindly grabbing at the shelves, desperate to buy anything that might even remotely be on sale. The best part is, you're helping the economy out, too!

^-^ Fellow Black-Friday-er! Just like last year when I was set at station in front of the coffee makers and got tackled. Lucky I wasnt wearing dangly earings then. Or when the other crazy people tried ramming the doors of Wally World for DvD players. Ah, good time, good times.
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Joined: 23 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 2:07 am Reply with quote
You know, if you look at the ANN encyclopedia entry for that OVA discussed in the first letter, it lists a distributor in the "English companies" space. Does that mean it actually is/was licensed? o_O
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 3:36 am Reply with quote
AnswerMan wrote:
The number of companies stationed in New York doesn't really mean much in terms of how much interest the state's citizens have in anime, which is a number you'd probably have to do years of research to come up with. It's the same as most other big coastal cities - interest is going to be higher there than it would be in Cornville, Nebraska simply due to the sheer number of people.

As a resident of Cornville, Nebraska, I must say that I both resent and resemble these remarks Anime exclamation Anime exclamation Okay, I live in Lincoln, not Cornville, but hey, all we have to do is saddle up the horses and ride a half hour to get to Cornville. It should also be interesting to note that after we got e-leck-tricity out here a few years ago, we started watching this "anime" stuff on them new-fangled Digital Video Discs. What's more, we now have a convention that has completed its second year with sizeable profits, though the attendance numbers could be better. Check it out at http://animenebraskon.com

Laughing Laughing

(Website seems to be down as of this posting.)

Sidenote: ADV seems to have a small track record of not licensing everything in a series, as we saw in the discussions of the Elfen Lied OVA. The second season of Super Gals, however, seems to have been beyond their control.)
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 6:51 am Reply with quote
Zac wrote:
I usually put kittens here because 1. everyone loves kittens

I don't, I've had some pretty bad experience with kittens. True story: My mom was bit by a kitten who attacked her and had to go to the hospital. You think you can put a picture of a puppy up for once? They're much cuter and I think they deserve just as much respect as kittens. The puppy from Elfen Lied is adorable.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 9:33 am Reply with quote
PantsGoblin wrote:

I don't, I've had some pretty bad experience with kittens. True story: My mom was bit by a kitten who attacked her and had to go to the hospital. You think you can put a picture of a puppy up for once? They're much cuter and I think they deserve just as much respect as kittens. The puppy from Elfen Lied is adorable.

Puppies are bundles of trouble. They need to be taught not to pee all over the house, they chew up everything in sight, they have absolutely no manners and delight in destruction. They do NOT deserve as much respect as kittens.

Yes, they are cute, though. Anime smile My puppy literally stopped traffic from sheer cuteness when I would walk her through town at the tender age of 10 weeks (she's a Pembroke Welsh Corgi <----- one of the only dogs, IMO, that remains truly cute into adulthood without being a pansy). And btw, I have a dog AND a cat, love both dearly, and am not biased towards one critter or the other.

Oh yes, and thanks for answering my question, Z, though I added the last bit about explaining the impact of digital animation just in case people reading your column weren't "in the know." Is this fair? I guess it technically wasn't a question I needed the answer to... Sad
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Joined: 21 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 10:45 am Reply with quote
Kino's.... Journey.... is not licensed??

I'm terribly confused. I swear the last time I went to my favorite indie movie store, I saw an english edition Kino's Journey for rent on dvd. I distinctly remember, because I felt guilty cause I had downloaded it just a week before. The Grand High Licensing Database lists it as being licensed by ADV. .....did I read that column wrong??
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 11:32 am Reply with quote
noisy_mouse wrote:
Kino's.... Journey.... is not licensed??

Neither the questioner nor Zac were talking about the ADV-licensed TV series but the movie version Life Goes On instead.
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Joined: 21 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 12:29 pm Reply with quote
"As for Kino's Journey, if anyone releases that here, odds are it'll be ADV Films, but there's no guarantee."

...is what was said, was it not?
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Sweet Lou

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 12:57 pm Reply with quote
Kino's Journey is licensed and has already been completely released by ADV Films. Zac just slipped and left out that it was the Kino's Journey MOVIE, Life Goes On, that will most likely be licensed by ADV if it ever gets licensed.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 1:39 pm Reply with quote
Sweet Lou wrote:
Kino's Journey is licensed and has already been completely released by ADV Films. Zac just slipped and left out that it was the Kino's Journey MOVIE, Life Goes On, that will most likely be licensed by ADV if it ever gets licensed.

I didn't slip.

If you read the question it's very clear what I'm talking about. I could understand the confusion if you were taking the answer out of context, but why would anyone do that?
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 2:27 pm Reply with quote
AnswerMan wrote:
There are plenty of shows out there that have completed their runs and have garnered a decent fanbase and yet have no licensor in sight.

One legal word distinction to point out:

n. a person who gives another a license, particularly a private party doing so, such as a business giving someone a license to sell its product.

n. a person given a license by the government or under private agreement.

(from http://dictionary.law.com )

Licensors, then, would be Media Factory/Touei/Bones/Sunrise/Gainax and other Japanese companies. ADV/Bandai/Viz/Geneon/TRSI/etc. are licensees. Even though shows like Full Moon wo Sagashite, KgNE, Aishiteru ze Baby, He is My Master and so forth have not been licensed to North American companies, their licensors certainly do exist. It's just like "employer" (one who employs) and "employee" (one who is employed).
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Joined: 15 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 5:08 pm Reply with quote
Saikano boxset? That's what I get for not checking Answerman for a while, that's one of my favorite anime. I've heard the label "emo" thrown on it. If by "emo" you mean bad stuff happens, then yes, bad stuff happens in that show. Not everything has to have a happy ending Wink
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Joined: 23 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 6:30 pm Reply with quote
Zakuro1208 wrote:
Ahhh, Black Friday, my favorite time of the year. There's nothing like knocking over grannies and shoving kids out of the way while blindly grabbing at the shelves, desperate to buy anything that might even remotely be on sale. The best part is, you're helping the economy out, too!

^-^ Fellow Black-Friday-er! Just like last year when I was set at station in front of the coffee makers and got tackled. Lucky I wasnt wearing dangly earings then. Or when the other crazy people tried ramming the doors of Wally World for DvD players. Ah, good time, good times.

Just got back from working my job at walmart that started at 6 A.M.

You have no idea how much I hate you people... -_-
Well... Not really hate YOU so much as I hate black Friday...
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Joined: 11 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 6:38 pm Reply with quote
PantsGoblin wrote:
Zac wrote:
I usually put kittens here because 1. everyone loves kittens

I don't, I've had some pretty bad experience with kittens. True story: My mom was bit by a kitten who attacked her and had to go to the hospital. You think you can put a picture of a puppy up for once? They're much cuter and I think they deserve just as much respect as kittens. The puppy from Elfen Lied is adorable.

what i'm wondering is where he gets all these kitten photos from...

i had a bad experience too. I was in first grade or longer, and i was in Petco, and there was a cat on the cashier's table ... and i loved animals when i was little and i only went to petco to pet the animals tehre... but anyways, i was little so i coudln't reach the cat, and the only thing i could reach was the tail. So i pulled the tail and got scratched on the hand.

My family and I likes dogs over cats, but my tutor has this ADORABLE cat named Ushi (cow) and he's so pettable!
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 6:59 pm Reply with quote
DriftRoot wrote:
Puppies are bundles of trouble. They need to be taught not to pee all over the house,

I can say the same thing about kittens when they mark their territory.

DriftRoot wrote:
they chew up everything in sight,

Kittens scrach up everything in sight.

DriftRoot wrote:
they have absolutely no manners and delight in destruction.

Kittens don't have any manners and delight in destruction too, they throw up hair balls all over the place, they scratch things to threads, and are not even as near as friendly as puppies and are totally stuck up.

DriftRoot wrote:
They do NOT deserve as much respect as kittens.

I'm saying that puppies and kittens are an equal, you seem to think that kittens are superior. They both have their good and bad qualities.

DriftRoot wrote:
And btw, I have a dog AND a cat, love both dearly, and am not biased towards one critter or the other.

Your previous statement seems to say different.

Zac, can you answer my question? I don't think it should be ignored as it directly involves "Hey, Answerman!" and this is the "Hey, Answerman!" thread.
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