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Joined: 17 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 12:38 pm Reply with quote
I am fortunate, Erin, that my son is also taking Japanese because I can always pretend it's for his sake. Laughing

I think I've actually corrupted a nihonjin friend of mine- she really didn't get my manga habit at first, but after a while I caught her looking in some of my nihingo manga, next thing I knew she was borrowing Arisu 19th. Hee hee...
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Joined: 25 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 12:45 pm Reply with quote
I've found that just saying that it's an interesting language (which it is!) works. Most Japanese I meet don't press any further.
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Joined: 29 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 12:46 pm Reply with quote
Not sure if it was mentioned in the discussion for the prior column you mentioned, but Aoi Hana is a yuri series which is also streaming on CR. I'd say it's slightly more stream worthy than Sasameki Koto but they were both pretty good. Sasameki Koto just felt all over the place in terms of tone, especially the doughy trio of creeps in akihabara, where did that come from?
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Anton Chigurh

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PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 12:57 pm Reply with quote
I've been reading One Piece in its sped-up format and I totally dig it, but I'd be hard-pressed to toil through the, what, 400+ episodes that comprise the anime? I'd like to get completely caught up in the manga before watching as much as one episode.

And yeah, Nico Robin is my favorite character too. I hope it's not true that spoiler[much later in the series she leaves the Straw Hats for good. They're all fun characters, but she stays the most with me.]
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Joined: 06 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 1:11 pm Reply with quote
Ahh, poor Adric. We'll never forget you.

As for DBZ's success here in America, I don't think it'd be too far-fetched to call it nostalgic. It was something I always looked forward to, coming home from elementary (and later, middle) school. I plan on getting Dragonball Kai, purely for the sake of reliving old times... But with a significantly smaller time investment. Haha.

I hope Sasameki Koto and Aoi Hana get licensed someday, I'd love to see them.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 1:51 pm Reply with quote
Just say you want to be able to better appreciate Japanese pop culture. Wink
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Joined: 26 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 2:08 pm Reply with quote
Anton Chigurh wrote:

And yeah, Nico Robin is my favorite character too. I hope it's not true that spoiler[much later in the series she leaves the Straw Hats for good. They're all fun characters, but she stays the most with me.]

Don't worry. It isn't true. That was probably said by someone who spoiler[did not see to the end of the Water Seven/Enies Lobby arcs]. As for the review, I think that One Piece set is one of the strongest in the series. I don't want to appear morbid, but I'd have preferred if spoiler[Pell actually died. His sacrifice would have meant more (to me, at least) if he had.] That doesn't stop me from enjoying the set, though. The next set is mostly filler, but One Piece filler isn't as dreadful and lengthy as other series I could mention, heh heh...
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ANN Columnist

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PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 2:29 pm Reply with quote
ankoku22 wrote:
I don't want to appear morbid, but I'd have preferred if spoiler[Pell actually died. His sacrifice would have meant more (to me, at least) if he had.] That doesn't stop me from enjoying the set, though.

Yeah, what was up with that? It's like that one Naruto arc where spoiler[Choji clearly died, only to bring him back to life later]...

neocloud9 wrote:
As for DBZ's success here in America, I don't think it'd be too far-fetched to call it nostalgic.

That doesn't explain the initial appeal. It could be that the original Dragonball looked a little too young, or it took a while to get popular and by the time everyone was watching after school the audience was 12-20 years old and watching DBZ. I think DBZ got more re-runs because of the high ratings, but I'd have to ask someone about that.

neocloud9 wrote:
I hope Sasameki Koto and Aoi Hana get licensed someday, I'd love to see them.

They're licensed to stream online, but, yeah, a DVD release wouldn't hurt.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 2:32 pm Reply with quote
neocloud9 wrote:

I hope Sasameki Koto and Aoi Hana get licensed someday, I'd love to see them.

I hope for those series to get a Season 2, but I heard DVD sales for them sucked ass. Mad
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Joined: 06 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 3:02 pm Reply with quote
erinfinnegan wrote:
neocloud9 wrote:
As for DBZ's success here in America, I don't think it'd be too far-fetched to call it nostalgic.

That doesn't explain the initial appeal. It could be that the original Dragonball looked a little too young, or it took a while to get popular and by the time everyone was watching after school the audience was 12-20 years old and watching DBZ. I think DBZ got more re-runs because of the high ratings, but I'd have to ask someone about that.

Initial appeal? Do you mean its appeal to the kids who watched it or to the TV executives that aired it in the first place?
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Joined: 09 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 3:13 pm Reply with quote
Sasameki dedicates an entire episode to Masaki's younger sister (age 12) who is unhealthily obsessed with taking pictures of her older brother dressed as a girl and posting them on the internet. She even hits on her brother. At one point she falls on top of him and says "Sometimes I can barely contain myself!" That episode made my skin scrawl.


After watching Aoi Hana, in comparison Sasemiki Koto feels like a long stream of BS that you watch to kill time. Despite that, it's still a nice and enjoyable Yuri series for what it is.
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Joined: 08 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 3:43 pm Reply with quote
The author is soooooo right about DBZ being a Kung Fu soap opera. Not only the pacing but also the constant ridiculous cliffhangers and flanderized characters (take an exlax and get over it Vege-chan). I could never get into this series in high school precisely because of the namek arc; it seemed like a bunch of midgets running around hiding while the apparent hero of the story did jumping jacks in space for episode after episode. I always secretly wondered if something was wrong with the people who obsessed over it.
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Joined: 10 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 4:30 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, I really, really liked Sasameki Koto, although I agree with this review. The show really is worth it even if you have to struggle through a few obviously-targeted-towards-otaku moments. While Aoi Hana was awfully dramatic and calm, I think that in a way the humor in Sasameki Koto makes it a more realistic high school experience if you look at it without the fanservicey parts. I personally could relate it better to my high school time with the galfriends since we were all just as ridiculously goofy. Although most of us were not gay.
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PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 4:48 pm Reply with quote
Meh, DBZ is only popular with every little American fan because they think "it's the coolest thing they've ever seen" and that "Goku can kick anyone's ass"; you know, the type of things immature little kids or narrowminded teenagers would go for. That's how it was back in the 90s. Because the show emphasized who was more powerful and blowing more stuff up constantly, it apparently appealed to viewers who were fans of American action movies or some bull like that.

As for One Piece, I sometimes feel a little regretful I gave up on it at the Angel Island Arc, but I don't plan on returning to it sadly. I think the series may have gotten too stupid for me to want to go back or maybe the character designs just finally got to me. I don't know.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2009
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PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 5:05 pm Reply with quote
erinfinnegan wrote:
ankoku22 wrote:
I don't want to appear morbid, but I'd have preferred if spoiler[Pell actually died. His sacrifice would have meant more (to me, at least) if he had.] That doesn't stop me from enjoying the set, though.

Yeah, what was up with that? It's like that one Naruto arc where spoiler[Choji clearly died, only to bring him back to life later]...

neocloud9 wrote:
As for DBZ's success here in America, I don't think it'd be too far-fetched to call it nostalgic.

That doesn't explain the initial appeal. It could be that the original Dragonball looked a little too young, or it took a while to get popular and by the time everyone was watching after school the audience was 12-20 years old and watching DBZ. I think DBZ got more re-runs because of the high ratings, but I'd have to ask someone about that.

neocloud9 wrote:
I hope Sasameki Koto and Aoi Hana get licensed someday, I'd love to see them.

They're licensed to stream online, but, yeah, a DVD release wouldn't hurt.

1) Nico Robin IS the Hotness! Her English VA, Stephanie Young, is fab and perfectly cast. Bless Funimation for rescuing this gem.

2) Who's legally streaming Sasameki Koto? This has been on my list of 'To See,' for some time, and I enjoyed Aoi Hana.
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