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REVIEW: Bunny Drop GN 8

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PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 11:47 am Reply with quote
Worst kept spoiler indeed... I hated the Usagi Drop Anime thread with all the manga scan fans in it. They just would not stop spoiler[with all of their "hints" and "non-spoilerish" spoiler comments]...

To be honest, I'm not that bother with the direction the story is going towards and am okay with either way just as long as its told well. But I grew up with a lot of asian media. Lot of parents watched the drama and even the the more action stuff touched or played with notions like this which went either way or was never resolved.

I WOULD be eager for the next GN... spoiler[if the fanbase wasn't so horrible at keeping secrets which drove me to the point where I was better off just reading the wiki and spoiling it for myself outright rather then letting all the "hints" be pieced together as I was actually reading the manga.]
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PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 2:56 pm Reply with quote
Rebecca wrote:
The plot bomb has landed and there will be reader casualties...

"I repeat, we are pulling out and commencing air-strikes."

I think the three Manga fans on the entire planet who have not already been spoiled on you-know-what will need therapy after reading this volume.
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PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 3:49 pm Reply with quote
I had read some spoilers before I read this volume. However, as the reviewer noted, the author did a good job of giving us some legitimate reasons for this turn of events. I am interested in how this plays out, regardless of the ultimate outcome.
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PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 7:26 pm Reply with quote
meh. I don't see the big deal. I'm sure there are many fans who are not so constrained by taboos and find the prospect interesting, tantalizing, titillating.. we just don't hear about them much since its the complaints that attract attention.
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PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 8:36 pm Reply with quote
configspace wrote:
meh. I don't see the big deal. I'm sure there are many fans who are not so constrained by taboos and find the prospect interesting, tantalizing, titillating.. we just don't hear about them much since its the complaints that attract attention.

Yeah, I have to agree with you. I turned away anytime the subject came up on the boards or podcasts, yet knowing there was some kind of taboo ending. I figured this is where it was going and the way it is playing out seems reasonable somehow, (creepy, but reasonable). What REALLY had me going was Rin's mom crying as Rin told her how she was feeling for the first time that she was her "Real" mother. Can't say I've ever choked up reading a manga before. Good stuff, that chapter. Artwise, ehh...simple as usual, but I just can't get over the size of Rin's feet. She could walk on water with those boat feet. I'm looking forward to seeing how things end and how Rin copes with her feelings for Daikichi.
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PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 11:09 pm Reply with quote
Speaking for myself, at least, it feels that my being spoiled of the series' ending all stemmed from Zac's commentary on the anime's first episode in the 2011 Summer Preview Guide...
Unfortunately I wasn't able to enjoy even a minute of this thing because I've been spoiled about what happens at the end of the now-concluded manga, where apparently all this pleasant quietness pulls the parking brake and takes a hard-right turn straight into Downtown Creepyville. If you know what happens in the manga – and at this point the spoiler has been tossed around so much it's hard to believe anyone interested in this title hasn't been spoiled – all your brain can do during the perfectly-executed bit of subdued artistry that is the first episode of Usagi Drop is scream “OKAY BUT ARE THEY GOING TO CHANGE THE ENDING BOY I HOPE THEY CHANGE THE ENDING I REALLY CAN'T THINK ABOUT ANYTHING OTHER THAN WHETHER OR NOT THEY'RE GOING TO CHANGE THE ENDING BECAUSE MAN THAT ENDING IS CREEPY AS HELL WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT”

Watching this show is like petting an adorable fluffy warm little kitten that's purring and falling asleep on your lap who you know is going to grow up into one of those cats that vomits all over everything and pees in the bed. Personally I'm going to wait until this adaptation concludes, get spoiled on how they end it, and then decide whether or not I'm going to watch it.

...which more or less spoiled how the manga came to an end and how the anime might end. Even knowing that the anime doesn't cover the latter manga volumes, I feel I've been warded off from any more than the first two episodes because of that kinda (to use the term lightly) irresponsible preview. Really, that preview assumed too much of the readership, in thinking that everyone potentially interested in this show was aware of the ending and thus it was okay to not-so-subtly proclaim the apparent vulgarity of the ending.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2013 12:40 am Reply with quote
Yeah, Zac was out of line with that preview. In the discussion thread a lot of people complained and said that they didn't know of the spoiler beforehand but that they did now.

The Anime is fantastic by the way, you should totally watch it.
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PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2013 12:56 am Reply with quote
Smeagol likes little girls.
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Joined: 21 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2013 1:53 am Reply with quote
Animerican14 wrote:
Speaking for myself, at least, it feels that my being spoiled of the series' ending all stemmed from Zac's commentary on the anime's first episode in the 2011 Summer Preview Guide...
Unfortunately I wasn't able to enjoy even a minute of this thing because I've been spoiled about what happens at the end of the now-concluded manga, where apparently all this pleasant quietness pulls the parking brake and takes a hard-right turn straight into Downtown Creepyville. If you know what happens in the manga – and at this point the spoiler has been tossed around so much it's hard to believe anyone interested in this title hasn't been spoiled – all your brain can do during the perfectly-executed bit of subdued artistry that is the first episode of Usagi Drop is scream “OKAY BUT ARE THEY GOING TO CHANGE THE ENDING BOY I HOPE THEY CHANGE THE ENDING I REALLY CAN'T THINK ABOUT ANYTHING OTHER THAN WHETHER OR NOT THEY'RE GOING TO CHANGE THE ENDING BECAUSE MAN THAT ENDING IS CREEPY AS HELL WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT”

Watching this show is like petting an adorable fluffy warm little kitten that's purring and falling asleep on your lap who you know is going to grow up into one of those cats that vomits all over everything and pees in the bed. Personally I'm going to wait until this adaptation concludes, get spoiled on how they end it, and then decide whether or not I'm going to watch it.

...which more or less spoiled how the manga came to an end and how the anime might end. Even knowing that the anime doesn't cover the latter manga volumes, I feel I've been warded off from any more than the first two episodes because of that kinda (to use the term lightly) irresponsible preview. Really, that preview assumed too much of the readership, in thinking that everyone potentially interested in this show was aware of the ending and thus it was okay to not-so-subtly proclaim the apparent vulgarity of the ending.

Honestly, and I'm only speaking for myself here, I'd much rather have something like this spoiled for me than go into the series completely blind and have that wallop of a manga ending clobber the upside of my head right the hell out of nowhere. I doubt the author intended it to come across this way, but the manga seems very much like a bait-and-switch, at least from my point of view. Obviously it's a moot point where the anime is concerned since it never covered the latter half of the manga.

Once upon a time, I was rather interested in picking up the manga of this series. But I found out about That Spoiler first, and... thank God for it. I would've felt furious and disgusted if I'd gotten invested in the characters only for the manga to take its abrupt swerve. What happens at the end of Bunny Drop is absolutely 100% a major deal-breaker for me. It might not be for others, but for ME - me personally - I would've felt awful for ever spending a single dime on the series.

I freely admit that's a really dramatic reaction, but it's steeped in very, very personal factors. Finding out about That Spoiler saved me a lot of time, money, and fury by letting me know to skip out on the series altogether.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2013 2:06 am Reply with quote
Except when Zac was talking about the Manga spoiler he was doing so in a preview of the Anime. A series which doesn't even get that far into the storyline. That wasn't the place and time to just blurt out the spoiler, no matter how distasteful.

Like I said before, the Anime is a fantastic series. Anyone who refuses to watch it just because they are unable to forget about a Manga-only event is doing themselves a disfavour.
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PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2013 2:32 am Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
Except when Zac was talking about the Manga spoiler he was doing so in a preview of the Anime. A series which doesn't even get that far into the storyline. That wasn't the place and time to just blurt out the spoiler, no matter how distasteful.

Like I said before, the Anime is a fantastic series. Anyone who refuses to watch it just because they are unable to forget about a Manga-only event is doing themselves a disfavour.

I understand your frustration, and maybe one day I'll watch the anime, but I really doubt it now. At least it's not a case where I watched the anime, knew nothing about the manga and thought "Hey, the manga continues where the anime left off! I wonder what I'm missing!" only to start reading it and end up with a slap in the face.
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PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2013 6:28 am Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
Like I said before, the Anime is a fantastic series. Anyone who refuses to watch it just because they are unable to forget about a Manga-only event is doing themselves a disfavour.

I have to agree with dtm42 here, and I would say the same about the first four volumes of the manga. Both anime and those first manga volumes tell a very beautiful, sweet story, and if you don't like what comes next, they also both offer a perfectly safe, conclusive stopping point. While I have enjoyed aspects of the manga from volume five on (njprogfan is right about that scene with Masako), it really feels like a separate series.

So long story short - don't be scared off by these last volumes - do give the first part of the manga and the anime a try!
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PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2013 9:11 am Reply with quote
I've been hearing about the Big Spoiler that everyone was up in arms about ever since the anime started, but this is the first time I actually found out what it was.

I can understand why it bothers people, but honestly the way everyone was going on about it I thought it was going to be something much worse.
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Sam Murai

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PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2013 9:33 am Reply with quote
In all honesty, after finding out the ending of the manga, I'm glad I didn't accidentally find out about it before watching the anime. spoiler[I don't think I could have come close to enjoying the anime as much or watching it with as clear of a mindset after THAT. Creep factor aside, it doesn't even seem like it even belongs to the same story. It seems so crooked from a story's path sort-of-thing, almost like it's a punk ending (not purposely, mind you). It really makes you question the author's intention from the start, whether the story was destined to turn out like this or there wasn't a clear endgame from its inception.] I guess I'll treat it like I did The Big O and Sword Art Online and pretend the story ended at the first half…
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PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2013 10:23 am Reply with quote
Penguin_Factory wrote:
I can understand why it bothers people, but honestly the way everyone was going on about it I thought it was going to be something much worse.

Don't talk like you know everything. The worst is still to come.
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