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Official Manga Recommendation Thread (please read 1st post)

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Joined: 20 May 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 5:44 pm Reply with quote
That was basically my logic "at least if I buy it no one can moan at me for not doing so and it's less likely Kodansha will give up on it..."
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 10:38 am Reply with quote
Honestly, I buy a lot of things on the basis that they might go out of print later and I don't want to have trouble getting them later. Sure, One Punch Man is probably never going to go out of print, but Ooku might! Ooku is an historical drama written in Fakespeare and most of the other Fumi Yoshinaga things have gone OOP, so I am a tad frightened. And I was right on Wandering Son, so I'm glad I bought that! Even if I have also only read a couple volumes of that one too. Shame it seems they're not going to ever finish it now Sad But with most things sitting on my shelf, I've typically read at least a couple vols (to know if I had any interest with continuing it at all), but with Vinland Saga, I haven't read even a single chapter.

Anyway, the one series I wanted to ask about specifically, Spiral the Bond of Reasoning got left behind on the page transfer, lol.
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Joined: 20 May 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 3:09 pm Reply with quote
classicalzawa wrote:
Honestly, I buy a lot of things on the basis that they might go out of print later and I don't want to have trouble getting them later.

Likewise. I can always sell them later if I don't like them. spoiler[not that I ever do]

I got lucky with Wandering Son. Someone I know from a UK forum was selling volumes 1-6 for £65 shipped. I pounced on that and still haven't read them, though I got 1 and 2 from the library before I bought them so I have at least read some of it.
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Jose Cruz

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 1:44 pm Reply with quote
classicalzawa wrote:
^I swear, I will read Vinland Saga eventually, I really will! I have 1-7 sitting on my shelf! (My comic shop hasn't gotten in 8 yet, sometimes they're slow on getting Kodansha stuff especially). Also, I see Amazon has a listing for vol 9 of Vinland Saga, so that's good. Except I think it'll catch up to Japan at that point. Shame Afternoon runs monthly (I think) and the chapters are only weekly length, the wait, man!

Which makes it easier to follow. I like Vinland Saga partly due to its art which is perfect in blending strong well defined lines of modern manga with a slightly more rugged and realistic feel.

Also, since you mentioned Vagabaond, I have to ask if you've read Takehiko Inoue's Real series. It's certainly nothing like Vinland Saga or Berserk, Real is very much grounded in reality with a dash of sports, but it's soooo good! And it comes out at a rate of about 1 volume a year....so slow...you'd think with him finally finishing Vagabond, he could speed up Real, but that appears to not be the case Crying or Very sad

I only read Vagabond from Inoue, I think I might pick up Real or Slam Duck at some point.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 6:31 pm Reply with quote
^I feel I should warn you on Slam Dunk, SD is for people who like sports manga to at least some degree. It's definitely a Shonen Jump series through and through (and I think its second best selling series ever, after the behemoth that is One Piece, naturally). Real is, well, grounded in reality with a minimal amount of sports. Definitely the better choice for people who don't care for sports, but it's just really so damn good that everyone should read it anyway. I read Real first, and it made Slam Dunk seem like such child's play by comparison. Definitely glad he worked up to Real though. If you're looking for a more serious drama, SD is not that, but Real is.
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Joined: 09 Dec 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:11 pm Reply with quote
Hey all, i'm looking for a specific kind of series to read, and was wondering if anyone knew of one that fit the bill.

I'm enjoying watching Kenka Bancho Otome (girl disguised as boy attends delinquent school but just so happens to be awesome at martial arts). The anime is fun, but i was wondering if there was a serious along those lines that took itself just a bit more seriously.

As in, is there a delinquent/battle series like that with stakes, tension, etc. with a female lead? I'd accept any recs that are "pretty close", just hoping there's a series out there that fits the bill.
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Village Elder

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 4:00 pm Reply with quote
If you don't require the cross dressing, there is a whole genre of such shows out there. They mostly add a lot of fan service (exploding clothes) regardless of how serious. The first that comes to mind is Ikki Tousen. Tokyo Pop issued the manga as Battle Vixens. I'm sure others can provide additional examples.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 4:42 pm Reply with quote
Alan45 wrote:
If you don't require the cross dressing, there is a whole genre of such shows out there. They mostly add a lot of fan service (exploding clothes) regardless of how serious. The first that comes to mind is Ikki Tousen. Tokyo Pop issued the manga as Battle Vixens. I'm sure others can provide additional examples.

I was hoping to avoid ecchi or fanservice heavy titles, but i appreciate the suggestion!
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Village Elder

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 7:21 pm Reply with quote
That would make the search much harder. The idea of female martial artists who can fight on a level with similarly trained male martial artists is a form of fan service in itself. Most of what I can remember involves either some nudity or the use of mystical skills to make up for lack of brute strength, often both.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 8:50 pm Reply with quote
I'm looking for suggestions.

Can't more than 20 volumes (too much to remember).

I can't stand absurd ecchi and things that are too violent to be taken seriously are genuinely boring, towards me.

A big fan of ghostly, supernatural stuff, like Hell Girl, xxxHOLiC, Shigofumi, Shinigami's Ballad, Rinne , etc.

Cheesy yonkoma are also a blast. Only read some of Shugo Chara, though.

Bonus points if mythology is involved. Mythiical Detective Loki for the win!
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Joined: 20 May 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 5:14 am Reply with quote
You might like The Demon Prince of Momochi House. Ordinary girl finds herself inheriting house which is full of yokai.

Natsume Yuujinchou: Main character can see yokai and inherits his grandmother's book of names of yokai. He decides to give them back to the yokai they belong to.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 11:23 am Reply with quote
I would second Demon Prince on Momochi House (though it's currently ongoing, 10 volumes or so at current I believe?), and if you're willing to go a little bit longer, Kamisama Kiss is finished (25 volumes).

Ancient Magus' Bride sounds like a must for you then, currently running at 7 volumes long. It's more European supernatural than Japanese supernatural, but everyone loves AMB for a good reason. Seven Seas also publishes The Girl From the Other Side, which is reminisce of AMB in many ways.

Mushishi is another great series, though I actually prefer the anime to the original manga (the pacing and atmosphere added with music really do bump it over the manga for me in this case).

Nightmate Inspector is pretty short, 9 volumes, involves supernatural bad dreams (and a "baku", a creature that eats dreams, it's what the Pokemon Drowzee is actually based on)

Petshop of Horrors involves a lot of adopted "pets?" that have Gremlin-like conditions that are usually broken. There's also a sequel series (though the first one ends fine on its own too)

Void's Enigmatic Mansion is a 5 volume, full color manhwa that Yen put out. One at a time, it follows a tenant of the mansion/apartment complex and what their one wish brings (tends to involve the supernatural somehow though)
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Redbeard 101
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 12:09 pm Reply with quote
classicalzawa wrote:
I would second Demon Prince on Momochi House (though it's currently ongoing, 10 volumes or so at current I believe?), and if you're willing to go a little bit longer, Kamisama Kiss is finished (25 volumes).

Well with you 2 suggesting Demon Prince I added it to my queue/wish list at Right Stuf myself. Could use a nice manga for fall/halloween time.

Edit: Correction, I just bought vol 1 & 2. Had to renew my membership anyways.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 12:31 pm Reply with quote
^Kamisama Kiss is still the better series. Demon Prince kind of feels like it wants to be Kamisama Kiss, but it's not quite.

But if you want some good gore and violence for Halloween, go with Wolfsmund. It's not often I say "man, not even Game of Thrones has killed a character like this!" (seriously, some of these deaths would just fit so well in GoT). And if you're annoyed that it's going to be a while before we get more Berserk manga, the author of Wolfsmund was an assistant to Kentaro Miura. And it's complete at 8 volumes, which is nice.
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Joined: 30 May 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:25 pm Reply with quote

Can you be more descriptive about Ancient Magus' Bride?
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