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Just wondering [about Sailor Moon].

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Joined: 08 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:19 am Reply with quote
Will Sailor Moon be coming back on air in the United States?

[EDIT: Please be more specific in your topic title next time. -TK]
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Joined: 14 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 9:13 am Reply with quote
Hello, there! Welcome to the forums!

If I may ask, exactly what are your reasons for, ah, "popping the question" as it were?
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Joined: 18 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 9:28 am Reply with quote
You need to put more info in your titles son. I don't give a crap about Sailor Moon, but I got sucked in here because I am morbidly curious (I swear, it will be the death of me some day).
If those were your intentions, do not misinterpret this as praise. Using vague titles to gain thread views from the apathetic is very poor forum etiquette, and will earn you no points here.
If those weren't your intentions, try harder next time. I shouldn't have to go into a thread to find out what the OP is "Just Wondering" about.
Oh, and welcome to ANN and all that shit.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 9:57 am Reply with quote
...Great replies guys...

ANYWAYS, from what I hear, not anytime soon Mara23. Not sure where you heard it but last I heard, Sailor Moon is stuck in licensing limbo on the business side so until there's news of any kind of settlement on that, everything you hear about Sailor Moon coming back is probably just a rumor or wishful thinking.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:46 am Reply with quote
I don't mean to come off as cold and narcissistic; but I am, so that's how it comes out.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:01 pm Reply with quote
Sailor Moon's airing rights was lost a long time ago, and even if it did come back to the airwaves, it wouldn't be the same as showing it on the primetime block that made it popular, Toonami.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:47 pm Reply with quote
No, I'm afraid not.
atleast not on any major network anytime soon.

like others have said, the licensing rights disappeared around 2000 and Toei wouldn't let anyone have it

Toei is finally putting it back up for sale (as they gave Italy and China their rights back), whether or not anyone's been interested in picking it up or what Toei's demands are, I have no idea.

If by some odd miracle someone is allowed to air it, I would say some niche channel like Boomerang would air it since the show has aged pretty badly ^^; and the majority of people interested in it are old fogeys like me. But thats probably it.
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Sora N

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:08 am Reply with quote
I’m really hoping (wishing) that Toei will someday let Sailor Moon be re-licensed in the United States, including the movies/specials, Sailor Stars and episode 67; however, as of right now it is just wishful dreaming. Sad
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:32 am Reply with quote
It would be nice. Still got fans around.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:11 am Reply with quote
But would someone younger than old school fans of SM get interested?
That's not reproach, but fact- for most of nowadays teenagers Sailor Moon is an odd from past. It was important for anime and fandom, it had it's time, still can be interesting for those who are fans of genre or are interested in anime history, but it won't ever be a big hit like it used to be.
Also, if miracle happened and someone released it again how would it be? Standards from the time of the first release aren't acceptable any more, but "true uncensored" version couldn't use emotionalism of the older generation.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:26 pm Reply with quote
I think I've said this in some other thread...

There are three kinds of people who want Sailor Moon to be re-released in the States:

1) "Old School Fans" - these would be fans of the original Japanese series who have some sort of nostalgia for it. They could be people who are into it because it was one of the first anime they watched (albeit was on the WB in the wee hours of the morning). These people want it over here: uncut. They want to enjoy it for what it is and have probably found ways to watch it over the years via bootleg, download or streaming.

2) "Fans of the English Version" - That's right. The people who remember it from its run on American television and only want the version they saw and not the uncut version with all those foreign names they can't pronounce. These people would want a dubbed version of the original English release of the show - not an uncut, uncensored, subtitled version of Sailor Moon. They don't want to read subtitles.

3) "Newbies" - people who are either new to anime and want to watch a classic or parents who would like to share something they are nostalgic about with their kids. These people may not necessarily know about the uncut vs. English version or the heated subs vs. dubs wars, etc. - but they would like to be able to purchase it.

The "Old School" group should know what will happen when the uncut version eventually makes its way to US DVD racks. The "Fans of the English Version" and "Newbies" don't know what's in uncut Sailor Moon. They may or may not even care. But, when some stay-at-home-Bible-Belt-Mom sits down with her sheltered 6-year-old daughter to watch the "cute" show about girl power, they might be in for a culture shock with all the fan service (I'm talking about the 20+ pantie flashes per season), questionable gender bending (Sailor Stars), butt cheeks, sexual innuendos, homosexual relationships and semi-violent action sequences that are a little rough for Betsy Homemaker's pretty pretty princess.

The content of Sailor Moon isn't really something for kids. The show that everyone remembers on the WB is not what Sailor Moon is entirely about. Susie Housewife isn't going to know that though. Even if you stick a 16+ rating on it, wouldn't that seem a bit odd to people who don't have a clue about the uncut content and only remember the WB run?

Also - I doubt six year old kids would be interested in "reading" their "cartoons"...

At that point it boils down to the parents doing their job as parents. Yeah. That's proven to work out really swell with video games. I hate to say this but, not all parents will sit down and preview things their kids watch or read about them online before allowing their child to purchase them or play the game. It's sad, but true. The same thing will happen here - but possibly worse. Parents who aren't "Old School" may not pay attention to that age rating because they're remembering the WB Sailor Moon. They aren't expecting lesbians, butt cheeks, and panties: they're expecting good, clean fun.

Sure, it's the parents' faults for ignoring ratings... but guess where the bad rep is eventually placed: on the industry.

This is just my perspective on it, but... with all the questions floating around about how they would "release" Sailor Moon should it get the green light for US distribution, there are still a million and one other questions out there. Namely:

How do you release Sailor Moon and appeal to both the Old School and the English Version Fans while not upsetting Susie Homemaker while still turning a profit on a series over 10 years old that hasn't aged well?

You can't have both the original English dub AND uncut Sailor Moon. Releasing both would cost too much money for a company to distribute and would probably not earn enough money either way. I mean, there's actually an InuYasha dub only DVD set out there for Season One. Who actually purchases that? I know I didn't when I was collecting InuYasha. And that release isn't butchered like Sailor Moon is. It's actually kinda stupid to release a dubbed with subbed version of InuYasha AND a dub only version. While that method would probably please all Sailor Moon fans and interested parties, there's no way that could actually be cost effective.

There are just too many variables for Sailor Moon, unfortunately. I, personally, see it getting a re-release one day in a digital only format. If they released a collector's set for the die hard fans and made it really limited release available online only, it would probably pass by all the parents wanting to purchase a kid friendly show and only appeal to the old school fans and newbies who desire it. Then, they could put the uncut version online (subbed) and even have the US version online as well. This would give viewers the choice without costing them any additional money spent on distribution and wasted product.
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Joined: 31 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:53 pm Reply with quote
kawaiibunny3 wrote:
Toei is finally putting it back up for sale (as they gave Italy and Hong Kong their rights back)

There's also Albania & Brazil with the latter getting a redub.

As for Italy, i expect Dynit's DVD releases to flop since they confirmed that it will have the original edited dub.
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Spastic Minnow
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:03 pm Reply with quote
Hey, Pokemon runs on the Boomerang network and they have very rarely broadcast other older anime, so it's not out of the question. Although Pokemon still has a current fandom with new material, SM doesn't. Plus it seems to fall in that nostalgia gap for a cartoon... it hasn't been off the air quite long enough for it to be considered suitably retro. It's still in it's ironic phase where hipsters make fun of it more than romanticize it.
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Joined: 11 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:52 pm Reply with quote
So I watched the English version on tv 10 years ago...but the day I've watched the first time in Japanese (it was the 3 movies).... after I was unnable to watch the English version and I love too much the original Japanese seiyuus are awesome .
So as a Big Sailor Moon fan and collector I'm not thinking about if it will be on tv again but more thinking of the official DVD box set from Japan.
I also don't imagine an English dub of the stars season... Anime hyper
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Joined: 21 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:05 pm Reply with quote
Bento, you are aware that Sailor Moon is a kids show in Japan right? The manga ran in Nakayoshi, which is aimed at gradeschool age girls. There was some content that got censored from the english version, but it was all generally tame stuff- and the entire show got released unedited on DVD/VHS by Pioneer and ADV Films, and included subtitles.

The S/SuperS dvd's included uncut dubs that allowed for a bilingual dvd release, and ADV got around things by releasing the DIC dub of the 1st two season by themselves then doing a subbed boxset- if anyone ever rereleased the show, they chould just package all that together or use double sided dvd's ala Sherlock Hound, Street Fighter II The Movie or Rojin Warrior's releases. The Pioneer/ADV releases all sold rather well, with edited, unedited, collectors and "best of" releases all around, and multiple boxsets of S, SuperS and the Movie.

Companies tried to import Stars, but ran into issues with Toei, but I imagine whenever the title becomes available for licensing again, they'll be able to get Stars. The main issue w/the title was that the rights to the manga series had reverted back to Naoko Takeuchi in Japan, which lead to a long reshuffling of rights management, slowed down while she worked on a live action version.

ANYHOO-- basically, Bento, ADV and Geneon already did exactly what you said NO ONE CAN DO about 7 years ago, and were really successful doing it. The show still has a fanbase, and I imagine Sentai or Funimation or MediaBlastes or whoever would be quite happy if the chance came along at the right price. Translations for the first 4 seasons and movies already exist, so it'd just be a matter of repackaging it in a nice box and putting the content out there. I imagine whoever gets it would get streaming rights too, but if it does get re-released here, there'll probably be a dvd release of some kind. ADV's release of the subbed s1+2 was a big hit btw- but it went OOP rather quicky since the license had a limited window since DIC's rights (who they'd sublicensed it from) were expiring at the time. I think the fact that of all the 2004 anime boom titles, Sailor Moon being the one with zero backstock haunting online dvd clearance sites says a lot about how well it did for all involved.
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