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REVIEW: Tsukihime DVD 3

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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2005 5:22 pm Reply with quote
The dub is a bit under-rated (I didn't find the supporting performances to be so shaky), but otherwise I agree with all of Carlos's comments.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2005 6:20 pm Reply with quote
Hehehe, Tsukihime did get better (well, almost despite a few plot holes). Cool

And do people really get bothered if the English dub keeps the honorifics like "sempai"? I thought of it as a cute gesture.
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Captain Crotchspike

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PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2005 11:47 pm Reply with quote
Tsukihime's pacing wasn't just slow, it was terrible. Mind you, it's not that I always don't like slow paced shows or that I always find a focus on conversations between characters boring (depending) and constantly expect something to blow up, it's just that this show makes you sit through so many somewhat interesting exchanges between mildly interesting characters and the pay off was minimal. A knife fight, woo hoo! It was a cool knife fight (I'm sure they poured half their budget into it), but at the end, it left me going "Ahaha...that...that's it? Seriously?". I wouldn't mind the pace so much if the characters were really as interesting as the show thought they were, but I found them to be somewhat interesting at best and not really enough for me to give a damn if they stepped on a rusty nail.

I wanted to love this show, very badly, but this show just didn't love me back.

I've always had the nagging feeling that if there were a few less shots of empty classrooms and parking lots, they could've fit in enough extra story to make it worth sitting through. Even if they did it with stick figures!
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Necros Antiquor

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PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 11:03 pm Reply with quote
Captain Crotchspike wrote:
I've always had the nagging feeling that if there were a few less shots of empty classrooms and parking lots, they could've fit in enough extra story to make it worth sitting through. Even if they did it with stick figures!

Extra story with stick figures somehow reminds me of the last two episodes of Evangelion, and fandom seems to have decided that more of that would be a bad thing.
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2005 9:38 pm Reply with quote
Somehow, Necros just got 1,000 points.

Well, Tsukihime was predictable at various points (e.g. the little violin incident) However, I will give the people in charge credit for basically resolving a lot at the end of Episode 11. That's actually kinda serious.

Now if they only did a Melty Blood anime instead (or follow up on that Necoarc movie...)
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 2:51 pm Reply with quote
Joe Mello wrote:
Somehow, Necros just got 1,000 points.

Well, Tsukihime was predictable at various points (e.g. the little violin incident) However, I will give the people in charge credit for basically resolving a lot at the end of Episode 11. That's actually kinda serious.

Now if they only did a Melty Blood anime instead (or follow up on that Necoarc movie...)

The only real complaint that I hear a lot is how little the anime scratched the surface of the original story, as well as making some out of character personality changes (they did kinda make Shiki just a bit too emo.)

A Melty Blood OVA would sound more justifiable than an actual series (I'm not sure what you were implying though). Though I'd be more than thrilled to see Warakia fully animated (and voiced >=D ).

And alas, if they only ever made the Necoarc movie to begin with... -_-;
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 8:03 pm Reply with quote
I was implying that I <3 the Melty Blood game (Cept for G-Akiha, stupid dog...) and that there would actually be plot as opposed to just sitting around waiting for confirmation that spoiler[everybody's (un)dead or something close] and also for spoiler[Arc and Shiki finally to get into bed.]

Also, I want my catgirls, dammit! =^__^=
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