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Shelf Life - Band of Brothers [2010-06-28]

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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:36 am Reply with quote
Anime World Order wrote:

For what it's worth, I would say that as great as the original Fullmetal Alchemist TV series was, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood blows it away. Hands down, no contest.

The reason there's so much ambivalence towards it online is that...well, what everyone has already said: the first 20% of the series is a reanimated version of about 50% of the original show, only sped through and with slight differences that become less slight later on such that you can't easily skip those 13-14 episodes. And what do the lion's share of anime reviews focus on? The beginning, because if you talk too much about the later parts of a series you risk spoiling things for people. So it is that many FMA: Brotherhood reviews have an unavoidable "this is awesome...but we've seen it before..." vibe to them.

The experience is akin to watching the first 13 episodes of [insert 50-episode Sunrise mecha series here], which serve solely as exposition with a "been there, done that" kind of feel before the REAL story starts. Said story almost never make senses if you skip ahead (except for GaoGaiGar; by all means skip the first box set entirely on that and start with the second box where it gets great since the first half is the definition of average and it's all recapped anyway), so you have to just grit your teeth through them. In an era where most entire series are 13 episodes long, most people decide it's not worth the effort. Here's hoping that once the second set of FMA: B comes out in the US, more people who are currently thinking "eh, I already watched this show 6 years ago" will give it a shot.

Bones really took a gamble on the original FMA by having it deviate completely from the source material such that the entire second half could technically be called "filler" material. But it unfolded so well that you don't hear too many complaints about it (I do agree that the FMA movie does diminish the impact of the original TV series' ending). Unfortunately, when they used the same strategy with Soul Eater, the end result wasn't as great...

I should point out that most monthly manga such as FMA actually deviate from the manga, such as Trigun, and Hellsing, while Excel Saga basically only has the character designs and personality of the original manga.

Now those series are not 51 episodes long, with Hellsing only being 13 episodes, so I think the bravery was less in creating a second half largely devoid of manga material but having it be 51 episodes long meaning that you would have to create a storyline that would be heavily compared to the manga.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:56 pm Reply with quote
[quote="Anime World Order]
Bones really took a gamble on the original FMA by having it deviate completely from the source material such that the entire second half could technically be called "filler" material. But it unfolded so well that you don't hear too many complaints about it[/quote]

I really hate it when people compare the second season of FMA to filler. Filler is the type of thing where the show twiddles it's thumbs waiting for more source material to follow and accomplishes nothing that can't be undone or outright ignored. Here, we have a case where the show moved on in it's own direction and didn't wait, with the manga-ka's approval. Comparisons are unavoidable, but it's not filler.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:19 pm Reply with quote
kpk wrote:
Sheska had a big role in the first series.
She's only make two appearances in Brotherhood.

Hohenheim (Ed and Al's father) make more than just one appearance in the first series.

I was comparing the first half of Brotherhood with the original series, where I only remember Sheska and Hohenheim appearing past the half-way mark, but I could be remembering it wrong. Both characters appear in the first part of Brotherhood.

WingAlchemist wrote:
What also bothered me is that Roy's seiyū was replaced. I loved Toru Okawa a lot, and his voice suited Roy.

This bothered me as well! Normally I'm not that into seiyuu, but since Roy's voice isn't nearly as hot in English I switched to the Japanese track and was like, "What happened?! Wasn't Roy sexier than this?"
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:46 pm Reply with quote
Why isn't Soul Eater on Cartoon Network? Is it the brief nudity? Is it because Death the Kid shoots someone in the face in this season?

my guess, especially wrt CN rather than AS, is maybe because someone--whether Funi or CN--doesn't want the expense of having to edit the show?

As far as Kenichi goes, even Naruto was edited and so is Shippuuden (different channel, but same demographics), so I'd figure Kenichi would have to as well for CN. Probably less for the violence, and more so for the ecchi humor and jiggly boobs although there isn't much. But maybe if it's not a primetime slot they don't have to?

Greed1914 wrote:
I really hate it when people compare the second season of FMA to filler. Filler is the type of thing where the show twiddles it's thumbs waiting for more source material to follow and accomplishes nothing that can't be undone or outright ignored. Here, we have a case where the show moved on in it's own direction and didn't wait, with the manga-ka's approval. Comparisons are unavoidable, but it's not filler.

It all depends on your definition. If it's not canonical, even if it's incompatibly non-canonical, especially if it started out with canon, then it could still be rightly called filler, even if it's great.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:01 pm Reply with quote
configspace wrote:
Why isn't Soul Eater on Cartoon Network? Is it the brief nudity? Is it because Death the Kid shoots someone in the face in this season?

my guess, especially wrt CN rather than AS, is maybe because someone--whether Funi or CN--doesn't want the expense of having to edit the show?

As far as Kenichi goes, even Naruto was edited and so is Shippuuden (different channel, but same demographics), so I'd figure Kenichi would have to as well for CN. Probably less for the violence, and more so for the ecchi humor and jiggly boobs although there isn't much. But maybe if it's not a primetime slot they don't have to?

Also consider that CN is more concerned with developing their own properties (spending quite a bit of time on their live-action stuff), why would they pay for the rights to show something that will generate nothing for them in the long term? I mean, with shows like Chowder, Generator Rex, etc, they probably get a cut of any toy, video game, clothes profits that come with a show if it hits big. Even if Soul Eater hit it big, they probably see no benefit other than ad revenue while it airs. As far as AS is concerned, its probably not such a bad thing that its not on their as they would stick it at 1 am on a Saturday/Sunday and may futz around with the show time as it is running.

As far as Kenichi goes, while I haven't watched it, I can see an exec looking at it and thinking "this is like Naruto, but without all the crazy ninja powers. This has already been done. Next!"
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:05 pm Reply with quote
configspace wrote:
Greed1914 wrote:
I really hate it when people compare the second season of FMA to filler. Filler is the type of thing where the show twiddles it's thumbs waiting for more source material to follow and accomplishes nothing that can't be undone or outright ignored. Here, we have a case where the show moved on in it's own direction and didn't wait, with the manga-ka's approval. Comparisons are unavoidable, but it's not filler.

It all depends on your definition. If it's not canonical, even if it's incompatibly non-canonical, especially if it started out with canon, then it could still be rightly called filler, even if it's great.

Rightly? No. Filler doesn't mean non-canonical. It means extraneous to the plot or character development.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:45 pm Reply with quote
Vapors wrote:
Also consider that CN is more concerned with developing their own properties (spending quite a bit of time on their live-action stuff), why would they pay for the rights to show something that will generate nothing for them in the long term? I mean, with shows like Chowder, Generator Rex, etc, they probably get a cut of any toy, video game, clothes profits that come with a show if it hits big. Even if Soul Eater hit it big, they probably see no benefit other than ad revenue while it airs. As far as AS is concerned, its probably not such a bad thing that its not on their as they would stick it at 1 am on a Saturday/Sunday and may futz around with the show time as it is running.

As far as Kenichi goes, while I haven't watched it, I can see an exec looking at it and thinking "this is like Naruto, but without all the crazy ninja powers. This has already been done. Next!"

that makes sense. And yeah I can see the execs doing saying as well lol.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:06 pm Reply with quote
configspace wrote:
Vapors wrote:
As far as Kenichi goes, while I haven't watched it, I can see an exec looking at it and thinking "this is like Naruto, but without all the crazy ninja powers. This has already been done. Next!"

that makes sense. And yeah I can see the execs doing saying as well lol.

I'm not an executive, but I think they might say the opposite: "This sort of thing has done well in the past, and the franchise has a proven record of success!"
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:04 pm Reply with quote
kenichi would be better if it was more like baki the grappler lol. and i mean no ecchi and some more violence & action, it seems like no one is getting hurt in kenichi the fight scenes are lame. I'm a fan of mixed martial arts and i wish more shonen shows used less supernatural stuff and a more "realistic" martial artist approach. i used quotes in realistic coz baki tv series had some super-human moments.

I saw orig FMA and was neutral didn't love or hate it thought it was just ok, but brotherhood seems like a easy way to check out the series again and see if i like it more this time but people complaining about the jokes had delayed my interest. i'm guessin the ed is short jokes stop eventually they couldn't keep it goin for 51 eps or whateva, i mean are the jokes in the manga that often?
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 11:00 pm Reply with quote
PetrifiedJello, I have to side with Anime World Order on this, Brotherhood will get better, and it will become just as good as the first series. That is to say It's an amazing show, don't miss it!

But I don't agree that you *have* to watch the first 13 eps of Brotherhood in order to "get" it, especially if you saw the first FMA. I just burst into Brotherhood at episode 15 or so, and it's good from there (although I've read most of the manga, so that helps! Cool )
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:28 am Reply with quote
Agent355 wrote:
PetrifiedJello, I have to side with Anime World Order on this, Brotherhood will get better, and it will become just as good as the first series. That is to say It's an amazing show, don't miss it!

But I don't agree that you *have* to watch the first 13 eps of Brotherhood in order to "get" it, especially if you saw the first FMA. I just burst into Brotherhood at episode 15 or so, and it's good from there (although I've read most of the manga, so that helps! Cool )

Your going to be completely lost because your going to be wondering why events that happen only in the first anime such as the plot with Sho Tucker or the person who killed Winry's parents are suddenly revealed to be someone different than it was in the first series.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 4:34 am Reply with quote
Megiddo wrote:
That one episode of filler has been the only filler in Brotherhood. So nice job on letting one episode deter you from a rather excellent series.

I know it's an excellent series, I've read the manga. I usually don't mind filler episodes, and it wouldn't have mattered if it was like, halfway the series. But personally, I don't think you can start a series like FMA:B with a filler episode.

Also, I've watched till episode 20, and I can't help but think that the first 15 episodes or so episodes could have been a lot stronger.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 5:37 am Reply with quote
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:10 am Reply with quote
Agent355 wrote:
PetrifiedJello, I have to side with Anime World Order on this, Brotherhood will get better, and it will become just as good as the first series. That is to say It's an amazing show, don't miss it!

I thought Brotherhood felt more generic than the first series. Like in the climax, spoiler[how it boils down to just beating up "Father" until he uses up his Philosopher's stone.] With the nature of the homunculus in the first series, there was a degree of strategy to those fights. Brotherhood opts instead for flashy attacks and just killing them until they stay dead. Also, the lack of a humanizing aspect for the villains makes the moral conflict much more black-and-white, and somewhat shallower (but still with room for a few messages about the power of friendship and love).
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Joined: 09 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:01 pm Reply with quote
configspace wrote:
It all depends on your definition. If it's not canonical, even if it's incompatibly non-canonical, especially if it started out with canon, then it could still be rightly called filler, even if it's great.

It was canonical. It was just a canon separate from the manga canon. It had a perfectly serviceable story that was resolved in a way that made it impossible to "pick up" the manga story again.

Me, I loved the first FMA series, with all its flaws - not that it has many (the weak main villain and the movie, basically). The trick is that people have to accept that it's not the manga, it's an original story (for obvious reasons, ie. the manga was nowhere near done when the first anime was made). I've never seen the point of people going "boo, this makes no sense because in the manga it was like [blahblahblah]" because the manga is a different story.

Then again, I'm one of the few people who never cared about the manga. (I'd read some volumes before the first anime was produced and it left basically zero impression on me, I didn't even realize I'd already read it when I started watching the anime. I picked it up again later but dropped it yet again, it's just not my cup of tea.) I stopped being interested in Brotherhood when it turned out it was to be "more faithful" to the manga.
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