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Voice Actor Dave Mallow Dies at 76

posted on by Alex Mateo
Mallow voiced Digimon's Angemon, Power Rangers' Baboo/intro announcer

Dave Mallow
Dave Mallow
Voice actress Dorothy Fahn posted on X/Twitter on Tuesday that her fellow voice actor Dave Mallow has died. TMZ reported that Mallow died on Tuesday after being in hospice care at the MonteCedro Senior Living Community in Altadena, California. He was 76.

Mallow has played numerous characters in the Digimon series, including Angemon, MagnaAngemon, Pegasusmon, Seraphimon, and the narrator. He voiced Gotoh on Hunter × Hunter, Stratzo in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Kaien Shiba in Bleach, and Akuma in Street Fighter. He was also the original voice of Oolong (Mao Mao) in the Harmony Gold dub of Dragon Ball. He also directed and wrote for English anime dubs.

Mallow is also known as Baboo and the intro announcer for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers show.

Sources: Dorothy Fahn's X/Twitter account, TMZ

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