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need Help please???

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Joined: 11 Aug 2004
Posts: 1
PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:52 pm Reply with quote
Hi guys I'm new.

I was wondering why do have to create different accounts for different services on ANN?

Why can't we have 1 one account that will give us access to ALL of ANN's services?

I signed up on ANN's news feed, but it was not what I expected.
I was expecting something like Bravenet's Live news feeds.
You pick the formats, the topics and put the code on the page. Bravenet handles the rest. Like storing and retriveing the news and AUTOMACTICALLY updates the news every hour.
And you do not need to know any HTML just cut n paste the code onto the page.

Is there any way I can delete/cancel the service?

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 5:14 pm Reply with quote
Thunderfox wrote:
Hi guys I'm new.

I was wondering why do have to create different accounts for different services on ANN?

Why can't we have 1 one account that will give us access to ALL of ANN's services?

Well, mostof our services work on one name, the user's login name.

The newsfeed however is different because it is made for websites, not people. For you the two might be one and the same, but for a larger organization (TechTV, Animerica, Newtype, etc...) there's a big difference.

So we ellected to keep it seperate.


I signed up on ANN's news feed, but it was not what I expected.
I was expecting something like Bravenet's Live news feeds.
You pick the formats, the topics and put the code on the page. Bravenet handles the rest. Like storing and retriveing the news and AUTOMACTICALLY updates the news every hour.
And you do not need to know any HTML just cut n paste the code onto the page.

If properly set up, ANN's newsfeed does all that as well. And rather than being updated every hour, its updated every time someone visits your webpage...

You don't need to know any HTML, just copy the PHP block into whatever page you want to put the news on...


Is there any way I can delete/cancel the service?

Yeah, tell me the account name and I'll delete it.
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